
Action Slowed by Cold Water Current!

bajafly - 6-23-2007 at 09:30 AM

REPORT #1068 “Below the Border” Saltwater Fly-Fishing reports since 1996
Endless Season Update June 23, 2007

East Cape

Chart complements of shows the far-reaching effect of the cold current
A cold water current sweeping around the tip from the Pacific invaded our area the last few days. The 71 degree water and windy conditions turned some of the inshore water off color and made offshore conditions a bit slow. Most boats had to run 12 to 24 miles to find action. The tuna seemed to have moved out farther to escape all the green water; while there seemed to be plenty of marlin showing, they still had a serious case of lockjaw. There were reports of a few large dorado here and there.
Lance reports: “Inshore fishing was been ‘on again, off again’ depending on the day and your luck. There are good numbers of 5lb roosterfish around making for fun light tackle action. That is...if you had sardina for chum and teasing. It has really been tough to come by recently. There are plenty of mullet available for purchase and anglers who put the time into slow trolling these larger baits had some shots at the larger better quality roosterfish. Another fish making appearances in the bait boats have been bonefish. There seems to be lots of them around. Some anglers have reported good results trolling these bonefish though I have yet to have much luck with them as teaser bait.”
Beach fishing cooled off a bit the last few days. Although there are good numbers of jacks near the beach providing most of the shots, roosterfish have been tougher to come by. As usual, if you are in the right place at the right time you will get some great chances. However, the roosters are still the toughest fish to feed a fly to at East Cape. With all the hype last winter there seem to be more anglers than ever chasing them.
Water temperature 71-84
Air temperature 70-96
Humidity 90%
Wind: WSW 7 - 9 knots
Conditions: Partly Cloudy
Visibility 8 miles
Sunrise 6:33 a.m. MDT
Sunset 8:09 p.m. MDT

Magdalena Bay, Baja Mexico

The best action this week was out at the Entrada with good surface action for yellowtail and bonita under the birdschools. There are also some good sized grouper down deep-just above the bottom. The sandy beaches still continued to produce some halibut action for the fly guys using chartreuse Clousers retrieved very slowly across the bottom.

Estero action was limited to a few pargo and the usual spotted bay bass.

Water temperature 64 - 73
Air temperature 60 -86
Humidity 78 %
Wind: WNW 10 - 14 knots
Conditions: Sunny
Visibility 4 miles
Sunrise 6:38 a.m. MDT
Sunset 8:19 p.m. MDT

Zihuatanejo, Mainland Mexico

The water is really warming up, and it may just be a bit too warm for most species. The coolest water we have right now is inshore, and it is right at 84º. The blue water is almost 87º.

There are a few sailfish being caught, yellowfin tuna and blue marlin. Almost all fish are being taken between 16 and 20 miles of the Zihuatanejo Bay entrance.

There are still a lot of jack crevalle up near the Troncones area, and are readily attacking surface poppers. Adolpho, on the panga Dos Hermanos, spent 4 days down at Puerto Vicente Gro. fishing for jacks and roosters. They were handicapped a bit because the red tide we had here a few weeks ago has moved south, but they still took a lot of jack crevalle, green jacks, and a few roosters. He told me the best action was on the last day because the red tide had moved on out and further south. All the fish were taken on surface poppers.
Ed Kunze
Water temperature 80 - 84
Air temperature 79-96
Humidity 83%
Wind: Calm
Conditions: Mostly Sunny
Visibility 6 miles
Sunrise 7:13 a.m. CDT
Sunset 8:24 p.m. CDT