
Bacon wrapped Hot Dogs

Russ - 7-28-2007 at 08:22 PM

The photos below are from a hot dog stand on the highway at Palo Verde. Joel makes the best hot dogs I've ever had. But he is only open from 6:30 to 9 on Friday, Saturday & Sunday nights. He has catered a couple parties in Punta Chivato.

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Russ - 7-28-2007 at 08:23 PM

two more

[Edited on 7-29-2007 by Russ]

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Russ - 7-28-2007 at 08:29 PM

Last one.

[Edited on 7-29-2007 by Russ]

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BornFisher - 7-28-2007 at 09:01 PM

I could go for one of those right now!!
Reminds me of attending a USC / UCLA football game a few years ago. I got one after the game and saw the biggest wad of cash I`ve ever seen when the hot dog/warped in bacon, vendor (who was cruising the parking lot), made change for me.
Then I had a seizure, heart attack and stroke, died and went to heaven!! But it sure was worth it!!!

Bajalero - 7-28-2007 at 09:12 PM

See Russ , there's two sides to every story

I always knew in my heart that Dennis was right :saint:

Hook - 7-28-2007 at 09:59 PM

One of the worst cases of The Revenge I have ever had was after having one of those in Mazatlan during a spring break in the 80s. I havent had the courage since, even though I see the long lines at places on the mainland and Baja and I love both ingredients, separately.

I just gotta drink enough to get me over the fear sometime..........

Joelt - 7-29-2007 at 02:41 AM

I would have to agree that they are the best. I had 5 of them one night. With the works and I'm not a big fan of the dog. But those puppies are special.

DENNIS - 7-29-2007 at 08:32 AM

Wait just a minute now. Hold the boat. We are witnessing a possible fraud. I look closely at the grill with those suculent savorys sizzling to perfection and, what to my horror do I not see? BACON BACON BACON BACON BACON BACON BACON BACON BACON BACON. There is not a shred of BACON wrapped around those naked Pups. This is sacrilege in action.

Repent, Sr.Cardonal. Repent. [ you too Russ ] Save yourself while there's still tme. Wrap those uncovered canines in tender binds of pork as they are meant to be.

[Edited on 7-29-2007 by DENNIS]

Bob and Susan - 7-29-2007 at 08:41 AM

"where's the beef???"

i don't see the "dog":lol:

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DENNIS - 7-29-2007 at 08:48 AM

Yeah..... Where is it? They'll have to put up some LOST PUPPY posters around town.
First, no bacon. Now, no dog. I can't wait to see how he holds back the bun. Kinda messy I suppose but the food cost is being kept down.

Russ - 7-29-2007 at 09:22 AM

REPENT this! There is bacon! just cooked to perfection, Crisp. But I do admit there is no beef, pork or tofu. One of the pots is full of string beef in a tasty sauce. So you can have your turkey and beef too.

Bacon Wrapped Turkey Dogs.jpg - 49kB

Bob and Susan - 7-29-2007 at 09:26 AM

now...that DOES look good:P

comitan - 7-29-2007 at 09:39 AM

They also wrap shrimp in bacon for those people who do not like shrimp.:bounce::bounce:

Russ - 7-29-2007 at 09:42 AM

Lots of GOOD stuff to stuff these turkeys with. Grilled onions, shredded beef, Raw onions, tomatoes, catsup, mustard, mayo, cheese (well, what he calls it), and Chiles, of course! There is so much stuff there I just ask for,"Con Todo":bounce:

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Cypress - 7-29-2007 at 09:58 AM

Bacon wrapped hot dogs! The only way my mom fixed 'em when we were kids, bacon wrapped with all the trimmings; chilli, cheese etc.:bounce:

When a plain ole hot dog isn't enough

tripledigitken - 7-29-2007 at 10:10 AM

I'll have two with cheese and onions, rare on the bacon!:lol:


[Edited on 7-29-2007 by tripledigitken]

DENNIS - 7-29-2007 at 10:53 AM

Originally posted by Russ
REPENT this! There is bacon! just cooked to perfection, Crisp.

That does look good. The trouble with the smaller carts is that they can't keep up with demand and they will sometimes try to give out a dog with partially cooked bacon. Nothing like eating raw pork on a hot day in the sun.

backninedan - 7-30-2007 at 02:33 PM

They are fattening, unsanitary, heart stoppers and I love-em.

Do you mean these?

BMG - 7-30-2007 at 03:09 PM

Originally posted by comitan
They also wrap shrimp in bacon for those people who do not like shrimp.:bounce::bounce:

Cypress - 7-30-2007 at 03:45 PM

Oysters wrapped in bacon are yummy. Heck, anything wrapped in bacon is tasty if you like bacon.:lol:

tripledigitken - 7-30-2007 at 03:54 PM

Originally posted by Cypress
Oysters wrapped in bacon are yummy. Heck, anything wrapped in bacon is tasty if you like bacon.:lol:


Right you are. Even chicken livers...............

Dry chicken livers, dot with mustard, wrap 1/2 slice of bacon and with a wet tooth pick skewer it. Broil for 5 minutes turning once. Yummm

DENNIS - 7-30-2007 at 04:04 PM

Originally posted by tripledigitken

Right you are. Even chicken livers...............

What's that called? Rumaki?

Mango - 7-30-2007 at 04:05 PM

Bacon wrapped hot dogs are some of my favorite street food.

In Mexicali I recommend "Oscar's" on Benito Juarez. It's just across the street (and a little south) from the UABC campus. It's a little yellow cart next to "Space Pizza". Very popular with the locals.

Oscar's is open after 3pm.. to 2am or so I think.. All you can eat french fries, and a plethora of goodies to add, melted cheese, grilled onions, chiles, etc.. etc..

tripledigitken - 7-30-2007 at 04:11 PM


I think you are correct, I forgot the name. Now that you mention it, I think the Rumaki verson has a thin slice of water chestnut under the bacon.


DENNIS - 7-30-2007 at 04:13 PM

Yeah Ken...... I believe you're right. It's been a while but it sure is good.

JESSE - 8-5-2007 at 10:09 PM

The secret to a great bacon wrapped Hot Dog is:

Use "Rosarito" brand Hotdogs.

Mango - 8-5-2007 at 11:13 PM

So whats the secret to keep the bacon tightly wrapped around the hotdog during/after cooking? Specifically the ends of the bacon.

I've tried toothpicks, but it just seems so unauthentic.

I'll have to check out the "Rosarito" brand. Is it a thin or thick dog?

I think thiner dogs work best. They tend to cook better and leave more space in the bun for goodies.

capt. mike - 8-6-2007 at 06:32 AM

mango - i made em yesterday, used turkey franks. heres the secret, well mine anyway. and no Toooth pix needed - they just get in the way.

the turkey franks plump nicely when you fry them.
get the griddle very hot. wrap the dogs using THIN style bacon, any kind - cheap is fine.
the fat on the bacon will ahere to the dog skin. now, place the wrapped dogs onto the hot grill and cover with a pan cover, or some kind of weighted lid to hold them down in place and let sizzle 5 min or so, until the bacon on that down side cooks crisp.
then rotate 180 degrees, i.e. flip them over gingerly with a tong. now let that side get crisp - then do the opposing sides to get it all crisp.
the dog expands as it plumps and the fried crisp bacon holds it all together.

next i try em with Brots, steamed 1st to cook fully before wrap and fry em!!

i made a wasabi mayo sauce to top the dogs with Sunday, out standing...........ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

bajadock - 8-6-2007 at 09:31 PM

Capt Mike,
"wasabi mayo sauce"?

Hot dogs only enter my household when my dear father visits and shops for his favorite comfort foods. But, I can be converted if WMS covers it. As simple as it sounds or do you have a 20 ingredient recipe?

Might try it for my next Spam party.

Dave - 8-6-2007 at 09:52 PM

I've been playing around with the recipe since I tried some commercial sauce at Juan and Shari's. Here's what I've come up with so far:

Wasabi powder or paste
sesame oil
ginger powder
Lime juice

Just experiment with the ingredients till you get it like you want.

I use the honey,mayo and lime juice to make a miracle whip style dressing, then add the other spices..wasabi last. I prefer using the paste rather than the powder.

bajajudy - 8-6-2007 at 09:58 PM

Here we call them calientitos. Most of the time they are calientos de not give me a turkey hot dog. I want pork wrapped in more pork..crema, diced tomatoes, mustard, catsup, onions, salsa picante. dripping down your arm...triple servietas.

capt. mike - 8-7-2007 at 06:10 AM

Dave has it down Judy.
Actually i 1st bought it off the shelf at Albertsons, then ran out so made my own - just experimented till i got it close to better.
i generally am not a mayo fan. But Doctored up to hide some of its flavor - well this mixture is killer on bacon dogs.
add some hot relish to the wasabi mayo mix too, about as much as you would if making scratch tartar sauce for fried fish filets.

oldhippie - 8-7-2007 at 06:22 AM

I always thought it ironic that Mexicans make the best hot dogs. Hold the mayo though, nothing more dangerous than old, warm mayo.

Hot Italian sausage wrapped in bacon and grilled sounds good. I'll have to buy some sausage in San Diego today. Has anybody ever seen good sausage in Baja? I haven't found any in TJ yet.

bajajudy - 8-7-2007 at 06:55 AM

Obviously, you have never heard "Sausage Rebellion" of 1890-1917

hey Hipster Viejo.........

capt. mike - 8-7-2007 at 11:53 AM

something we CAN agree on! food.....ummm
so sure EYE talian sausage ought to be really good done bacon mexi style.
ypu might want to steam them fully 1st so the grilling function later is just to cook the bacon and warm the tubes.
let us know.
i am doing it with reg brats saturday.:biggrin:

Originally posted by oldhippie
I always thought it ironic that Mexicans make the best hot dogs. Hold the mayo though, nothing more dangerous than old, warm mayo.

Hot Italian sausage wrapped in bacon and grilled sounds good. I'll have to buy some sausage in San Diego today. Has anybody ever seen good sausage in Baja? I haven't found any in TJ yet.

Cypress - 8-7-2007 at 12:06 PM

Those toothpicks can deal you some serious damage if you don't know they're there.:O Chomped down on a poor boy sandwitch once and got speared.:O Major pain.:O

DENNIS - 8-7-2007 at 12:09 PM

Originally posted by Cypress
Those toothpicks can deal you some serious damage if you don't know they're there.:O Chomped down on a poor boy sandwitch once and got speared.:O Major pain.:O

Yeah ..... They have to be watched out for, kinda like the olive pit at the center of tamales.

BMG - 8-7-2007 at 12:25 PM

Yeah ..... They have to be watched out for, kinda like the olive pit at the center of tamales.

A valuable lesson to be learned here. Once at a Christmas meal, my father-in-law declared he had eaten 3 tamales and was stuffed. Little Fernanda looked at his plate and said. "No Tio Amador, you ate 6 tamales. I counted the olive pits!"

Since that meal, I always discard the pits, the picks and all other evidence about mid-meal. No proof is evident when I lie now.

Cypress - 8-7-2007 at 12:52 PM

BMG Tamales are in a class all by themselves, some of the best food a person can enjoy.:spingrin: Most folks can't fix a batch of tamales. :biggrin:

BMG - 8-7-2007 at 01:01 PM

My mother-in-law used to make up a few hundred tamales every Christmas. Every one of them had 1 green olive inside. We ate them for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Unfortunately, neither my wife or any of her sisters ever got the recipe from her before she passed away. They all tried to make them but they've never been the same. I doubt that I will ever have a tamale as good as Estela's again. Or at least they won't be as good as my memories of her's.

Ohh, the Dog Days of Summer

Gypsy Jan - 8-22-2007 at 04:54 PM

I've been having fun trying out different recipes for making those bacon wrapped hot dogs.

In addition to others, I tried some recipes from internet searches that claimed (with pictorial back up) to be authentic and the "Guadalajara Dog" recipe from Pinks in Los Angeles (as posted on Food Network)

And....the winner is....Capt'n Mike's method using Jesse' recommended brands!

Rosarito hot dogs
Rosarito thin cut bacon

Wrap and cook in skillet on medium low heat under a lid and witha weight of some sort on top to hold them down.

Brown and turn and brown and turn until all sides are done.

Place on choice of soft bun/bread and add condiments (Herdez salsa casera, fresh ripe avocado and chopped callions highly recommended).


Oso - 8-22-2007 at 08:18 PM

Crusoe - 8-22-2007 at 08:20 PM

Hi Lencho...Great thread....There are now so many great soy products available that it is such a good tummy feeling not to eat the plastic/vinyl wrapped and chemical added garbage you are forced to buy in most Baja food stores. We like making alot of corn/soy bean/ pinto bean/ herbed and veggie mixed paste that we can substitute for the processed meat products. You are what you eat..... and think. ++C++

bajadock - 8-22-2007 at 10:34 PM

If you are what you eat, are you a bean or a paste?:smug:

amir - 8-23-2007 at 09:37 PM

One time when I said "You are what you eat" to a patient, he asked: "Do you mean then that if I eat watermelons, that I will become a watermelon?"
"Yes!" I replied. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Dave - 8-23-2007 at 10:05 PM

Originally posted by lencho
Originally posted by Oso

Interesting. I don't really know what "kosher" implies; do they not contain nitrites?

THanks-- Larry

Not to worry.

99.999% of all Jews who think they know kosher have no clue. ;D

Anywheys... Kosher dogs contain nitrites.

Oh, yummy!

Dave - 8-23-2007 at 10:20 PM

Originally posted by Crusoe
There are now so many great soy products available that it is such a good tummy feeling not to eat the plastic/vinyl wrapped and chemical added garbage you are forced to buy in most Baja food stores. We like making alot of corn/soy bean/ pinto bean/ herbed and veggie mixed paste that we can substitute for the processed meat products. You are what you eat..... and think. ++C++

May you spend the next 28 years marooned on an uninhabited island eating soy bean paste. :barf:

Here ya go:

Sharksbaja - 8-24-2007 at 12:24 AM

News : Campus

Some hot dogs may hike cancer risk
University of Nebraska research findings

A University of Nebraska researcher has found that hotdogs contain DNA-mutating compounds that may increase your cancer risk.
by NewsNetnebraska
August 14, 2006

"The noblest of all dogs is the hot dog; it feeds the hand that bites it." - Lawrence J. Peter

A University of Nebraska researcher says good old American hot dogs may contain DNA-mutating compounds that might boost your risk for cancer. Sidney Mirvish, a University of Nebraska Medical Center chemist found there may be a 240-fold variation in levels of the mutating chemicals from one hot dog brand to another.

"One could try and find out what the difference in manufacturing techniques are between the (hot dog) brands," said Mirvish in an article published in this week's LiveScience. Added Mirvish, "If it's decided these things (hot dogs) are a hazard, one could change the manufacturing methods."
Sidney Mirvish, a chemist at the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha, says some hot dogs may trigger DNA mutations that can increase colon cancer risk. Photo: University of Nebraska-Omaha Medical Center

That's hard news to digest for millions of Americans. The National Hot Dog and Sausage Council estimates that over seven billion hot dogs will be eaten by Americans between Memorial Day and Labor Day this year. Each year, Americans eat an average of 60 hot dogs apiece.

Mirvish and his colleagues decided to look at hot dogs because past research linked them with colon cancer. Hot dogs are preserved with sodium nitrite, which can help form N-nitroso compounds; chemicals which cause cancer in lab animals.

Extracts from hot dogs bought from the supermarket, when mixed with nitrites, resulted in what appeared to be these DNA-mutating compounds. When added to Salmonella bacteria, Mirvish and NU medical researhcers discovered that hot dog extracts treated with nitrites doubled to quadrupled their normal DNA mutation levels. Triggering such DNA mutations in the human gut might boost the risk for colon cancer, said the researchers.
The National Hot Dog and Sausage Council estimates that more than seven billion hot dogs will be eaten by Americans between Memorial Day and Labor Day.

The National Hot Dog and Sausage Council estimates that more than seven billion hot dogs will be eaten by Americans between Memorial Day and Labor Day.

"I won't say you shouldn't eat hot dogs," Mirvish said. Future research will feed hot dog meat to mice to see if they develop colon cancer or precancerous conditions, he explained.

James Hodges, president of the American Meat Institute Foundation in Washington, noted this study is "a preliminary report that the author concedes requires further investigation. The carcinogenic risk to humans of the compounds studied has not been determined."

The possible hazard isn't just limited to hot dogs either. Salted dried fish and seasonings such as soy sauce may also contain similar levels of these chemicals, Mirvish said.

Mirvish and his colleagues reported their findings in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.


Vital Hot Dog Facts*

In 2005, consumers spent more than $3.9 billion on hot dogs and sausages in U.S. supermarkets – that equals more than 1.5 billion hot dogs and sausages bought at retail stores alone.

Americans will eat enough hot dogs at major league ballparks this year to stretch from RFK Stadium in Washington, D.C. to AT&T Park in San Francisco.

New Yorkers consume more hot dogs than any other city – beating out Chicago and Los Angeles.

Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport consumes SIX times more hot dogs – 725,000 – than Los Angeles International Airport and LaGuardia Airport combined.

On Independence Day, Americans will enjoy 150 million hot dogs – enough to stretch from D.C. to L.A. over five times.

During Hot Dog Season – Memorial Day to Labor Day – Americans typically consume 7 billion hot dogs – or 818 hot dogs consumed every second during that period.

U.S. soldiers in military posts around the world – from Fort Meyers in Arlington, Va. to Okinawa, Japan to Aqaba, Jordon – consumed 2.4 million hot dogs last year.

*Source- National Hot Dog and Sausage Council

Did you know: It is said that the legendary baseball player Babe Ruth (1895-1948) once downed 24 hot dogs between games of a double header.

Russ - 8-24-2007 at 05:53 AM

Some one please shoot the messenger!