BigAl - 1-8-2004 at 01:14 PM
...and it's starting to warm up in British Columbia. Tomorrow is the day we make a run south. I can hardly wait--three months on the Baja Peninsula.
I've been dreaming about this for the last three years. I hope to run into some of you down there. I'm a big burly Irish guy in his middle age (if I
live to be 110 that is) with grey (ok white) hair and an Irish accent. I'll be driving an old blue Ford pickup, hauling an 19ft Wilderness fifth
wheel. Stop and say hello.
Congratulations Al
Ski Baja - 1-8-2004 at 01:31 PM
I'm assuming you made it out of your cabin fever without shooting any holes in your fridge. hahahahaha. That's a Jimmy Buffett thing.
I'm sure I will be seeing you down here somewhere but if you wish, stop on by on your way south. J.R.
BigAl versus Big Al
Big Al - 1-8-2004 at 03:11 PM
Welcome BigAl
I didn't know there was another Big Al on this board.
Everyone, please don't get us confused.
The original Big Al
BC Big Al
frizkie - 1-8-2004 at 04:48 PM
AWRIGHT!! Go for it Big Al!!
I've been waiting, and waiting, for this snow to clear too..getting sooo impatient, and you're right, now the big thaw is on, and it's time to go.
Yahoo, for You!!
However, for me, no yahoo!! Waaaa!! Yesterday I find out that my truck needs a new driveshaft, and the entire tranny taken apart and on, and on, and
$ and $, but they're rushing it. So I hope to be fairly close behind ya.
I just might get to leave Victoria this weekend.... if my luck changes.
I'll be looking for ya, I'm down there for three months too.
Red Mazda 4x4 P/U Pop-top camper. Shiny new driveshaft.... Yeah, right.
Drive carefully .. still some snow around Portland ..Be safe!! Have Fun!!!! Barbi aka Frizkie