
Ecomundo Auction

Bob and Susan - 3-24-2007 at 03:19 PM

if you missed were sure lucky!!!

all junk:lol:

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Bob and Susan - 3-24-2007 at 03:20 PM


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Bob and Susan - 3-24-2007 at 03:21 PM


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Bob and Susan - 3-24-2007 at 03:21 PM


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Bob and Susan - 3-24-2007 at 03:24 PM

all the kayaks were bad...
holes that had been patched...badly:lol:

i would hate to be 5 miles out with one of these...
you are putting your life in danger

one of the rooms had the OLDEST lifevests i've ever seen
they were ripping apart
I would hate to put "MY LIFE" on it:lol:

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capt. mike - 3-24-2007 at 06:36 PM

pretty much what i figured too Bob. That place was a dump.

Cypress - 3-25-2007 at 05:45 AM

Some of those old refrigerators could be converted into excellent smokers!:tumble:;D

Bob and Susan - 3-25-2007 at 05:56 AM

The people running the auction were sure professional…
Except… the auctioneer talked a little too fast

Numbers were given out and a good system for paying was in place.
VERY NICE system!!!

The tide was very low and ALL the Posada up-close boats anchored in the water were sitting in sand. YUK!!!

They needed a “beer bar” for the bidders to “loosen them up”

Maybe it was just me….
I was expecting better stuff.

The batteries were OLD
The inverters had been stolen and not available
The charge controllers were “ancient”

The refrigerators were from the 1940’s

I figured if they were renting equipment things would be in top condition and safe for the renter

One year we went to Ron and Wendy’s Villas del Loreto and they rented us some kayaks.
Now…that was nice equipment!!!

I guess we are just spoiled and will have to “bite the bullet” and bring down more kayaks from up north

Litza - 3-25-2007 at 03:02 PM

Was Ecomundo the place on Ensenada Blanca by any chance? If so, I hope the cat got away from the fire and the auction safely! I stayed on the beach during my stay a few weeks ago, and think we did a quick look/see on the property. Have to admit the freediving gal (Margaret?) was an interesting individual. There I go day dreaming again!

roundtuit - 3-25-2007 at 03:40 PM

One Man's Junk Is Another Man's Treasure..

Don Alley - 3-25-2007 at 05:10 PM

Originally posted by Litza
Was Ecomundo the place on Ensenada Blanca by any chance? If so, I hope the cat got away from the fire and the auction safely! I stayed on the beach during my stay a few weeks ago, and think we did a quick look/see on the property. Have to admit the freediving gal (Margaret?) was an interesting individual. There I go day dreaming again!

If your thinking of the Ensenada Blanca south of Loreto, then you may be thinking of Danzante Resort, which is still in business.

Bob and Susan - 3-25-2007 at 07:19 PM

i would really like to take a look at the Danzante Resort...
looks like quite a place...
next trip to loreto...

then pams place again
everytime i've been there she's been "out of town":lol:

Phil S - 3-26-2007 at 05:38 AM

Wendy & I attended. B&S are right. Mostly junk stuff you see at auctions in the states. One solar panel went for $50.00 that was loose. Others I didn't bother to follow the pricing, as they were still mounted over the shower building and you had to take them down. Sit in kayaks went for I think $200.00 and less depending upon condition. We bought two of them. Only for seeing if we would like kayaking or not. So condition wasn't as important, as we would only be along the shores. Not open water. Paddles ranged from $25.00 each down. I also passed on the life jackets and didn't wait around for them to be sold. Had Ecomundo in large letters on them and were badly faded. Makes you wonder if there weren't some "early sales" before the auction of some "better stuff" to Roy's "close friends"????? Which isn't unusual under these circumstances. It was nice they could find a professional auctioneer that lived a few doors north, huh???? It was handled fine as far as I was concerned. I could understand what he was saying, and that's an improvement from auctioneers I've seen over the past 50 years that talk so fast you don't know if that was you bidding or he was asking one of his shills for a bid.?? Darn Bob & Susan. I was hoping someone could have pointed you guys out & we could have met. One of these days it will happen!!!!!!!!!

[Edited on 3-26-2007 by Phil S]

Bob and Susan - 3-26-2007 at 05:44 AM


you were sooo close...

we're only about 3 miles north...

stuff here is movin right along...

we are VERY fortunate to have fallen into the "right" group here in mulege

Phil S - 3-26-2007 at 05:55 AM

Dang again. Didn't realize that we were that close. Will try & make it again to your place. Driven by for years "looking" for a clue to your road. Now I'll start mileage count going north from Ecomundo for 3. miles, then pull in and see first hand rather than "picture watching." I was wearing the black with white print shirt. & baseball cap??? That help you any???

[Edited on 3-26-2007 by Phil S]

[Edited on 3-27-2007 by Phil S]

Subastador - 3-28-2007 at 11:49 AM

Well, we had a great crowd, (over 200 attendees). The weather was great, (Hey - its Baja). Most everyone I talked to enjoyed the auction and were pleased with their purchases. As a professional auctioneer who volunteered to help out with this event, I was personally happy with the outcome. The sale was not "salted". We sold what was there to sell. There were no early sales. After the place being abandoned for a year, its a wonder we were able to salvage something to offer.
Yes, we needed beer and food, but Boney from Coyote who was lined up to do that failed to show up.

Bob and Susan - 3-28-2007 at 12:13 PM

i didn't relize that was you...
next time...

you auctioneers talk way too fast for me...
in fact your typing is too fast too:lol:

marla - 4-3-2007 at 04:05 PM

Where did they move to in Thailand anyway? I am likely going to take my first trip to Thailand over the holidays this year.

David K - 4-3-2007 at 07:00 PM

Your kids are really seeing a lot of the world... Great!

Alan - 4-3-2007 at 08:05 PM

Originally posted by marla
Where did they move to in Thailand anyway? I am likely going to take my first trip to Thailand over the holidays this year.

I would love to see Pataya Beach again. In the early 70's it was like Hawaii must have been 100 years ago.

marla - 4-18-2007 at 01:28 PM

We just got back from the Italian Riviera on Monday, I did a home exchange so we had a free place to stay on the Riviera near Portofino. It's beautiful there but I prefer Baja! Everything is so built up and crowded in that part of Italy there's nowhere to get away from it all. We did take the train to Venice and the kids loved the canals. And the focaccia bread. But it was very expensive and I think a trip to Baja would have been more fun--and cheaper! Sandy petted every dog in Italy, people bring their little dogs everywhere, even into the grocery stores. I told Sandy she's probably going to write a book, "Dogs of Italy." Next time I want to go to Shari's place in Bahia Asuncion!

shari - 4-18-2007 at 01:47 PM

Looking forward to meeting you and maybe you'll write a book about the dogs of asuncion!!!