
The End--Part Ten Gonzaga to Mexicali

Bajaboy - 3-7-2007 at 05:17 PM

Wow-awesome report that has my mouth watering...

thanks for taking the time to share


Ken Bondy - 3-7-2007 at 05:32 PM

Diane I am absolutely blown away. I savored every word, caressed every photo. What a wonderful report, thanks for taking the time to put that all together. It was the next best thing to being there with you. Gracias, muy bien hecho,


Santiago - 3-7-2007 at 06:11 PM

Great report!

Hook - 3-7-2007 at 06:14 PM

Really appreciate the time you took to put this report together.

Also really appreciate your honesty on the businesses you encountered.

My favorite part was the osprey telenovela. :lol:

[Edited on 3-8-2007 by Hook]

cabobaja - 3-7-2007 at 06:35 PM

Yes, awesome!! Enjoyed it so much, read it twice. Cannot wait for your next Baja trip (and report!) Gracias mucho!!


woody with a view - 3-7-2007 at 07:34 PM

Phil C - 3-7-2007 at 08:40 PM

Diane, what a wonderful report, you guys are the kind of Baja travelers that I admire. Keep them coming.

awesom report ,will wait 4 next 1

BAJACAT - 3-7-2007 at 10:17 PM

oladulce - 3-7-2007 at 11:01 PM

What a pleasure that was ! A perfect mix of beautiful photos and a travelogue, and not too wordy at all.

Next time take a longer trip would you. I was sorry the story ended.

The only time I paused was to dry off my keyboard. "Sky blue pink". I could hear my own grandpa saying something like that.

[Edited on 3-8-2007 by oladulce]

Gadget - 3-7-2007 at 11:01 PM

Good job you 2. You've now doubled my Baja jones.

DavidT - 3-7-2007 at 11:36 PM


Thank you. May I, with your permission, save a few photos for my desktop? Some for motivation and some that bring back good memories.

Skipjack Joe - 3-8-2007 at 12:49 AM

Wow! What a narrative.

I enjoyed your report very much Diane both for it's completeness and for it's honesty.

I have to agree with you about rice and beans. It was widely touted at the old amigos board but I could never understand why.

I wanted to ask you what was your favorite part of the journey. To me it seemed as though the trip to San Borja was the highlight. Regardless, it's on my list of must-see places in baja, both for the desert and that beautiful building.

It appears that your knee healed up well enough for the journey.

Bedman - 3-8-2007 at 02:13 AM


What a Wonderfull Travelogue. You did an excellent job capturing the essence of Baja. Your photo's were pleasing and satisfying, capturing flora, fauna, people, places and vistas. Simply, a pleasure to ride along with you and John

You can ride along with us anytime!



Baja Bernie - 3-8-2007 at 05:44 AM

It is true.............the re-living is almost as good as the doing even for the stay at homes..

Excellent is an oft used work but in this case so true. Thanks

Mexitron - 3-8-2007 at 06:54 AM

Thanks for the great report--almost like being there for this landlocked Baja fanatic!

Osprey - 3-8-2007 at 07:25 AM

Your special report is remarkable to me for what "didn't happen". Your style of travel speaks volumns about how you live your lives. Not too cheap to splurg on a good meal or a nice room, not too picky or proud to lay your head down in Spartan digs, not in so much of a hurry to see the next attraction that you trade the destination for the journey. You leave yourself enough time to turn over the small rocks of adventure, don't let mobs slow you down or turn up your temperature. You trade the company of your mascots for the constant need to accomodate them, you plan your trip in a way that assures you can share it with others when you return home. You set the perfect example for other Baja travelers on this board.

Bajagypsy - 3-8-2007 at 07:42 AM

All I can say is WOW, what a wonderful trip report

Diver - 3-8-2007 at 07:58 AM

Absolutely amazing report !!
Thank you so much for sharing.

And thank you very much for logging me off in Mulege'.
Good thing Bruce or Pompano didn't find it or I would have been gagged for sure !!

I pulled into Asuncion the night before you left. I came to meet you the next morning but apparently you left early and I was not quick enough. Maybe next year !.

tripledigitken - 3-8-2007 at 09:15 AM


I too didn't want you report to end. The photos weaved into the story line were great.

Come on being retired why not turn those trips into 4 weeks or more.

Looking forward to your next trip.

Thanks again


David K - 3-8-2007 at 09:31 AM

I actually printed out Diane's trip report (66 pages) because it is the one of best trip reports I have read on Nomad... rivels the family from Vermont's report... It easily could become a book!

Osprey's reply is how I feel, as well... The true Baja traveler takes the good with the bad. Being a good Nomad, Diane reported back to us on both!

It is great that we have another Baja Nomad on the peninsula operating a tourist business... Juan and Shari's places at Asuncion and San Roque. The reports coming back in from Nomads who go there make Bahia Asuncion a place of interest.

I was surprised by what she found at Ricardo's Rice & Beans... In Dec., 2001 we stayed there one night and the food was good, margarita was good and the room was good... 5 years can change things. I did stay at the Posada in 1985 and liked it, a lot... a simpler place that fits into San Ignacio better... A town where you must stay and soak in the atmosphere.

I liked the picture of Jose on the roof (?) of Mision San Borja... That is a great place and Jose and his family are wonderful! I am so happy that priest of Guerrero Negro allowed Jose to once again enter mission grounds (even though he is not Catholic) to show off the place.

Thanks Diane and John for sharing your Baja adventure with us... the story and photos were outstanding!!!

Iflyfish - 3-8-2007 at 10:16 AM

Wonderful trip report. Such good writing and the pictures, amazing!

Having been to many of the same places this winter, I can attest to the accuracy of your reporting. I will bookmark and return to the wonderful travelogue.

Thank you again for sharing this wonderful adventure with us.


Iflyfish - 3-8-2007 at 10:19 AM


Msfish and I had the same reaction to the food at Rice and Beans, ho, hum, and no internet.

There is so much wonderful food in Baja, it is a shame to waste even one meal on mediocre food. I really appreciate such detailed reviews.


cbuzzetti - 3-8-2007 at 10:35 AM

What a great trip report.
Can't wait to get to Campo Rene again.
Hopefully I will get to Gonzaga this fall.
Keep up the great work.

jerry - 3-8-2007 at 10:45 AM

thank you so much for sharing

bajaandy - 3-8-2007 at 12:09 PM

Wonderfuly written! Great story! Awesome pictures! In the end, it's not why we write or even what we write about, but that we DO write. Sometimes sharing the story is almost as fun as creating it in the first place. Thanks for taking me down those dusty roads and to those far away coast lines.

FARASHA - 3-8-2007 at 01:23 PM

DIANE -THANK YOU, you just made my day! >f<

zforbes - 3-8-2007 at 01:35 PM

That was a wonderful story, and the photos took me right back to last October when I was in the area. Thanks for sharing your good times with us. There is so much exploring to be done! And what a nice surprise to discover you are not a spring chicken (as I had assumed from your prior posts), but rather an older hen...but probably not as old as me, since I'm in the stewing chicken range! Thanks, Diane

David K - 3-8-2007 at 06:34 PM

Originally posted by jdtrotter


Jose and his older son were working away on the roof of the mission. It really was nice to see that the family is once again taking care of things---I remember when you wrote about them being stopped. It is one of the places to which we really owe you a big THANK YOU---we might have never gone that way.

[Edited on 3-8-2007 by jdtrotter]

That's great... and it is my pleasure that you enjoyed a place that I did as well... The really big thanks must go to DOUG (BAJA NOMAD) for maintaining this site that we all enjoy so much!

Support Doug's efforts by clicking on the ads, buying your insurance from, and shopping the Nomad Tienda... Does everyone have a Baja Nomad shirt???

Here's Jose and family in July, 2003...

woody with a view - 3-8-2007 at 06:49 PM


Does everyone have a Baja Nomad shirt???

the tienda says, "no image available." :?:

gotta see it first.

David K - 3-8-2007 at 09:09 PM

Great family shots... How fun to see the kids grow up!

The oldest daughter (Brisa) I believe is married now...?

Here she is with Sarah in '03...

Diane, you can edit away all the 'listings' of edits from before... that way just one edit line will remain.

David K - 3-8-2007 at 10:25 PM

Sorry, but I know Jose Gerardo (father) and Brisa... but don't recall the others...

Here is the son in 2001 when he made the cover of this bi-lingual magazine about the Camino Real and missions in Baja California...

san borja boy-r.JPG - 45kB

shari - 3-9-2007 at 02:49 PM epic mi amiga...loved every word and photo...we cant wait to take you to the islands here and see the photos that will come out of that trip! look forward to your next visit.

shari - 3-9-2007 at 02:53 PM

It was so nice to see pics of our old friends at the San Borja mission...Sirena is Brisa´s good amiga and I look forward to seeing her baby...the youngest daughter is Noni and a real character indeed.The donations are really important to maintain the area and their family. We always bring things like coffee, sugar, milk, tea etc. and of course goodies for the kids...this family always invites people into their home and serves them drinks and food and they really need the financial help the donations provide.

tripledigitken - 3-9-2007 at 03:21 PM

Here is a picture of our guide last year. He indicated he lived there with his family. His name was Angel. Is this the son? Looks a little different. He spoke good english and was very friendly.

By the way in the photo he is showing us his grandfather's gravesite.


san borja angel.jpg - 46kB

David K - 3-9-2007 at 04:03 PM

Originally posted by shari
It was so nice to see pics of our old friends at the San Borja mission...Sirena is Brisa´s good amiga and I look forward to seeing her baby...the youngest daughter is Noni and a real character indeed.The donations are really important to maintain the area and their family. We always bring things like coffee, sugar, milk, tea etc. and of course goodies for the kids...this family always invites people into their home and serves them drinks and food and they really need the financial help the donations provide.

Okay, we have Brisa & Noni, what about the two boys? How about the mama (Sra. Gerardo)?

Crusoe - 3-9-2007 at 04:40 PM

Dianne.....Thank you for such a beautiful trip report.Your narative was so warm and sensitive.You create what you attract.The pictures are pricless.They all put us right there with alot of feeling!You have truly created a masterpiece.Its no wonder your little doggies love you two so much. Thanks so much for having me along..:)

Frank - 3-9-2007 at 07:49 PM


We are friendly and like meeting and talking with people, but we are not terribly social. Perhaps we are simply curious Baja snoops.

So thats what we are called, Baja Snoops. Your report has inspired us to slow down and get off the road more. Thanks Diane!

Paula - 4-11-2007 at 09:56 PM

Diane, when you posted this report we were getting ready to go north, and the words "very long" discouraged me from even peeking. By chance this evening I stumbled on it, and have spent some time reading and looking at pictures. Very definitely my good fortune! Thank you so much for all of your work in showing and telling-- never again will I find myself "too busy" to experience your travels. If you come toLoreto, I hope that Don and I will be lucky enough to meet you and John-- let us know when you'll be here, and we'll be at your disposal--


gatling - 4-14-2007 at 10:52 PM

Fabulous report and great photos. Thanks.

Cypress - 4-15-2007 at 08:29 AM

Thanks for the pictures and the report. Super.

idleguy - 4-16-2007 at 08:31 PM

Great Report!!

With reports and pics like yours and from other Nomads, has truly made this board a daily addiction when not in Baja.

Thank you Doug!!!

Neal Johns - 4-17-2007 at 01:02 AM

Got to your report a little late, but sure was glad I did!
A great marriage of photos and text. I will try to do better, now.