
Drive your car to Cabo for free

johnEvegas - 3-3-2007 at 10:10 AM

We will drive your car down the baja for free. We are coming from Las Vegas but we could fly to San Diego / LA / Phoenix or any other area close by.

I am living in Cabo and i am going back to Vegas in May and i have not booked my flight yet, so dates are still open but it will be in mid to late May.

A friend of mine has always wanted to drive the Baja and I said that I would do it with him. I have a car here already and I have driven the Baja before. I have been here a year, have plenty of both Cabo and Vegas references and currently work for Cabo Linda Real Estate.

We are both responsible adults that are home owners in Las Vegas.

I know that there are people who charge to drive cars down here, we are willing to do it for free, we would just want expenses. I do not know how much we are talking but we can come to an agreement.

Call me in Cabo 624-156-4645 or on Vonage 702-987-3301 as fast as possible if are interested. The ad goes into the gringo gazette real soon here and we do not want to take 2 cars, so first come, first serve!

bajajudy - 3-3-2007 at 12:57 PM

Sorry this is not about your request

I have always wondered why your company does not call itself Cabo Lindo Real Estate? :saint:

vandenberg - 3-3-2007 at 01:29 PM

So,you're basically looking for a free trip with your expenses paid for.:?::?: Surprised you didn't mention your possible airfare to S.D or L.A. And while you're at it, may as well state the brand car you like to drive. Mercedes, Porsche, Caddie or better:?::?:
I'll bet you'll find lots of prospects.:P:P
So folks, hurry, huury, before this opportunity passes you by.:lol::lol::lol:

Packoderm - 3-3-2007 at 01:38 PM

It might not be a bad deal for anyone who would like to take a one-way trip up the peninsula after a one-way flight to Los Cabos. But if I were to do such a thing, I would rather drive to Cabo, fly back, and arrange for somebody to drive the car back for me. This would be especially true if you wanted to use a specialty vehicle like a van or a motorhome.

Crusoe - 3-3-2007 at 04:44 PM

Is this like a Yacht Delivery job? Where you are willing to sign a legal and binding contract and are willing to take full responsibility of the vehicle and can gaurantee of a completed job. Also, are you bonded?... and would be willing to be financialy responsible for this vehicle until job is completed and satisfactory to both aggreeing partys? this more like a Mexican real estate deal?:spingrin::spingrin:

Gadget - 3-3-2007 at 08:13 PM

No info on bio either. Buyer beware :?: