jk - 1-12-2004 at 07:03 PM
Last I checked (after the hurricanes), the road out to San Juanico from Hwy 1 at 40+ Km north of Loreto was washed out at mile 1.5 as it descended
into a large wash. Anyone driven out there recently? Thanks for the info. JK
Baines - 1-28-2004 at 12:04 PM
The road at k40 is washed out 1.5 mi in, but you can take the San Juanico fishcamp Rd at k48 and turn right about 8 miles in of this road and go over
the hill to the south and get back on the San Basilio rd. Be warned that the clime up the hill fairly steep and rough, also the road before and after
the hill is deep dust. The turn to the right is the only major one off the San Juanico fishcamp road. It also rained heavily since I was there just
after the first of the year, so present conditions may have changed The bay was beautiful and not many folks there.