
Directions from San Ysidro crossing to Rosarito

Pstreet1 - 2-3-2007 at 08:58 PM

No pictures, but everyone says my directions are good.

1. Cross the border at San Ysidro on US Rt. 5 or 805
2. As you leave the inspection gate, stay in the middle to right lane, following the signs to Ensenada/Rosarito.
3. You will veer to the right ALMOST IMMEDIATELY and must join a merging lane in order to exit to Rosarito/Ensenada Toll (Quota/Scenic) Road. As you pass the inspection station, you will see a road to the right that goes down; DO NOT TAKE THE ROAD GOING DOWN. Your road is at the end of the small bridge straight ahead of you.This maneuver must be successfully executed in order to get on the proper road. You will be merging with traffic that wants to be where you are, and you want to be where they are; you don’t have much time to make the merge. The signs also identify this road as "Scenic Road." You will go around a bend and will find yourself on the road to Rosarito/Ensenada. Once you are around that bend and on the road, you will have no further decisions for a while.
4. You will drive along the tall metal fence (on your right) that separates the U.S. from Mexico.
5. Go up a rather steep hill; then as you descend, you will turn off to the right following the sign to the Ensenada/Rosarito Toll Road (labeled "Quota" or "Autopista" or Scenic Road—all three names are used for the same road).
6. Up another hill and around a left curve, the road will split off to Playas. Do not go right toward Playas, but stay to the left and you will approach the Toll Booth. THE TOLL (around $2.50 depending on the exchange rate) CAN BE PAID IN AMERICAN MONEY. In fact, we use American money for everything in Rosarito Beach.
7. Follow the toll road along the ocean for several miles past San Antonio Del Mar to the first exit to Rosarito; there are four.
8. You will be driving through town because when I am in a new place, I like to “get the lay of the land” as soon as possible. Stop or at least hesitate significantly at all cross streets. They don't have traffic lights; everyone takes turns, so it is important not to proceed without finding out if someone else believes it to be his turn.

As you go through town, you will be on a 4 lane street--which appears to actually have 6 lanes (3 each way). The far right hand lane isn't really a driving lane, though it can be used that way. The purpose of the far right hand lane is for double parking, getting in and out of parking places, backing up if necessary, etc. It's actually a pretty good system. Of course you'll need to watch traffic in that lane, but what's going on there isn't as crazy as it might appear if you believed that lane was actually a traffic lane--though as I said, people do drive in it, just don't be surprised at the parking, backing up, etc. if you attempt to drive in the right hand lane of the three.

( If you prefer not to go through town, continue on the toll road and exitat the sign marked for La Paloma.)
9. Go south from the La Paloma exit to wherever you are staying.

Bob and Susan - 2-3-2007 at 09:14 PM

try this too...

thebajarunner - 2-3-2007 at 09:29 PM

and try spelling it "Cuota"
instead of quota...

We just did this last week!

thebajarunner - 2-3-2007 at 09:33 PM

David K - 2-3-2007 at 09:36 PM

Yes, there is just so much info here on Nomad... it doesn't take much reading back to find an answer... As bajarunner said, we just talked about it and the post by Geoff with an awesome photo step by step guide gave this link:

I even added it to my Baja Notebook as it is so helpful...

Pstreet1 - 2-5-2007 at 11:36 PM

Bajarunner, thanks for the correction; I tried to edit, and changed it, but there didn't seem to be a way to post the edited version--just kept giving me a chance to preview again, so I guess I'm stuck with it.

Sharksbaja - 2-6-2007 at 12:16 AM

Hey good idea Bob! I like it. God bless Google!

thanks for the thanks

thebajarunner - 2-6-2007 at 09:52 AM

Originally posted by Pstreet1
Bajarunner, thanks for the correction; I tried to edit, and changed it, but there didn't seem to be a way to post the edited version--just kept giving me a chance to preview again, so I guess I'm stuck with it.

Spelling is one of my pet peeves (well, bad spelling, that is) but I try not to make corrections on this board, unless the incorrect word changes the meaning, or might be misleading.

So, I only jumped on you to keep the fellow traveler from getting confused, not to make light of your post.

(Just ask Bernie about my spelling fetish)

(and, if I corrected all of the bad spelling on this board my number of posts would soon pass even David K)

David K - 2-6-2007 at 10:38 AM

Hey, I resemble that statement!:lol: