Bajagypsy - 7-8-2007 at 09:06 AM
Apparently I am full of questions today!!
If we are planning to buy a lot, should we start the process of getting a FM3 next time we go down? We are not sure when we are going to buy, but
don't want to be caught off guard when we actually do.
DENNIS - 7-8-2007 at 09:09 AM
I think you need an address here to get an FM3. At least a rental.
bajaguy - 7-8-2007 at 09:14 AM
It's cheating....but if you can use Shari's address that should solve the problem. You can be a renter, and she will have to prepare receipts.
Depending on where you apply for the FM-3, you may not need to prove/show residency status (we didn't when we applied in San Diego), but you will need
them when you register the FM-3 where you will be living. I would take about 4-5 receipts with you when you apply, just in case.
losfrailes - 7-8-2007 at 10:37 AM
You do not need an FM3 to live on the lot you are 'going to buy'. Live there, get electricity, water, rental receipts, whatever you can for at least
three months.
Then go to the nearest Immigration office and apply for the FM3. You will need several things for this, but that information is all over this site.
Basically, proof of income for each, etc., etc.
Bajagypsy - 7-8-2007 at 10:54 AM
Thanks for the info I think I now understand the process.
Marie-Rose - 7-8-2007 at 11:30 AM
Agree with losfrailes... don't need FM3 until after you have purchased. They do ask
for copies of electical and/or water bills with your name on them.
This sounds very exciting bajagypsy!!!! I, for one, will be surprised if you don't return
home without having purchased something!!!!
Bajagypsy - 7-8-2007 at 11:43 AM
Marie-Rose, it is very exciting I could almost pee my pants!!!!!!