
Here is the illustration that went with

Baja Bernie - 6-3-2007 at 09:05 AM

the story of 'A Not so Nice Sam (I am learning)

Had it in JPG and Larry was correct..............dots and dots this is a TIFF reduced by 75%

LARRY help how did I get that???? Click on it and the picture does appear.................just not where I wanted it.

Lazy Sunday mornings are for learning in this house.

[Edited on 6-3-2007 by Baja Bernie]

Attachment: Pg 130 Sam and Cops_R2.TIF (47kB)
This file has been downloaded 628 times

Thanks Larry & Yellow set it off nicely

Baja Bernie - 6-3-2007 at 11:43 AM

Where did the background color come from?

Sallysouth - 6-3-2007 at 01:54 PM

Classic Bernie, just Classic!!! Love the bubbles above Sams head and the Macho mustaches on the cops!!


Baja Bernie - 6-3-2007 at 04:02 PM

Self control is an admirable quality and I have a high regard for those who can display it. Are you aware that there is a new product on the market designed just for men with a leakage problem. I have yet to develop that problem and am sorry that I cannot give you the name of the product. I hear that it is reasonable priced and relatively effective. :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

Iflyfish - 6-3-2007 at 04:36 PM

In Mexico they have a term for it, something like, "the little betrayal". Our Mexican friends will have the word for it.


elgatoloco - 6-3-2007 at 08:23 PM

Originally posted by Baja Bernie
......... there is a new product on the market designed just for men with a leakage problem. I have yet to develop that problem and am sorry that I cannot give you the name of the product. :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

I think they are called 'Grampers'. :biggrin::saint:

FARASHA - 6-3-2007 at 11:03 PM

:lol: think you mean PAMPERS - :lol: elgatoloco -?

Gosh Thanks Bernie - and Larry, just started my working week at the Funnyfarm, what a start -:lol:
YES - that facial expression they have - a good capture of how I imagine the situation of "Sam" and the cops...hasta >f<

Mateo--Grampers--if that be the name

Baja Bernie - 6-4-2007 at 06:55 AM

have rather elegant contours.:lol::lol::lol: