
In Juncalito Bay?

Sallysouth - 1-27-2004 at 10:17 AM

An elderly gentleman friend of mine said he had heard about a sunken airplane in deep water surrounding the small island(name escapes me right now) in Juncaltio. Of all the years I have been going,living there, I have never heard this story,from locals or otherwise. If anyone should know about this, I would think it would be Skeet! :?:Anyone else have a take on this? I told my friend I would ask the folks at Nomad!! Thanks, Sally

Check the Baja Adventure Book

Arthur - 1-27-2004 at 03:59 PM

I think the Baja Adventure Book mentions that.


Sallysouth - 1-27-2004 at 10:58 PM

Arthur, would you have that book? I'm leaving soon for quite some time and won't have the time to get the book. Can you get the info for me? (even just that bit of info would help!) Thanks, Sally

David K - 1-28-2004 at 01:48 AM

Sally, I just took a quick look, and didn't see any mention of a plane wreck. There is a ship wreck a half mile off the salt pier on Carmen Island and many underwater caves mentioned. For that reason alone, I would get a copy of Peterson's book for your trip. Discover Baja has them in San Diego and the museum in Bahia de los Angeles, as well... if you don't have time to order from the Internet. Have fun!


Sallysouth - 1-28-2004 at 10:54 AM

We have been to that wreck off Carmen by the old salt mine. Great diving there!Thanks for taking the time to look for that info on the plane. I did'nt think so..just found out Juanita has Petersons book down there. I'll be back in May probably but will send you Nomad/Amigos a report whenever I get some interesting stuff to tell you from down there. Trying to plan a trip to see the whales with Sara (Jimmys daughter) but not sure if we can afford it. Take care, Sally

David K - 1-28-2004 at 10:38 PM

Thanks Sally, I will look forward to your reports from and DO see the whales! Viva Baja!

Skeet/Loreto - 1-29-2004 at 06:08 PM

Sally: I will check and let you Know. The only sunken Aircraft I "Know" about is off the runway at Punta Chivato. A Twin Engine Cessna 310 could be seen for several years but is now completely covered. I saw the outline of the plane in 1969. The N.T. S.B. does not show a listing of an accident at Juanilito. Maybe Dave Deal Jimmys Friend would know about it.

Anonymous - 1-29-2004 at 09:32 PM

I started going to Juncilito approximately 5 years ago and have made several trips since then. On one trip I camped on the beach for over 2 weeks. It was on this trip that I heard rumor of a crashed plane in the water off of the beach here. During all of my trips I have fished with Jose Torres, his sons, or relatives. Jose and his family have lived in Juncilito most of their lives. I asked if the story was true and he said yes. He then showed me the site. He stopped the panga approx. 100 yards south of the little rock island as you are exiting the bay. He stated that he believed it was a twin engine plane with a female pilot that went down there and lost her life. He was young when it happened and couldn't recall exactly what year it was. Bob Riffle


Sallysouth - 1-29-2004 at 11:20 PM

Did you ever see anything under the water that may indicate a wreck of any sorts? I guess we will have to dive the area just to see if the story is true or? I've known Jose and his family for (oh my!)about thirty years. My Parents, brother, daughter, etc.... Our first guide back in the 70's in Juncalito was Sr. Ramon Villalegos(sp),father of 15 and passed away many years ago. What a wonderful man Ramon was! So, I could go on and on, but Jose knows the spot! I will be there soon and will have to get him to show me/us this downed plane ! It should be an artficial reef by now. Thanks Bob for that very interesting tidbit of info!

Ramon Villalejo of Juncalito

David K - 1-30-2004 at 12:23 AM

Ramon took us out fishing in 1973, a great guy! His photo is on the front cover of the guidebook I wrote in 1974, holding the dorado my mom caught! The cover photo is large, slow to open, but you can recognize Ramon.

[Edited on 1-30-2004 by David K]

Skeet/Loreto - 1-30-2004 at 09:11 AM

Saslly: Another person that might have the information is Bill and Betty Riffee who still live in the Round House on the Beach next to the Capt. De Porta. they have been there since building the House in 1972. Bill kept his Plane {Twin Beech} at the Airport for many years. I will email him and see if I can find out. Skeet/Loreto


Sallysouth - 1-30-2004 at 01:57 PM

Wow, that gave me goosebumps! I have a picture of Ramon and my Dad and Juanita when she was about 5 yrs old on the beach at Carmen and Ramon is holding a Dorado that she caught(same size as she was). Thanks for the memories! He sure was a special man, soft spoken and honest.I'll never forget the time I stepped on a Sculpin in the rocks at Juncalito and Ramon got in a little dingy and roared out to the little island, collected some plant of some sort, came back to the beach, started a little fire and juggled the plant between his hands over the fire until it was hot. He then put it on the spot where the Sculpin had "stung" me and within minutes, all the pain that had traveled up to my hip,by then, disappeared !! Do'nt know what ever became of his wife, Elotia. He will always have a special place in my heart and the rest of my families' as well! Sally

that info will be available to those who can find him

capt. mike - 1-30-2004 at 02:16 PM

via the most famous aeroplane salvager, accident investigator and all around downed plane rescuer, one Art Willis, who Jimmy speaks (spoke) of as the best baja pilot who ever lived, and he still does, he was talking pictures at the pyramid book fair last may. Coming from Jimmy that's quite a compliment, but the Don told me quietly with Art off in the distance,
"Art's abilities as a pilot are without peer. He'd go in and out of places i wouldn't touch on rescues and salvages, and never bat so much as an eye! The man has steel nerves and bleeds 80/87 octane fuel!"

I don't know how to reach Art, he lives retired in socal or maybe baja. Keri might if he stayed there, bernie might or i can e mail his one time assistant, Eli Espinosa who last heard lived in Prescott az.

Capt. Mike

Sallysouth - 2-3-2004 at 02:25 PM

I guess it will remain a mystery until I get there and do some real digging around for the location, more info etc.I think it would take scuba gear to find it and I have never done it(Juanita has tho!).Thanks and look for my posts from Loreto,leaving in two days for four months! Besos, Msal

i'll be down in 2 weeks 13-15, and again a week

capt. mike - 2-3-2004 at 05:00 PM

after that on whales trip 20-22 then twice in marzo. maybe see you, want to go to lopez?

Capt Mike

Sallysouth - 2-3-2004 at 05:50 PM

I think you know the answer to that question! Are you coming to Loreto? You know I've never seen the whales! I'm leaving early Thurs, morn but you can emial me at the Elfuerte addy. I check my mail every day while there. Send it to until I get my own email set up there. I'd do just about anything to go to Lopez!! Please keep in touch. If you want the phone # at home just e-me and we can chat!! Thanks Capt! Sal:bounce:

Plane wreckage at Juncalito

Jack Swords - 2-3-2004 at 06:54 PM

The information is indeed in Peterson's Adventure Book. This information is from the book: The "story" is that about 1951 an American man and his wife flew 2 "B-24 Bombers" carrying tomatos to La Paz, but turned back in a rare fog. The woman's plane ran out of fuel and she crashed...tomato crates washed ashore for weeks.
The wreckage is a twin engine in 22 ft of water on a cobble slope 75 yards from Isla Chuenque. Over the wreck the island will bear 342?. Lots of parts, engines, etc. are supposedly scattered over the area. Peterson speculates it is a DC-3. I have dived all around this island, but encountered no plane (but wasn't looking either) Let us know if you find it. Jack Swords

Good info

Sallysouth - 2-3-2004 at 09:39 PM

Thanks Jack, and I will be doing research about this subject. Fortunately, my in-laws, ex-hubby and brother all have propety there, and I believe all will be there during my stay. All I have to do is plant this "question" in the minds of these people and I'll bet we will come up with something! Again, Muchas Gracias, Sally( and yes, I will keep you posted!)

BajaNomad - 2-3-2004 at 09:53 PM

Originally posted by capt. mike
via the most famous aeroplane salvager, accident investigator and all around downed plane rescuer, one Art Willis, who Jimmy speaks (spoke) of as the best baja pilot who ever lived, and he still does, he was talking pictures at the pyramid book fair last may. Coming from Jimmy that's quite a compliment, but the Don told me quietly with Art off in the distance,
"Art's abilities as a pilot are without peer. He'd go in and out of places i wouldn't touch on rescues and salvages, and never bat so much as an eye! The man has steel nerves and bleeds 80/87 octane fuel!"

I don't know how to reach Art, he lives retired in socal or maybe baja. Keri might if he stayed there, bernie might or i can e mail his one time assistant, Eli Espinosa who last heard lived in Prescott az.
Apparently word got around?

New signup today:


Sally... re Juncalito Stone Wall

David K - 2-3-2004 at 11:43 PM

If you get a chance, check out the mysterious wall at Juncalito that may date back to the mission-era. I have a photo of it from Jack Swords, which I just put into a new web page of Jack's non-mission photos:

I missed the airplane note in Peterson's or it was emitted in the latest edition, I was using... What page in what edition, Jack?


Jack Swords - 2-4-2004 at 09:46 AM

David etc:

P. 191 in Peterson's book. I also got this trip some more photos of different ruins at Juncalito in back of the beach just at the edge of the cliff/streambed. It's all covered with brush. The other "wall" is between Escondido and Juncalito bay. Mission era, possibly an estancia or visita, who knows, but mighty interesting.


Sallysouth - 2-4-2004 at 01:29 PM

Thanks for this great board! Your'e right, word did get around and now I have some answers and even MORE curiosity about this subject! Great job and great people on your board! Adios manana!

p. 191?

David K - 2-4-2004 at 10:44 PM

In my 1998 (2000 printing) Third edition, page 191 is a map of Loreto... There is a small mention of it on page 202, which I missed.

In the 1992 Second edition is a BIG write up on it on page 191 (obviously the edition you have, Jack!).

In the 1987 First edition is no mention. Page 191 is a map of La Paz.

Thats been printed!

Sallysouth - 2-4-2004 at 11:22 PM

And will go south with me tomorrow! Thank you to David and Jack! I can hardly wait to see this, and more that you have brought to my (VERY CURIOUS) attention. Iwill report in tne next few weeks. Thank you so mucho...Sal

David K - 2-5-2004 at 12:04 AM

Thank you Sally... You have a great time playing with your grandbaby and playing in Baja! Please post regular reports from El Fuerte at Pto. Escondido, BCS!

Anonymous - 5-31-2005 at 03:55 PM

:coolup:my ingles is bad very bad.. is original of Juncalito BCS and is granddaughter of Ramon Villalejo I am lawyer and alive in the CD of Mexico and you can encamp or rent with Jorge Villalejo Ir to dive, to mountains and many other things more...:bounce::bounce:

Anonymous - 5-31-2005 at 04:02 PM

:light:you want a place where to rent in loss near loreto... its mail looks for Jorge villalejo: he is, in JUncalito BCS;... this located frenta to the beach... is a calm place, is only wife and he... is the third house next to the church

Sallysouth - 6-1-2005 at 10:09 AM

Anyone here on the board that can make any sense of this? Note the date of my first post! Maybe Bruce can help me with this?:?::?::lol:

english is not his top seller....

yankeeirishman - 6-1-2005 at 10:26 AM

Originally posted by Anonymous
:coolup:my ingles is bad very bad.. is original of Juncalito BCS and is granddaughter of Ramon Villalejo I am lawyer and alive in the CD of Mexico and you can encamp or rent with Jorge Villalejo Ir to dive, to mountains and many other things more...:bounce::bounce:

"my ingles is bad very bad". I think that he just didnt noted the date of your post, and the fact he doesnt read/speak english too well.

comitan - 6-1-2005 at 10:38 AM

My guess would be that he is from Juncalito, but now is a lawyer living in Mexico city. He still has family there and is trying to help them rent property there in Juncalito.

Sallysouth - 6-1-2005 at 08:07 PM

David K? Can you shed any light on this? You knew Ramons family, and maybe you can remember who this person is and how so connected to the family. There is very little land left in Juncalito for rent or otherwise (altho my family still has a lot with palapa and bodega).

Sallysouth - 6-1-2005 at 08:19 PM

Comitan, It sounds about right! If you eliminate a lot of his/her words, what you say makes sense.I'm so curious, as this is a very old post.Thanks, Sally

David K - 6-1-2005 at 08:29 PM

Originally posted by Sallysouth
David K? Can you shed any light on this? You knew Ramons family, and maybe you can remember who this person is and how so connected to the family. There is very little land left in Juncalito for rent or otherwise (altho my family still has a lot with palapa and bodega).

Gee Sally, I was 15 when we went fishing with Ramon in 1973... I think my dad went out with him again in 1976 while my girlfriend and mom and I went up to San Javier for the day... I had a photo of Ramon with his father and all the salted shark meat drying on the lines... the morning light on the Sierra Gigante sure made a great background!