

David K - 6-12-2007 at 08:48 PM

Antonio ('BajaCactus') has posted the latest details on this years event, see below...

Here are some images from the past two El Rosario festivals:

Jaripeo action

Art show

Nomads get together

Good food (right bajaandy?)

Miss El Rosario Contest

Classic Car & Truck Parade

Nomad 4WD Tour

Boojums and Beer (eh, Santiago?)

Local Industry Expo (and samples for The squarecircle)

El Rosario restaurants rock, Bob H gives the thumbs up!

Baja Nomads at Baja Cactus Motel

Petrified Forest tour

Two mission sites were established in El Rosario


See La Lobera... the sea lion crater!

Meet local artist, Hugo Lopez at Tacos Mision

The beach of La Bocana, just 5 miles from town...

Hope to see you all there!!!

[Edited on 6-25-2007 by David K]

BajaRosario Festival 2007!!!

BajaCactus - 6-24-2007 at 10:55 PM

Hi friends,

As many of you may already know, this year I am not in charge of the coordination for the BajaRosario Festival 2007...

You see, in 2004, I came up with the idea to celebrate the foundation of El Rosario, I was amaze that even though it was a very old town, with more than 2 centuries of history, no one recalled a celebration of it's "Birthday"... I could not even find a written testimony... so I talked about it with some friends in town and the response I got was: "It is impossible... not even thinkable... quite difficult".

After several weeks and meetings, and after I explained that it only required some good effort and commitment, they decided to try and make an attempt for the first one. I did not say anything, but I was hoping it became a tradition for the town.

The first Festival was in 2005, and we named it "BajaRosario Festival 2005". Since the committee helping me had no experience and were kind of nervous, I had to take complete control on the coordination of the activities... Many of our BajaNomad friends came to the first event and we had a blast.

Last year (2006), my committee wanted to do it once again and I helped them... let us say I was 50/50 involved with it... they did a good job.

This year, the people of town are now expecting the Festival... it has become some sort of the major event of the year for them... and my committee is eager have it done once more... as I had hoped, it is becoming a tradition... however this year my committee is "flying solo"... I will still help them, but now they are making all the calls... why?... well.. I am in charge of another project.

Let me explain... since the beginning, the Festival was never thought as a "money maker" event... but more as a Cultural and Historical event... even though, I knew we may end up with some profit and we promised the people of town that, if this turned out to be the case, we would use the money to build something nice for the town.

After the first Festival we ended up with almost $2,400 US Dlls... and we decided to use it to build a nice entrance for the town, at the north point.

The third festival is coming and so far nothing has been done to even begin with this idea, so last february I told my committee that we have to do as we promised, and therefore we split the work... they are taking full control of the Festival and I will work on the "Entrance Project".

So far, we have around $3,800 Dlls available for this project, of course we will not do much with this money, but at least we can start...

I therefore went to see our dear friend... a professional arquitect and artist Kim Williams, a very nice lady that has become a local in El Rosario... she is the owner of the "Fossil Store" at the south end of town... she immediately became excited with the idea and after several meetings where I explained our ideas, she began to work on it.

Two weeks ago, I went to her place and she gave me the final design for our project... you will not believe what she came up with... she put more than a 100 hours of work into this idea and a beautiful, amazing and spectacular design came out!!!

My initial plan was to have something done by the time of this year Festival, so we could have the inauguration there, however I am out of time to do this, so, instead, my Plan B is coming into action:

We will have the inauguration where the entrance project is intended to be constructed, I will have a small billboard build with a drawing of the project and we will unveiled it then, this way everyone will have a chance to enjoy it and maybe local people will be motivated to help have this done.

I would very much like for this to become a "structure" of the people of town, something they feel related to, something that gives them pride... we even designed a sidewalk all the way to the curve where we plan to place small squares with the names of the town's families... kind like in Hollywood...jejeje.

For the Festival this year, I believe my committee is planning the usual events: "Jaripeos", night dances with live music, a small fair, tours to the local Mission Ruins, access to the "Petrified Forest" and "La Lobera", the "Senorita Rosario 2007" beauty pageant, etc, plus they are trying to have new kind of events...for example, I heard something about a very mexican tradition: "Pelea de Gallos" (Rooster fights). I may not fully agree with it, but it is their Festival now... let them have fun with it.

So far, at the BajaCactus Motel, we already have some reservations... around 15 BajaNomads (including family members and friends) are attending the event.

I have high hopes for the event this year... and more than everything, this year is going to be "100% local made"... jejeje... let us see what they come up with.

And of course, as in the last couple of years, BajaCactus is having a very special BajaNomad gathering and meal for everyone attending.

So, pack your things and come join us... July 20th, 21st and 22nd... we will have a blast!!!


Antonio M.
"Where the Baja is so much more than a dream..."

[Edited on 6-25-2007 by BajaCactus]

capt. mike - 6-25-2007 at 04:16 AM

curious that the golf property/developer on the bluff isn't getting involved, contributing etc - or are they?? seems like an opportunity for them the ingraciate themselves to the locals.
or is that deal even on? i haven't heard much about it lately.

David K - 6-25-2007 at 08:55 AM

Hi Mike,

The "golf property" development 'Diamante del Mar' was a big financial supporter of the Baja-Rosario Festival... I believe they paid for ('sponsored') the giant circus tent used to house the beauty pageant and dances...

They want to be fully integrated into the community...

An opportunity in Cabo San Lucas presented itself that was too good to pass up. Since Cabo already has all the infrastructure required to develope a golf resort and has a paved runway included in the deal, they will complete it first then return to El Rosario with all the knowledge gained at Cabo.

[Edited on 6-25-2007 by David K]

capt. mike - 6-25-2007 at 04:26 PM

well glad to hear they support the know how flakey developers can be!!!:light::!::tumble::saint:

my good friends at Monarch Grand Vacations are putting the finishing touches on their new flagship property at los cabos now, Casas Azul.
its spectacular, i'll be enjoying a stay in one of the condo suites for the 1000 this november. i'd never go there except it is the 1000 and i am getting a "suite" deal:spingrin:


David K - 7-6-2007 at 04:32 PM

The THIRD annual BAJA-ROSARIO CULTURAL FESTIVAL begins Friday, July 20... see above posts for more details...

Last year's tee shirt/ logo

[Edited on 7-6-2007 by David K]

rogerj1 - 7-7-2007 at 11:27 PM

I'm taking a road trip with my son about that time. I could see us being in Rosario in time for the festival. Are there rooms available at the Baja Cactus motel?

David K - 7-8-2007 at 09:49 AM

Email Antonio info AT and/or telephone the motel directly! The motel's phone number is on the web site home page

Hope to see you there Roger!

rogerj1 - 7-9-2007 at 12:23 PM

Which day(s) will there be nomad events?

David K - 7-9-2007 at 07:00 PM

I think Las Pintas is one of the most interesting places to spend some time exploring, however it will be hot there.


So, if there are some Nomads interested... start sounding off right here for a Saturday morning excurssion... Or suggest other places.

There should be tours offered to the petrified forest and La Lobera (Sea Lion Crater) from town.

The town museum is in Abajo and the Mama Espinoza museum is in Arriba.

The two mission sites are in the two towns of Rosario (Arriba and Abajo).

La Bocana beach is nice and just 5 miles from Hwy. 1.

Punta Baja is just over 10 miles away.

El Cardonal cactus forest, Cuesta La Vibora grade, Sauzalito copper mine ruins were the tour in 2005.

The boojum forests near Los Martires (north of Sauzalito).

?: San Juan de Dios... well, Neal Johns and John Marnell think the site is plowed over but they hadn't been there before... So a trip there to confirm if the Dominican visita ruins has been destroyed is an idea.... this goes through the same great boojum forest that is on the Los Martires road, and passes Sauzalito, too. Again, this is a hot area in July... so AC will be desired!

Last year, we just hung around town, watched the jaripeo (rodeo), and had some good food at Baja Cactus, thanks to Antonio and Lorenia who treated the Nomads to a great feast!

[Edited on 7-18-2007 by David K]


David K - 7-9-2007 at 07:16 PM

To make an educated pick for a tour from El Rosario, here are some details and photos from the web page

Highway 1, southward from El Rosario 14.6 miles (between Km. 80-81), turn right at the left curve. GPS: 30°01.59', 115°32.05' (Map datum set to 'NAD27 Mexico')

Go 17.4 miles on the good graded dirt road to a single track road going left. If passed, just ahead is a ranch house on the right and there is a second left road that joins the first. Set odometer to '0.0'. GPS: 29°49.64', 115°28.42'.

Pass ranch houses ('Malvar') and make an 'S' turn right, into Arroyo San Fernando. You soon will be reach a (possibly) closed gate at Mile 3.5. Always re-close any gate after you pass through.

Mile 5.2, (GPS: 29°52.53', 115°25.22') turn LEFT off of Arroyo San Fernando road, and follow a small side arroyo. Brush may scratch your vehicle in here.

Mile 5.4, (GPS: 29°52.69', 115°25.26') turn RIGHT, out of small arroyo and cross low divide to small valley.

Mile 7.2 LAS PINTAS parking area. GPS: 29°53.90', 115°24.48', elev. 755'. You are 24.6 miles from Highway 1 and 39.2 miles from El Rosario's Baja Cactus Motel and Pemex gas station, per my odometer.

Trail to the right of the boulders is the best way to the top, then cross over to other side and try the more difficult trail to get back down. Straight into the boulders from the parking area are tunnels, passages, and boulder shelters. ENJOY!

Fossils in boulders...

(can you say 'rock lobster'?

Caves and crawlways...

Petroglyphs... (all over)

Even a waterfall!!

(Baja Adventure Book photo)

(My son, in April 2006, same place)

David K - 7-11-2007 at 01:20 PM

Adding Antonio's post from the General board about the Nomad feast:

posted on 7-10-2007 at 09:39 PM

BajaRosario Festival 2007/BajaNomad gathering

Hello my friends,

We are only a week away from the BajaRosario Festival 2007... and even though I am no longer 100% involved with the organization, I have been "coaching" the "local committee"... and I can tell you they are really doing their best effort to put a big show!!!.

On my end, I have been working overtime to prepare the inauguration of the event, where the project for the entrance (code name "Project Nautilus) will be publicly presented... my plan is to have a 32' x 12' billboard unveiled...where an "architectural perspective" will show the design and the plan for the future north entrance of El Rosario.

Now... the weekend of the Festival, as usual, BajaCactus would like to offer every BajaNomad and friends attending the event a very special meal and gathering at our motel...

I propose we do it Saturday afternoon, around 3:00pm... however suggestions are accepted... if you have a better idea or timing please e-mail me at info*at* or better yet, post it here.

Hope to see to see you soon my friends...

bajaandy - 7-11-2007 at 08:20 PM

We can't wait to get to El Rosario to attend the third annual Festival! And as usual, we can't wait for meeting all the Nomads at the BajaCactus motel! Thanks Antonio!!!

shari - 7-14-2007 at 09:01 AM

Any of you gonna go the extra few hours and come and visit us in Asuncion? David you mentioned it awhile back...think about it...the weather is refreshingly cool and swimming excellent! Have a great time everybody, wish I was going too.

David K - 7-14-2007 at 11:06 AM

Hi Shari, Baja Angel & I are going to go where the wind and mood takes us... The goal is a totally relaxed week after the festival with no firm schedule... You know, do things on 'Mexican time'!

One plan we may follow is to see the Seven Sisters coast after the festival and then head out your way or take a visit to San Ignacio, Mulege, Bahia Concepcion... which Elizabeth has yet to see.

So, maybe we will see you!? The idea of abalone does weigh heavy on the decision... is it still in season??:spingrin::tumble::bounce:

We are bringing our camping equipment, so no worries about a room....

I have read or heard that Gadget and squarecircle might do the Sisters coast as well, after Roasrio 2007.

The squarecircle - 7-17-2007 at 06:21 PM

If seen in the ditch along M-1, please stop and give me a tug so I can also enjoy the BAJA-ROSARIO CULTURAL FESTIVAL!!!!!!!

Leaving friday AM. Just Winston and I. >>>> Regards, sq.

Gadget - 7-17-2007 at 06:55 PM

Originally posted by David K
Hi Shari, Baja Angel & I are going to go where the wind and mood takes us... The goal is a totally relaxed week after the festival with no firm schedule... You know, do things on 'Mexican time'!

One plan we may follow is to see the Seven Sisters coast after the festival and then head out your way or take a visit to San Ignacio, Mulege, Bahia Concepcion... which Elizabeth has yet to see.

So, maybe we will see you!? The idea of abalone does weigh heavy on the decision... is it still in season??:spingrin::tumble::bounce:

We are bringing our camping equipment, so no worries about a room....

I have read or heard that Gadget and squarecircle might do the Sisters coast as well, after Roasrio 2007.

We will be ready to head out Thursday AM and should be to ER mid afternoon. We have a Geo Cache to find on the 05' 1000 course out of Uraupan. Our friday plan is the coast from Punta Baja to San Carlos and back to town with some surfing along the way hopefully. Sat and Sun doing whatever and heading out sometime Sunday for San Quintin to meet up with friends for a couple days on the beach there and home by Tuesday PM Wed AM. 7 Sisters has to be during winter swell season for me my friends.
See you all in ER. We're really looking forward to it.

And PS David, you can officially consider this a request from Leslie to lead a tour to somewhere cool, the petroglyphs in these photos look like a good pick again. :yes:

[Edited on 7-18-2007 by Gadget]

David K - 7-17-2007 at 08:49 PM

Cool Gadget... Let's do it... Baja Angel loves Las Pintas too!

We'll head out after breakfast Saturday...

Inauguration time changed...!!!

BajaCactus - 7-18-2007 at 12:02 AM

Hello my friends,

Just a couple of days for the Festival now... I am eager to see how the Committee will do this year!!!

Today (Tuesday), I picked up a huge graphic sign that we will be place at the north end of town, showing the design for the entrance project at the actual location where we intend to build it.

This billboard will be unveil at the Inauguration of the Festival, Friday, july 20th... however I was just informed by the Committee that they moved the scheduled time from 2:00pm to 12:00pm... so now it will take place at 12:00pm... two hours earlier than the past two years.

If you are unable to go to the Festival... then stop by on your next trip to Baja to see the project, which was designed by our dear friend Kim Williams, owner of the "Fossil shop" at the south end of town.

If everything goes according to plan, that billboard will stay there until the project is finished... maybe a couple of years if we are optimistic.

Look forward to see some of you this Friday!!!

"Where the Baja is so much more than a dream..."

Hey Look !!!!

Hook - 7-18-2007 at 08:28 AM

It's Sebastian Vizcaino. :wow:

[Edited on 7-18-2007 by Hook]

David K - 7-19-2007 at 08:14 AM

Where did Vizcaino get a GPS? ;)

See you guys there in 2 days!

David K - 7-20-2007 at 09:24 AM

OKAY NOMADS... You guys will have a week free of my postings (unless the Internet finds me in Baja)!

I know that will make a few of you really happy:rolleyes:

The rest of you not going to El Rosario or elsewhere in Baja, can look forward to photos and details of our journey beginning sometime after the 29th!

I am not sure what Baja Angel and I will feel like doing for the week... But, there are good odds that we will go to places neither of us have been to in Baja!!!

As I have said often, there is much more Baja I have NOT seen than have seen! Just so much Baja and so little time!

So, you guys have a great week... Hope to meet some of you in Baja... Keep posting trip reports and photos from past and present...

Peace, love and fish tacos HERE WE GO!!!

[Edited on 7-20-2007 by David K]