
Two New Baja Trip Web Pages now at

David K - 5-17-2007 at 06:23 PM

The first was from a trip in December, 2005 when we drove down the coast from Punta Baja to almost Punta San Carlos. The requests for it was so high, I decided to make a web page... originally it was just a trip report on Nomad... Photos, map, road log, GPS: (Dec. '05)

The second is from our recent President's Day trip checking out the top of the La Turquesa Canyon grade seeking a short cut to Gonzaga Bay, Campo Beluga at Gonzaga Bay (actually Ensenada de San Francisquito), the rocky road to Puertecitos, and lot's of Shell Island pics including sunset... Map, Satellite image, milages and GPS: (Feb. '07)