

jorgie - 4-9-2007 at 02:34 PM

when in GN there is but one mechanic to get it all done and that person is TITO. A blown seal on the driving boot, a blown seal on the right rear wheel, an oil and lube . It all happened and I had to insist that the real price be paid . TITO is one of those people who dive off cliffs for the tourists , his brother is a macho man who on-handed can drop the steering boot from a 454 [ which I cannot even llift ] TITOs' son is a university student who comes alond to make sure there is no loss in translation. You can tell , TITO is me amiga .....I forgot to say that that when my ignition key wouldn't work he got it going, got me parked then got the team in to fix my awning and ifyfish can tell ya TITO fixed the lock which I had broken trying to find Iflylishs' plastic tarpulin.
We should all respect the ability of people LIKE TITO. He is a man who showed up the next day to make certain that I was OK and my RV was readyy to take me home . TITO, my thanks amigo and to all through Baja who made my life there so welcome and went out of their way ....more than I could expect at home. Thank you TITO..