Ranger Rich - 9-1-2007 at 08:23 PM
Hey Nomads,
Janice and I are preparing for our annual pilgrimage to Baja. That is the good news. The bad news is that we only get two weeks this time. We figure
on staying at Baja Cactus on our first night and heading for BOLA the next day. We had an awesome time there last year and our 3 day stay in BOLA
turned into two weeks ( Baja mode kicked in and we couldn't find a reason to push on south. Go figure) This time we plan to just settle in and chill
at BOLA for the whole time on purpose. We had an awesome time at Campo Archelon and we want to stay with Antonio and Betty again this time.
The question is does anyone know how to make reservations at Archelon? We remember "Reserved" signs in some of the palapas but we are having no luck
finding out how, or if this can be done.
Thanks in advance
Ranger Rich