REAL price of fuel in La Paz
BajaCactus reported the posted fuel prices at the PEMEX stations. As we all know, the price of fuel is set by the government and is the same all over
Mexico. Over the last two months I have surveyed the accuracy of the pumps in La Paz. Based on the price of Magna at $2.36/gal., here are the results.
The data are listed in the format
Station #, location, actual liters indicated per gal., REAL price
8265;Abasolo & Encinas;4.46;$2.78
1693;Abasolo & 5 de Feb.;4.38;$2.74
6900;Colosio & Toronja; 4.35;$2.71
1683;5 de Mayo & Serdan;4.84;$3.02
5064;Abasolo & Mar de Carib.;5.02;$3.14
5895;Forjadores & Libramiento;4.31;$2.69
8875;City Club;4.50;$2.81
????; San Juan de Los Planes; 4.35;$2.71
Note that the pumps at 1693 and 8875 were new and used less than a week when I measured them.