I had posted a message in this "encoding". I wanted to see if there were any other UNIX/USENET people out there and remembered ROT13.
rvgure fbzrbar sbhaq vg gb or bssrafvir be whfg qvqa'g xabj jung vg jnf naq qryrgrq vg jvgubhg shegure vairfgvtngvba. Ab erfcbafr be be dhrfgvba, abj
gung vf neovgenel naq prafbefuvc ng vg'f orfg?
Thanks...elgatoloco - 1-29-2004 at 07:44 PM
It sure beats....
Tucker - 1-29-2004 at 07:57 PM
those right wing rants you posted as "First Federal"!bufeo - 1-29-2004 at 08:21 PM
Censorship is a question of ownership. I doubt that many of us are old hands at Rot-13--znlor n srj.
I didn't see your earlier post, so don't have knowledge of what you said, but I did a quick tr on this one and I believe that it's the
"without further investigation" that is more appropriate. Afterall, the unknown is terrifying, now, isn't it?normansroad - 1-29-2004 at 08:57 PM
those right wing rants you posted as "First Federal"!
Well, I don't think they were rants, a rant being: To utter or express with violence or extravagance.
However I do admit I was a little outraged at some stuff, both as normansroad, FirstFederal.
I'm not quite as right wing as you may think.
what I posted...
normansroad - 1-29-2004 at 09:09 PM
Sbe lbh pbzchgre trrxf bhg gurer V jnagrq gb cbfg guvf. V hfrq gb or n HAVK Nqzva, ba jung jnf pnyyrq Fbynevf 2.4. Jr hfrq rznpf gb ernq arjftebhcf
naq cbfg zrffntrf gb gurz.
Jr qvqa'g unir qvfphffvba obneqf va gubfr qnlf, ohg jr qvq unir yvfgfrei'f. Vg jnf arj naq pbby onpx gura, naq gurl jrer cbchyne gbb.
Naljnl, guvf vf n EBG13 zrffntr. Vg jnf hfrq jura cbfgvat "qvegl wbxrf", be fbzr zngrevny bs dhrfgvbanoyr, bowrpgvbanoyr be bssrafvir angher. Vg jnf
cbchyne naq pbzzba gb hfr vg.
Abjnqnlf zbfg pbzchgre hfref qba'g xabj jung vg vf. Fghss trgf cbfgrq ba arjftebhcf naq qvfphffvba jvgubhg ertneq gb vg'f pbagrag be angher. Nalguvat
tbrf. V fhccbfr gung gung vf gur jnl bs gur jbeyq. Jr graq gb trg zber yvoreny bire gvzr, fb gur 'arg jba'g or nal qvssrerag. Gur znva cbvag V'z
znxvat vf guvf: V jnf n yvggyr fubpxrq gb gb yrnea gung zbfg bs zl "pb-jbexref" qvq abg xabj jung EBG13 vf! Gurl ner va gurve 20'f naq 30'f. V'z ABG
trggvat byq! (Ab znggre jung gurl fnl)
Naljnl, vg jvyy or vagrerfgvat gb frr ubj znal sbyxf EBG13 guvf ernq vg naq erfcbaq.
I see
The Gull - 1-29-2004 at 09:15 PM
Now, that is much clearer...
Makes perfect sense to me!!
Tucker - 1-30-2004 at 01:57 AM
Welcome back to the board.
Private messages??
meme - 1-30-2004 at 08:23 AM
Why don't you guys just write emails to EAch Other? Seems like would be best??bufeo - 1-30-2004 at 08:55 AM
Too funny, Norm. Especially since so many persons fancy themselves as pbzchgre trrxf.
Ceregl unezyrff!
Now, if you want you can insert "imbedded" jokes and a few of us will get the punch lines.
'Pbhefr fbzr jvyy or cnenabvq.
bufeo - 1-30-2004 at 10:59 AM
Hacemos esto porque gozamos de ?l. ?Por qu? no?
BTW, es juguetes no jugetes.
..but then I shouldn't throw stones; no soy ning?n experto con espa?ol.bufeo - 1-30-2004 at 10:20 PM
And it took me all of 30 seconds to become "an expert",
Awww, c'mon, grover, I'll bet you're just being modest. You got it quicker than that, didn't you?normansroad - 2-1-2004 at 04:58 AM
Very nice Grover, I thought that someone would be interested enough to look it up.
I remeber when this used to be common and was thinking about it the other day.
Many of my co-workers have no clue what UNIX is. They have asked: is that something like LINUX?
I just smile and move on to another subject.
I must be getting old.......
Bedman - 2-2-2004 at 12:58 AM
In my day, a Unix was the Big Guy that guarded the Harem and Linux was the little guy that played the piano for Lucy. I must be getting old!Bob and Susan - 2-2-2004 at 07:51 AM