
Bringing full spare gas tanks?

BajaTrooper - 3-19-2007 at 03:43 PM

Hi everyone, it seems to me that I read that one of the items not allowed to tranported over the border was gasoline. I have three 5 gallon tanks that ride on top, and I was wondering if it was legal to bring these FULL over the border with me. Has anyone had troble doing this?

tripledigitken - 3-19-2007 at 03:51 PM

Never been questioned regarding my spare gas can on my roof rack.

But.....with prices as they are, don't worry about it and fill up in Baja at cheaper prices. Then dump them in your tank before you cross and refill them for later use stateside.

Just my 2 cents.

[Edited on 3-19-2007 by tripledigitken]

I agree

John M - 3-19-2007 at 04:11 PM

...with the first reply you've gotten. I'd rather wait until I may need the extra gasoline to fill them.

Only about 40 cents cheaper a gallon in Baja I think we figured two weeks ago.

We paid 6.5 pesos/liter early in our trip and when I topped of in Mexicali on the return it was up to 7.5 pesos/liter - either I picked the wrong station in Mexicali or prices sure jumped! (The 6.5 price was in El Rosario & Bay of L.A.).

I'd personally not carry gasoline on the roof until such time as I thought I might need it.

We paid 155 pesos for 5 gallons three or four times - from the roadside vendors.

John M

David K - 3-19-2007 at 04:22 PM

No, don't bring gas south!

You can be turned around and sent back to the U.S. and then try and get rid of that gas! It happened to 4baja's friends!

At Tecate, I was pulled over so they could check my gas can (it was empty)... They also checked by (blue) water can (by sniffing it)...

Gas is cheaper in Baja, and just as good as our gas...

John M, the stations along the border (to 20 km. ? south) have prices matched closely to U.S. prices... (nothing new). This was a deal the Pemex station owners demanded when US prices were cheaper... Now that the prices in the U.S. are higher, they are stuck with the deal they made!

surfer jim - 3-19-2007 at 05:30 PM

I have had gas/water containers checked also......

BajaTrooper - 3-19-2007 at 09:28 PM

Thank for the advice everyone, I'll fill them after I cross...and bring back alittle extra! Safe travels.;D

David K - 3-19-2007 at 10:53 PM

Good, and do get gas south of the border region for better price... If for the extra cans, then I recommend El Rosario where you are guaranteed that the pumps are accurate by Baja Nomad 'BajaCactus', the owner.

Check out the new rooms at Baja Cactus Motel (next door) for inexpensive 'five star' like accomodations!

4baja - 3-20-2007 at 06:53 AM

my buddy was turned around with 50 gallons of gas and had to sell it in the states at a cheaper rate at a gas station and then caught up with us. dont do it, not worth the hassle.:coolup:

pappy - 3-20-2007 at 12:37 PM

yep- i came very close to having to turn around and go back into us to get rid of was at 4am, i pleaded with the guy,told him in all my years of going to baja i had never heard of such a thing, but he was telling me even an empty one is really a n0-no...i haven't had a problem since, but always keep them empty until i fill 'em up in el rosario...