cnelsoni - 4-16-2007 at 05:55 PM
Seeking an American notary with ability to notarize U.S. documents somewhere in the Mulege/Loerto area. Anyone out there?
comitan - 4-16-2007 at 07:32 PM
In La Paz you can call John Anderson and see if he is still maintaining his Notary status. He is with Dorado Properties his number is:
612 122 2221
Fax 612 122 2224
Cardon Man - 4-18-2007 at 06:56 AM
I didn't have much luck finding a US notary here at East Cape. We headed down to Cabo San Lucas to the US Consulate and had no problem having papers
notarized there, for a fee of course. Hopefully you don't have to drive all the way down here to get it done.