Trail sense - I don't like to make a bunch of "rules" but if you have not been to and you are not familiar with low-impact recreation, please learn it and what it means before you go on a trip. Ask questions
here if you are unsure. We enjoy constructive discussion like this, and encourage it. Don't be bashful. The bottom line is this - we will not tolerate
any irresponsible behavior. Vehicles must stay on established trails. If you see a very faint track that is recovering well from very old use, is
abandoned, andis in a sensitive area, DO NOT drive on it. Chances are that it is a track from someone who was driving off the trail to begin with.
(this is not meant to be confused with a useable track with infrequent but legitimate use. We can discuss this in another thread if necessary). Some
exceptions to this might be sand travel, or watercourse travel, where an established route or OHV area exists.