Just returned from Mexico through Tecate. It might be worth avoiding this crossing for a little while. There is A LOT of road construction on the
U.S. side. Going into Mexico looked like a mess. Due to the construction, there were trucks, cars and RV's lined up about 3/4 the way back to the
main road on the U.S. side. Looked like a long wait to get to the border gate.
The little 20 minute parking area a lot of people used to park and walk across to get the tourist permits is gone. There was no parking on the U.S.
side that I could see, the whole area is torn up.
If you can't park in the limited spots in the Mexico secondary area, it looks parking to get a tourist permit might be challenging.
Leaving Mexico wasn't too bad, but this looks like a large project and that could change. Large RV's may have a little difficulty traversing from the
border facility onto the torn up road in the U.S. There's not much room to make the right turn.Diver - 7-11-2007 at 09:41 AM
Very good information.
Thanks for the update BW.
Hope they have it finished by my planned December crossing !!
.CaboRon - 7-22-2007 at 04:29 PM
Originally posted by Diver
Very good information.
Thanks for the update BW.
Hope they have it finished by my planned December crossing !!
I suppose there is no hope for an October first completion? CaboRonDiver - 7-22-2007 at 05:42 PM
A more recent post said that the construction was almost complete.
Something about finishing the paving this week.
Another Nomad's company is doing the work, small world.
The question is what will be left for parking on the US side ??
Might be even more difficult to stop for your FMT.