
Road to San Nicolas ??

Diver - 1-31-2007 at 08:00 AM

Anyone been out there recently ?
I'm curious about opinions on pulling our 24' trailer in there ??
We have some friends spending the winter there that we'd like to visit.

Martyman - 1-31-2007 at 09:07 AM

I made it in a fully loaded Honda Odyssey Van but I wouldn't do it with a 24' trailer. Sorry!

vgabndo - 1-31-2007 at 01:38 PM

Hi Diver:

We just got back and drove the road 12 !!! times this year.
Almost all of the road is as good as it has ever been, but that mean off-camber on the side hill just before the top of "the big hill" IS bad. With enough ground clearance, and perhaps a second able bodied person aboard and pulling with a strong 4x4 I might give the rest of the road a try, but I'm betting that with a 24 footer jacked up high enough to do the road, that off camber would have some REAL "pucker factor".

Are you going to see John and Crystal? Bob and Connie?

I always fall back on the fact that Eddie once pulled his 26 foot sailboat across that road, but the off camber is much worse now since John and Paul.

Diver - 1-31-2007 at 04:27 PM


Small world; John and Crystal.
Our trailer is way jacked up and the F350 diesel may just have to try it.
I'll be alone; any idea if someone monitors 16 there just in case ?
My wife will KILL me if I lose the trailer !! :o:lol:

vgabndo - 1-31-2007 at 05:38 PM

Here's a picture of Cathy and Crystal at the palapa on the playa. Crystal is REALLY in her element there. We throughly enjoyed meeting and getting to know them a little bit.

Please pass along our greetings and best wishes.

I just thought of another BAD place for your 24 footer.

The switchback at the top of the big hill is very tight.

When you get to the top of the hill past the off camber. STOP

Walk ahead and check the U-turn, I'd forgotten that the road moved since Eddie got in with his boat. There is an unused straight shot going East from the summit (past the burned out wreck of Pat's old Chevy truck.) DO NOT try that hill without trailer brakes. Thats what happened to Pat, the trailer pushed him over the edge.

I think a guy could get turned around on the summit, but even that could be an adventure.

If you decide that, as I have often said, you can't call it an adventure if there is no uncertainty, I'd stop on the road at a good place to turn around, and wait for a truck load of fishermen returning to the villages. You could easily need all the help you can get.

The other thing to ask yourself when you walk to the switchback is: can I make it around this corner going UP hill.

The off camber would be scary...the switchback could be impossible without some roadbuilding.

I wouldn't worry about your radio, if you don't make that corner, everyone coming and going will be stuck until you move.

Take a handyman jack and a digging bar.

Scared yet???:lol:

Alfredo walk 014.jpg - 29kB

Trailer into San Nicolas

landrover65 - 1-31-2007 at 10:22 PM

Any chance of coming in to San Sabastian and then coming down the coast road to B. San Nicolas? If it's just rough or sandy then with a 4x4 it might be better than the direct route given the obstacles you've described.

vgabndo - 2-1-2007 at 12:28 PM

San Sebastian to San Nicolas is 4x4 only at present and generally has always been a tougher "haul" than the other road. La Ramadita to San Sebastian is now rarely used by anyone. The big fill going down into the SS arroyo was badly eroded by John. Sorry! I sent a u2u.

[Edited on 2-1-2007 by vgabndo]

KurtG - 2-1-2007 at 03:45 PM

Originally posted by vgabndo
San Sebastian to San Nicolas is 4x4 only at present and generally has always been a tougher "haul" than the other road. La Ramadita to San Sebastian is now rarely used by anyone. The big fill going down into the SS arroyo was badly eroded by John. Sorry! I sent a u2u.

[Edited on 2-1-2007 by vgabndo]

After leaving your place on the bike I rode north to San
Sebastian and it was rough but fun from Ramadita north, the eroded arroyo crossing you refer to is barely wide enough for a quad and even on the bike I had to pick my way carefully. Enjoyed meeting you and Kathy and I'm sure I'll see you there again.

Diver - 2-2-2007 at 07:25 AM

Thanks for the great info Vags.
I'm still not scared. But thoughtful.
With winch and cum-a-long and ......oy vey !!??
Maybe just me and the truck ... ?

vgabndo - 2-2-2007 at 11:40 AM

It is only 18 k from the highway to the playa. Park the trailer at the goat ranch at the road, drive in, check it out, grab John for assistance, and go back for your remolque. The R/T would be about an hour and a half, and the scenery is not half bad. GOOD LUCK AND HAVE FUN

I'm lovin' this. There is finally something about Baja that I contribute to the forum that I actually know something about.:P

[Edited on 2-2-2007 by vgabndo]

Cypress - 2-2-2007 at 11:51 AM

Those switch-backs can be tuff.:o Something about looking over your shoulder to see where you're goin?:?::o:o

vgabndo - 2-2-2007 at 12:25 PM

You're right about that. This one allows for the inspection of the undercarriage of your trailer. The first half is almost flat, and the second half drops off at about 45 degrees.

I just discovered a picture of the top half of that turn, and I'm thinking: Take heart Diver, you can DO this!!!

switchback big hill.JPG - 29kB