
ACUNCION Fishing Report

shari - 7-14-2007 at 08:50 AM

Bajaboy & girl just called on the VHF from San Roque Island to tell me to put the sushi rice on cause they just caught 2 yellow tail and some corvina and a huge one got away!! So they will fish a bit longer to see if they can hook another big one. Yahoo, Juan will be happy for the first YT of the season here for him. It is a gorgeous calm day here. Yesterday we enjoyed celebrating the closing of abalone season and Juan outdid himself on a wonderful breaded abalone steak dinner and my cream cheese brownies for dessert. We even got Tracy boogey boarding yesterday although the water was a bit nippish. We shall finish off the last of the Sierra Nevadas today with our sushi. tomorrow will be our traditional Seafood Sunday gathering here at the blowhole...wish you were here! gotta go get the sushi mat warmed up!