
Laz Cazuelas in Guerro Negro

Iflyfish - 4-21-2007 at 06:16 PM

Shari and Juan Bondy of Asuncion recommended Laz Cazuelas in Guerro Negro to us and we celebrated Shari's birthday there in 2007.

I mean to tell you we had the best seafood we have ever had and that is saying a lot from a very snobby fisherman who catches his own salmon, stealhead, bass, dungeness crab etc.

We had a regional dish, I believe only available in the area. It is called Lion Paw Scallops. Laz Cazuelas does them with a garlic sauce that is to die for. I have never tasted a sea food dish so good. It is somewhere in the taste pallet of Scallops/Abalone/Crab and incredibly good.

They also do a chocolate clam in a lime cilantro sauce that will have you licking the plate.


Diver - 4-21-2007 at 08:32 PM

Originally posted by Iflyfish
We had ..... Lion Paw Scallops. Laz Cazuelas does them with a garlic sauce that is to die for. I have never tasted a sea food dish so good.
They also do a chocolate clam in a lime cilantro sauce that will have you licking the plate. Iflyfish

And the Octopus dish and the fish dish and .....
Among the best seafood I have ever eaten !!
You made my mouth start watering again, Rick !!! :biggrin:


Iflyfish - 4-23-2007 at 12:03 AM

Ah Shari!

You missed my post on Best Lobster in Baja.

Tres Virgines in La Paz and Juan and Shari's in Asuncion.


Diver - 4-23-2007 at 05:17 AM

Originally posted by shari
.... fresh abalone that Juan worked his magic on!!! No he's not just a pretty face with a great bod!That pony tailed wonder CAN if I could only get him to wash dishes!!:smug:

Again with the watering mouth !
I have eaten Juan's wonderful abalone; best I ever had ! :biggrin:
Complaining ?? When I looked good in a speedo, no one made me do dishes either !! :lol::lol::lol: