
Document Assistance Mulege and Santa Rosalia

Bob and Susan - 7-1-2007 at 06:59 AM

temporary boat permits

fishing licenses

take a look

don't suffer...get assistance

angel answers ALL email... you'll like him

roundtuit - 7-1-2007 at 07:54 AM

Didn't open for me, can't find it:?::?:

BajaWarrior - 7-1-2007 at 08:01 AM

opened for me no problem

Bob and Susan - 7-1-2007 at 10:31 AM

roundtuit...must have been a temp glitch...everything is working

i even "corected" some spelling :lol:

toneart - 7-1-2007 at 10:38 AM

It opened for me. I may call on Angel if my current assistant doesn't work out.

bajamigo - 7-1-2007 at 12:57 PM

Opened fine. Spelling is perfect.