
Invironmental Stress

SUNDOG - 6-3-2007 at 11:46 AM

Invironmental Stress

Still Time ? HAH !

MrBillM - 6-3-2007 at 12:54 PM

It's already too late. Given the snail's pace of any bureaucracy, especially Mexico's, there is Zero possibility that anything other than a World Recession is going to stop this Avalanche. The richer the development, the more money is available to buy the Politicos.

Bob H - 6-3-2007 at 01:38 PM

Whoooooo... spellcheck... please!

wilderone - 6-4-2007 at 09:15 AM

Such a short memory. Didn't a group of local citizens stop the Puerto Los Cabos marina (even temporarily), and didn't the negative reaction and feedback from thousands of individual people and organizations result in modifications of the Shark Norma 029 regulations? The report tells me that the environmental groups of MEXICO are taking steps to fuel their arsenal for future battles. And weren't the San Ignacio lagoon and Espiritu Santo island lands protected through funding from US sources? The Surf Rider Foundation - not a Mexican organization - was largely responsible for halting the Santa Rosalillita harbor until further environmental and engineering studies were done. Point is, Mexico's bureaucracy has formidable challenges, both US and Mexican, and the opposition and their successes are becoming more and more frequent as the developer proponents' egregious plans come to light. A fatalist attitude will do nothing but allow the destruction to continue unabated. We don't all share your fatalism and choose instead to act.


MrBillM - 6-4-2007 at 10:33 AM

We'll have to get together in five years or so and compare notes. If I were placing a bet, it wouldn't be on your position.

Time will tell.