Phil S - 3-27-2007 at 09:41 AM
Can anyone "including Shari" give any information about what it's like at Asuncion during the week of Semana Santa??
Trying to plan my trip home time wise, and would like to stop by and visit Shari & Juan, but I've always stayed off the highways during that week.
Also, bet you couldn't beg borrow or steal a place to sleep during that time there. Right???
Iflyfish - 3-27-2007 at 12:15 PM
Sort of an Easter Posada eh?
Good luck. I would imagiine that Asuncion would be a blast at Easter.
Diver - 3-27-2007 at 01:28 PM
Shari had mentioned that they would be gone for part of the week and that everyone leaves town for part of the time. Nice and quiet.
Hopefully she can put you up at her place or their rental house.
Have a great time !!!
Hook - 3-27-2007 at 03:28 PM
Ironically, I believe she said that they generally head to Agua Verge at that time, Phil.
Phil S - 3-27-2007 at 07:49 PM
Hook. Does that mean that Juan is from Agua Verde?????? Anyone can verify this that Shari & Juan won't be at Asuncion around the 9th or 10th?
Diver - 3-27-2007 at 08:12 PM
Juan is from Asuncion.
DianaT - 3-27-2007 at 08:30 PM
They should be there. We will also be there in their beach house, but they have other options and there is a modest hotel in town.
[Edited on 3-28-2007 by jdtrotter]
shari - 3-27-2007 at 09:11 PM
Actually Juan is from San Roque..big difference! We will be in Agua Verde from the 2-7 and will be back to hang out with jdtrotter...agua verde is the
only place we go on holidays during easter as everywhere else is either too busy or has mantarayas. The problem here during easter is that it's
usually windy. Everyone from here goes either to the golfo or to San Roque which is a real party tent, live music etc. on the
weekend...lots of campers too...not a great time to see san roque unless you want to do a party immersion program!! but town is real quiet and hardly a soul on the town beaches. We'd love to
hook up with ya your sailboat here for ya. Please be aware there are alot of really drunk drivers on the highways that week so take care.
jorgie - 3-28-2007 at 06:43 AM
nobody drinks in Asuncion !!!! It just not true...........
Phil S - 3-28-2007 at 07:05 AM
Thank you Nomads. And Shari. We are still trying to decide how we are going to do this for the time we are on the road. Might just "stay home"
until the traffic clears up and head north on the 10th. Why isn't the sailboat not selling? At that price I figured it would be "gone" by now.
Other than the fact there isn't a trailer for it.
[Edited on 3-28-2007 by Phil S]
SiReNiTa - 3-29-2007 at 07:05 PM
hey that means i get to meat you too!!!!! yay...hehe yeah well the second week isn't that busy...but still be carefull on the road and go slow!!!
can't wait to meet you!
jorgie - 3-31-2007 at 11:36 AM
Hey, Phil. ya gotta do it. I wake each day and listen for the surf and my friendly bird..........I miss the life of Asuncion the gracious people, the
warmth. I have been there and done that and how good it would be to do it again.
Phil S - 3-31-2007 at 01:47 PM
jorge. Your "on another road again" Geeeezzzz. How many cars have you worn out now doing that? Where's "this road" heading your on right now?
Surely leaning towards Asuncion at this writing. Besides. Since Shari hasn't sold the sailboat yet, must mean it's supposed to be mine, and that is
why she still has it. Already have found a sailor who said he would help me sail it to Puerto Escondido next year???????????????? Yes he's very
experienced. Racing experience for years & years. He also started the Loreto Bay Yachat Club before David Butterfield even got his first house
built down here. Polo shirts. Pull overs, membership cards etc. Not in competition with Hidden Harbor Yachat Club of Puerto Escondido. He's waiting
for Loreto Bay to "want to buy the name"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!