
Cabo Pulmo Disaster - (In Spanish)

amir - 6-28-2007 at 10:53 PM

Just received this information in an email. Have not checked with any other sources to corroborate the story...
Has anyone heard about this?



Cabo Pulmo, una comunidad de pescadores de Baja California Sur con más De ciento cincuenta años de antigüedad a 20 km al sur deLa Ribera y a 50 km al noreste de San José del Cabo, se encuentra invadida desde hace unas horas por cincuenta individuos están tirando casas y cercos e intimidando a los habitantes originarios a que vendan sus
propiedades y se vayan de sus tierras. El desalojo corre a cargo de una constructora Cragar.

El ayuntamiento de Los Cabos, de la Delegación de La Ribera y el ministerio público estatal han sido alertados pero han abandonado también a los cabopulmeños (el ministerio público sólo se alejó del lugar luego de presentarse). Son un centenar y medio
de mexicanos y un centenar de casas con la desdicha de haber nacido en un área de gran belleza natural y frente al único arrecife mexicano del Pacífico. Luego de adueñarse de todos los alrededores del pueblo (como se acostumbra en Los Cabos) dos inmobiliarias se
disputaban los terrenos donde están edificadas las casas de los cabopulmeños. Ahora una de ellas ha decidido usar este método de demolición para robar sus casas, terrenos y su pueblo mismo a los sudcalifornianos.

¿Éste es el desarrollo turístico que ofrece el gobernador Narciso Agúndez Montaño? ¿Éste es el respeto por las comunidades originarias del alcalde Luis Armando Díaz? ¿Esto es lo que espera a todos los sudcalifornianos de comunidades apartadas, su extinción en aras de la especulación de bienes raíces de terrenos con vista al mar? La demolición de casas de los sudcalifornianos de Cabo Pulmo en este momento es el símbolo y el hecho de lo que está ocurriendo en todo el estado.

¿Aceptarán los sudcalifornianos de todo el estado que se cometa impunemente este atropello contra sus propios habitantes, propietarios legítimos de las tierras heredadas por sus padres y abuelos? Hay que dar la alarma, esto ocurre justo en este momento, desde el día 11 de junio.


Osprey - 6-29-2007 at 06:48 AM

The story I got last night over dinner with some people from Las Barracas (near Cabo Pulmo) is that the Castro family had laid claim to the land eons ago, has successfully inhabited for a very long time while the ownership lay in dispute. Now hired thugs are invading to rid the land of what the new owners consider "squatters". This kind of thing will play out wherever there are people without proper recorded deeds are living on the coastline of Mexico. Money can grow monsters even in paradise.

Don Alley - 6-29-2007 at 07:09 AM

So the allegation here is that real estate development interests are using criminal methods, such as robbery and destruction of homes, to remove local inhabitants from property that they think would be better suited for development for tourists and expats. Ocean front and view property. Sounds like a plot for a modern western.

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oldhippie - 6-29-2007 at 07:25 AM

"La demolición de casas de los sudcalifornianos de Cabo Pulmo en este momento es el símbolo y el hecho de lo que está ocurriendo en todo el estado."


Now it's getting violent. Tijuana is looking better every day.

Who are the "new owners"?

Santiago - 6-29-2007 at 07:29 AM

If only ESL could see it now......:(

Crusoe - 6-29-2007 at 07:40 AM

This is really to bad!!!.... But it should not come as any shock!!!......It has always been just like this all over Mexico for eons....When they get ready to pave a road(as now into Cabo Pulmo) and make a nice place more accessible and plan to develop it, the Mexican politicians will take control of all the land adjacent to the new road. I have spent many, many winters in this area and am very familiar with the ongoing friction. The developers grease the politcians and politicos hire the thugs.`mon this is Mexico!!!!!! ++C++:yes::yes:

Cypress - 6-29-2007 at 07:46 AM

Crusoe, You're right. :bounce: They do they same thing in the good old USA.:bounce: Maybe minus the thug factor.:yes:

Minnow - 6-29-2007 at 05:01 PM

Originally posted by Santiago
If only ESL could see it now......:(

With one difference. ESL always said it was the castro's who were trying to steal his land. They were the ones who hired the thugs. Guess the shoe is on the other foot now. RIP ESL.

Reference about Cabo Pulmo land robbery

Sanddiver - 7-2-2007 at 12:19 PM

Here you have some mexican newspapers' notes (in spanish). The natives, fishermen and divers almost all of them, are the afected, they are not the invaders.

Annndd.... from my internet translator...

Bedman - 7-2-2007 at 01:49 PM


Tip Pulmo, a community of fishermen of Baja California South with over a hundred fifty years from antiquity to 20 km al south give it Bank and to 50 km al northeastern of San José of the Tip, is found invaded since some hours ago for fifty individuals they are throwing houses and fences and intimidating the native inhabitants to that bandage their properties and they go of their lands. The eviction is the duty of a construction company Cragar.

The City Hall of The Tips, of the Delegation of The Bank and the state public department they have been alerted but they have abandoned also to the cabopulmeños (the public department only moved away of the place after being presented). They are a hundred and middle of Mexicans and a hundred you marry with the born misfortune to have in an area of great natural beauty and front al Mexican
only reef of the Pacific. After taking over all the outskirts of the town (as is accustomed in The Tips) two real estate agencies were disputed the lands where are built the houses of the cabopulmeños. Now one of them has determined to use this method of demolition to steal its houses, earthly and its same town to the sudcalifornianos.

This is the tourist development that offers the governing one Narcissus Agúndez Montaño? This is the respect by the native communities of the mayor Luis Arming Díaz? This is what expects to all the sudcalifornianos of separated communities, its extinction for the sake of the lands real estate speculation with view al sea? The demolition of houses of the sudcalifornianos of Tip Pulmo at this time is the symbol and the fact of what is occurring in all the state.

They will accept the sudcalifornianos of all the state that themselves comet with impunity this abuse against their own inhabitants, legitimate owners of the lands inherited by their parents and grandfathers? One must give the alarm, this occurs just at this time, from June 11.


Minnow - 7-2-2007 at 04:38 PM

Originally posted by Sanddiver
Here you have some mexican newspapers' notes (in spanish). The natives, fishermen and divers almost all of them, are the afected, they are not the invaders.

Well, Chopy Chavez, AKA El Surfer Loco,AKA Cornwell Crawford, railed against the castro's of cabo pulmo for years. According to him, that property had been in his families hands for 3 generations, and the Castro's organized squatters to go in and squat the land. How else would fishermen and divers get land? Anyway. Chopy was found dead at the tender age of 37 under very suspicious circumstances. You connect the dots. He was wealthy and outspoken, so who knows who did him in. He was also in a beef with the owners of the Pelican Reef restaurant in SJdC over 500k they borrowed and never paid him back. The guys stories were so wild that people on the old Amigo's De Baja, checked him out and he was legit.

[Edited on 3-7-2007 by Minnow]

Santiago - 7-2-2007 at 05:50 PM

Does anyone know the status or whereabouts of Nancy? She had a great little cafe in Cabo Pulmo. Was in her mid 60s I'ld guess in the late 1990s.