
Posting Photos Question

Bob H - 2-18-2004 at 01:19 PM

When posting photos, why does the photo sometimes show up as a clickable "link" attachment instead of the photo actually appearing under the email automatically? :?:


Tucker - 2-18-2004 at 04:00 PM

I know what the difference is, but not why the difference is. Lower case .jpg shows with the post, Upper case .JPG is posted as a link.

BajaNomad - 2-18-2004 at 07:59 PM

Just like Tucker mentioned, it's a case-related issue with the file extension.

The system by default will simply make it a link... but in the case of certain file extensions, it'll show the image itself in the post.

The way it's been working is the way it came in the software.

I just went into the software code and altered it to allow for capitalized JPG and GIF extensions to display as well.

Doug Means