
Christmas celebrations

fdt - 2-2-2007 at 09:43 PM

Christmas celebrations officialy end today, talk about a long holiday. Today was "Dia de la Candelaria". Candelaria is celebrated on the 40th day alter Christmas (February 2nd). This religious celebration marks the end of the Christmas festivities observing the birth of Christ. Candelaria commemorates the day when Christ was presented in the temple by his parents, following Jewish practice.

Mexican families celebrate by "raising" the Christ Child figure from the nativity scene. The Christ figures and icons are also brought to the church to be blessed. Finally the nativity set is put away until the beginning of the next season’s Christmas celebrations.

Some cultures marked this day as the beginning of the new year, and traditionally brought their seed for the coming year's planting. Also candles are also brought to the church – from this tradition comes the name "Candelaria" from the Spanish word for candle "candela".

If you got the "monito" the last Three Kings' Day in the "Rosca de Reyes", the traditions holds that you must invite your friends to eat atole and tamales this day.

DENNIS - 2-2-2007 at 09:46 PM

Does this mean it's time to take down the tree? I've been putting it off.


fdt - 2-2-2007 at 10:22 PM

Actualy the nativity scene is put away either tonight or tomorrow morning and stored for next year. :yes: