
FM3's and dependants

ladopacifico - 6-10-2007 at 06:17 PM

ladopacifico - 6-10-2007 at 06:23 PM

Hi guys, finally a question I haven't been able to answer. I have a friend in the states that is moving to Baja Sur. She has been offered gainful employment, and will be applying for her FM3 while down on her FMT.
My friend has a dependant that will be attending private school in Baja, any advice on FM3's for dependants ( the the application process involved), and the contacts for good private (grade 8 to 12) schools in Los Cabos would be greatly appreciated....
Cheers and gracias

shari - 6-11-2007 at 09:33 AM

good can email an agent some of us use in La Paz...his english is great...his email is tell Alonso that Shari referred you and he'll be happy to answer your immigration or fidecomiso questions. Also check out Colegio Mexico...these are private catholic schools and I know foreigners can go there.

ladopacifico - 6-11-2007 at 04:29 PM

Originally posted by shari
good can email an agent some of us use in La Paz...his english is great...his email is tell Alonso that Shari referred you and he'll be happy to answer your immigration or fidecomiso questions. Also check out Colegio Mexico...these are private catholic schools and I know foreigners can go there.

ladopacifico - 6-11-2007 at 04:30 PM

Wow, 108 views and your one response, thank you Sheri.
Great advise, I will follow up