
Direcway coordinates

ferdic1 - 1-13-2004 at 01:10 PM

Does anyone know the Direcway satellite coordinates for Gonzaga Bay and/or Bahia de los Angeles?

Not being retired yet, and having a small Internet business we can conduct from anywhere, having these coordinates would enable us to set up our dish and check our business without having to find an Internet cafe. I understand Raquel & Larry's has Internet access, so our BOLA access might be "covered" that way.

Last year, when we were at the Orchard in Mulege, a couple in an RV had their Direcway dish set up and were doing great. When we got back to the States, we called Direcway to see if they have a list of coordinates for Mexico and they said they don't -- just for the U.S. So finding the coordinates in Baja seems like a needle-in-a-haystack effort, unless anybody already has found some we could use.

Thanks for all suggestions!

Dave - 1-13-2004 at 02:35 PM

There are several sites that have plug-in formulas. Do a google search.

FrankO - 1-13-2004 at 02:50 PM

There are some guys over at that are pretty dialed in with sat net. Might ask there in the tech section.

Bajabus - 1-13-2004 at 05:12 PM

tell me what sat you are aiming for (hopefully sat mex 5) and the long/lat of your proposed location and I would be happy to post them for you.

David K - 1-13-2004 at 11:22 PM

Raquel and Larry's quoted me $3/ 15 minutes (a year ago). The Internet and Sat. phone/ fax store on the highway just north of Las Hamacas is $3/ hour (2 weeks ago)! There is another Internet cafe across from the super market, where the dirt road to Camp Gecko turns off the pavement, as well. At Camp Gecko, in the community palapa you can plug in your lap top to the satellite feed!

[Edited on 1-14-2004 by David K]