

Norm - 9-9-2007 at 01:32 PM



BajaBruno - 9-9-2007 at 02:13 PM

I'll be happy to help--I know where that storage place is, but I don't know Jim & Gloria. Give me some directions and tell me what I can do.

longlegsinlapaz - 9-9-2007 at 02:24 PM

Norm, what kind of help are you asking for here?? Physical labor to help get things cleaned up?? Emotional support?? I heard that the place is a real mess & know several people who had all their possessions stored there & most if not all is destroyed...including large travel trailers & vehicles. +4' of mud inside the units!! I sincerely doubt that all who have/had things in storage there know yet of their losses. I have heard that Jim carried insurance, but am not clear if that insurance was just on his property, or on the possessions of his customers. And I did hear that Jim sustained a multiple break in an arm in his attempts to minimize the property losses that were incurred due to the dam being opened. Evidently the powers that be don't understand the wisdom of a slow/gradual release!!!!:mad::mad:

Since you seem to have more information than I do, it might be wise to say specifically what kind of help is needed. I tired to get out there yesterday & couldn't get into the storage lot, and I know others who have 4-WD did get down there, but the major devastation overwhelmed them & they left.

There was a posting on the Henriette thread that mentioned the arroyo in Fidipaz was running wide & deep & that it was an intentional release of the water in the dam, not a break!! Evivdently the State Police were notified & closed the hwy at that point prior to the release. That arroyo & the area where the storage unit is near the airport is quite a distance apart...I'd say 3-4 miles...but all downhill from the mountains, so I guess it is conceivable! I'm amazed that both these areas were effected so badly by the release of the dam.

This is kinda disjointed, but if you could give some feedback on specifics of what would be helpful to Jim & Gloria & the rest of the people who had things stored there, it might be easier to organize efforts, rather than just having people show up there blind.

Alan - 9-9-2007 at 04:33 PM

We are waiting anxiously. I'm sure lots of others beside me have things stored there too.

longlegsinlapaz - 9-9-2007 at 04:42 PM

Talked with Jim and they are in desperate need of help to get things dug out, cleaned & whatever volunteer help is offered, they'll take! I took pics, but can't reduce them, so I've downloaded them to BajaBruno & he'll reduce & post some of them.

It's bad!! The pics will only tell part of the story. Many people have lost all or most of their possessions, family photographs & in many instances all the furniture & artwork they brought down here to furnish new casas not yet completed. It appears that the storage facility acted like a breakwater for several small Mexican homes downstream by absorbing & diffusing most of the force of what had to be a huge wall of water!

I'm going back Monday morning to help answer the office phones & speak with any English-speaking callers.... Jim said the office gals have been overwhelmed with English-speaking callers & only one speaks any English.

If you look closely at the pics, you can see high water marks on most of the vehicles, trailers, boats & individual storage unit doors. All of the doors with curled bottom edges were running parallel with the water flow! You'll also see all the cars & trailers & boats under covered parking were lifted & driven/floated/swept into the vehicle next to them! The open vehicle parking is positioned so that the water hit from the direction they were parked, as opposed to from the side.

A Mexican friend said that news reports on TV have said that customers were responsible for insuring their own possessions. I doubt that most insured their possessions in storage, boats & trailers, possibly, HOPEFULLY!! From what I saw, I'd guesstimate that most storage units will have 3-4' of mud inside & only things higher than that will be salvageable, for the most part.

Jim is desperate for strong backs that are willing to donate some time to help in many, many ways.

I'll warn you now, douse yourself good with bug repellant!!! The mosquitoes are out in full force....even in the sun!

Hopefully BajaBruno will be posting his own personal comments shortly, if he's not typing then as I type.

longlegsinlapaz - 9-9-2007 at 04:56 PM

Originally posted by Alan
We are waiting anxiously. I'm sure lots of others beside me have things stored there too.

Alan, if you want to U2U me your unit # or give me a location if you had a vehicle parked there, I'll find out what I can tomorrow & U2U back to you. I'm so sorry!

Same goes for any others who have things stored there...I honestly hope that you don't see you vehicles/trailers/boats in any of my pics! Give me a unit number and the name the storage is contracted under and I'll find out as much as I can & get back to you. Right now, I'm at a loss because I'm making several assumptions....I assume locks on units are personal locks rather than facility-issued, so seeing inside would be a problem. And I'm assuming that they have records cross-referenced by name as well as unit number, if you've forgotten your unit information.

comitan - 9-9-2007 at 05:04 PM

Just got back also mostly what he needs right now is help moving stuff out of his house so that it can be made livable. The south wall is about 90% down and all of the storage units there are gone! He has hired a guard to keep everything that is exposed secure. I think its impossible at this time to assess the damage inside the storage sheds that were not destroyed.

longlegsinlapaz - 9-9-2007 at 05:12 PM

Thanks KNOW I'm directionally challenged! North is up...South is down...East is my right hand....West is my left! Just don't spin me around or all my fine sense of direction is lost! The water went from the airport towards the highway!!

BajaBruno - 9-9-2007 at 07:07 PM

I think the "dam" that was spoken of was the south wall that Comitan mentioned. My guess is that water built up behind it and when it collapsed (totally unreinforced block wall by all appearances) it acted as a breaking "dam" and released all its water to innundate the facility-- probably not long by the looks of the erosion holes around the posts, but enough water to cause a lot of damage.

The mud level was not high. The water level looks like </=3 feet, but it was muddy water.


longlegsinlapaz - 9-9-2007 at 07:38 PM

La Paz Mini Storage

La Paz Mini-Storage 9-9-07 (2).jpg - 43kB

BajaBruno - 9-9-2007 at 07:46 PM

Way to go, Legs! I had faith.


longlegsinlapaz - 9-9-2007 at 07:50 PM

La Paz Mini Storage

La Paz Mini-Storage 9-9-07 (3).jpg - 48kB


longlegsinlapaz - 9-9-2007 at 07:51 PM

La Paz Mini Storage

La Paz Mini-Storage 9-9-07 (4).jpg - 45kB


longlegsinlapaz - 9-9-2007 at 07:52 PM

La Paz Mini Storage

La Paz Mini-Storage 9-9-07 (5).jpg - 49kB


longlegsinlapaz - 9-9-2007 at 07:54 PM

La Paz Mini Storage

La Paz Mini-Storage 9-9-07 (6).jpg - 48kB


longlegsinlapaz - 9-9-2007 at 07:56 PM

La Paz Mini Storage

La Paz Mini-Storage 9-9-07 (7).jpg - 49kB


longlegsinlapaz - 9-9-2007 at 07:57 PM

La Paz Mini Storage

La Paz Mini-Storage 9-9-07 (8).jpg - 40kB


longlegsinlapaz - 9-9-2007 at 07:59 PM

La Paz Mini Storage

La Paz Mini-Storage 9-9-07 (10).jpg - 42kB


longlegsinlapaz - 9-9-2007 at 08:01 PM

La Paz Mini Storage

La Paz Mini-Storage 9-9-07 (13).jpg - 36kB


longlegsinlapaz - 9-9-2007 at 08:02 PM

La Paz Mini Storage

La Paz Mini-Storage 9-9-07 (15).jpg - 48kB


longlegsinlapaz - 9-9-2007 at 08:04 PM

La Paz Mini Storage

La Paz Mini-Storage 9-9-07 (16).jpg - 45kB

Bajabus - 9-9-2007 at 08:04 PM

Oh my that is so sad. Thanks for the pics.

Unfortunately it is a scene we will see repeatedly in years to come as so much new construction these days seems to be getting perilously close to zona federal arroyos.

I have a zona federal arroyo bordering my property directly to the North but the whole border is almost all solid rock and I'm up 55 ft and about 60 meters in from it.

In 15 years it has really only run violently once during hurricane Julietta and it was a doozy. From that day I always had a very healthy respect for those seemingly forever dry river beds

The flatlands bordering arroyos are dangerous places to be and build even if has never flooded in recent memory.


longlegsinlapaz - 9-9-2007 at 08:04 PM

La Paz Mini Storage

[Edited on 9-10-2007 by longlegsinlapaz]

La Paz Mini-Storage 9-9-07 (17).jpg - 33kB


longlegsinlapaz - 9-9-2007 at 08:06 PM

La Paz Mini Storage

La Paz Mini-Storage 9-9-07 (18).jpg - 31kB

#14 :(:(:(

longlegsinlapaz - 9-9-2007 at 08:08 PM

La Paz Mini Storage :(:(:(

This is the last one I'm posting! :(:(:(

La Paz Mini-Storage 9-9-07 (19).jpg - 48kB

gpm414 - 9-9-2007 at 09:35 PM

I just looked at this area using Google Earth. It's easy to follow the arroyos in the area "upstream" from the airport. The dam that is mentioned is also visable, but it seems to drain directly into the major arroyo that you cross a couple of miles north of the airport just before you enter La Paz. There seem to be three or four arroyos that funnel into the area near the airport. Check out Google Earth, it's a great tool for viewing your special places in Baja.

joel - 9-9-2007 at 09:51 PM

Thanks for the photos and all the information.

I am so very sorry for all those folks who have stuff stored there and the owners of the place who have been so great to so many folks over the years and then to have this happen.

JESSE - 9-9-2007 at 10:28 PM

Oh man, that's pretty sad, i am stuck in the restaurant most of the day, but if theres anything i can do to help in my spare time, i would be happy to contribute.


Norm - 9-10-2007 at 06:13 AM

THANKS TO ALL THE NOMADS <WE LOVE YOU> THIS IS SO SAD ! WE HAVE KNOWN JIM & GLORIA FOR A LONG TIME. They have worked hard to set this place up, so that all of use can have a safe place to store our things. We have a place next door on the north side, our wall is in good shape. Jim thinks there is water in the yard , no time to go look??? Thanks to any one that has time to help,any way they can... I KNOW THAT THEY WILL HELP YOU LATER ANY WAY THAT THEY CAN !!!!!



oldlady - 9-10-2007 at 06:33 AM

According to Jim and other tenants, local Mexican authorities decided to release some of the water behind the dam. Stories will vary, I am sure, but those of us in the path now realize that they virtually opened the dam thing up instead of a controlled release. Jim's wall, extremely high and strong, acted as a second dam until it gave way. Jim, Gloria and friends staying with them scurried for their lives to a "cupola" the equivalent of 3 stories up. In 10 years he had never had water in the bodegas.
Jim broke his shoulder in the ordeal. I have not spoken to anyone who indicates that Jim received warning.
Depending on the location of your "stuff" damage had been from moderate
to total. The mud reached a minimum of 1 meter and sat there. Some like my friends Robin and Miriam store their their trailers there during hurricane season and either return north for annual visits to family or house sit here.
For these people there trailer is there home. Robin and Miriam lost everything, their home.

My husband and I were within days of emptying our unit to move into our house. The house should have been finished more than three months ago,
but we all know contractors! All of our furniture, books, ya know, "stuff"
was there. Most of it is gone. My art collection, photographs, memorobilia...gone. I have an interesting piece of art. It is a photograph
enlarged to the max of a small part of a building. It was taken at sunset in the late 1970's such that it looks like a photograph of golden organ pipes. Few guess what it is. It was done by a friend of mine, a young photographer who, just as his talent became recognized, died of AIDS. The photo is of a section of One World Trade Center. It needs to be reframed. It survived.

For those of you not here who would like me to do what I can to check on anything at Jim's send me a U2U. I will check here during the day. Some of those who lost everything helped unload our bodega in hopes that we could save some things and brought it to our Chametal rental (3 minutes from the bodega). Imagine, putting aside your own horror to help someone whose horror is less. There's some pretty damn good people here!

longlegsinlapaz - 9-10-2007 at 06:33 AM

Norm & Sue, I'll be there today for as long as I'm needed to help the office gals by fielding English-speaking calls. I'll find out which place is yours & get some pics for you. If you'll U2U me your e-mail address, I'll send them as soon as I get home later this afternoon/evening.

oldlady - 9-10-2007 at 07:41 AM

Sorry, I don't know. I spent all day and into the night on Saturday and Sunday scraping mud out of my stuff and hosing it off. I'm about half done. Trying to blame anyone for something here has, in my experience, been futile. They always move it to someone else. Rumors are that it had to be opened to save lives. When it happened I was trying to get to Centenario. We stopped at the edge of Centenario, couldn't get through. Military guys were evacuating a few people from the Campestre Marantha because they were going to "open the dam". No one knew what dam and clearly they didn't know where the dam water was going to go. That was about 10:30am Wednesday. So, someone knew the "plan". Forgetting the stuff, Jim and Gloria could have been killed. By the way...the water where I was that morning never got any deeper....1-2 feet except in the Vados.

Hook - 9-10-2007 at 10:17 AM

Originally posted by lencho
Originally posted by oldlady
No one knew what dam and clearly they didn't know where the dam water was going to go.

If anybody finds out, please advise. The only major dam that I'm aware of on the La Paz side of the divides is the Buena Mujer/Cajoncito drainage and if that ever overflows the dikes running through La Paz to where it starts affecting the airport/Chametla area a lot of people are in big trouble.

Is there some dam out towards San Pedro that I've missed out on?


The earlier suggestion about using Google Earth might be helpful, Larry. Any dam, however small, should be easily spottable.

Paladin - 9-10-2007 at 07:17 PM

I'm curious why all the discussion about this flood and the dam contributing to it and no dicussion I remember about the dam breaking last year in Mulege.

Did I ask another bad question????

One POOPED Puppy here......

longlegsinlapaz - 9-10-2007 at 07:37 PM

First things first...Norm & Sue, I asked Jim to point me towards your casa, he advised that your place is just fine; he'd personally gone over & checked it out. Based on his assurance & the fact that I was needed there, I didn't get over to your casa. I'm sorry!

Anyone with boats stored there will be happy to hear that no boats were damaged...that includes yours Alan! There will probably need to be some heavy duty cleaning on trailers...just back waaaay down the ramp the next time you launch!;)

The smaller the vehicle, the greater the likelihood that it's got water/mud both in the engine compartment & the interior. The GOOD NEWS is that the insurance companies are covering anyone who has even minimal liability insurance. If you do, contact your insurance company immediately & they are making arrangements to have a tow truck pick the vehicle up, take it to a mechanic where the engine will be steam cleaned, as will the interior of all vehicles which got water inside. All the fluids will be flushed & replaced, including the gas tank, and the vehicle will be put back into running order & returned to the storage lot. You pay your deductible. There is a rapidly narrowing window of opportunity here...two weeks at the outside or it'll probably be too late to recover the vehicle. This occurred last Wednesday around 9:30 AM, according to the employees who were in the office at that time. So basically, nearly one week is gone; you need to act fast to get your vehicle checked out & cleaned up immediately! The smaller & lower to the ground the vehicle (VB bugs), the greater damage...the higher ground clearance (Suburbans, etc), much less damage. As you might have noted in the pics I posted, the highwater line on most of the vehicles & trailers was around the 3' level. No insurance...make a personal determination ASAP whether you want to have your car restored at your own expense or junk it & replace it when you come down next! You'd have to figure out how to pay for repairs Jim or Olga immediately if you'd like them to get the vehicle picked up & checked out.

Ditto....If you have insurance, cleanup & damage repair will be covered...minus your deductible, of course! A lot of trailers have a lot of mud in them!

Depending on the location, some appear to have fared worse than others, but the basic rule of thumb is, if "it" was sitting on the floor of the bodega, or within the first 3' of the floor, depending on the composition of the item, it sustained major damage. To expect anything to be recoverable, time is of the essence! Any furniture made with pressboard, particleboard or laminated's probably too late...solid hardwood items, like oak, can probably be rescued & restored if you act immediately. Boxes, mattresses, anything that wicks water, would most likely be beyond recovery/restoration by this time. Jim cannot open the bodegas...either the owner or a designated representative must unlock them. Many have doors blown off their tracks on one or both sides, with the lock still in place. According to Jim & the insurance companies he's talked with...if you have Homeowners Insurance either here or in the states, your personal possessions are supposed to be covered. (Please don't shoot the messenger; contact your stateside insurance provider & ask them if they cover your household goods & personal possessions 900 miles south of the border!):?:

Had 2' of water inside & very deep mud was being shoveled & pushed outside today. They lost a major amount of personal possessions, appliances, all the office PC's, but one; the office files are a soggy mess! They do have the paper copies of customer records in four 3" 3-ring binders & that's what they're working with.

According to Jim...there's another dam in/near/above "Tope-Town"/San Pedro. When "they" attempted to release some of the water slowly, the sluice gates blew off their mounting brackets & sent an unexpected wall of water downstream! Lencho, I'm sorry, I didn't get a damn dam name! Maybe those wise folks at CIB could be forthcoming with the name of another (other than the one responsible for the Fidipaz arroyo) dam near San Pedro!

Those are the high points of what I learned today, I'm certain I'll wake up around 3 AM with something major I forgot! I'm also certain that I'll be posting new information as I get it over the next few days.

I think I had a brief mental meltdown today:no:...I actually told my builder to pick out the pattern for the celocia (sp?) (ventilation blocks) for my new garage today...that lasted all of about 30 minutes before sanity reigned & I called him back & told him to pick me up at 4 PM and I'd go with him!:lol::lol:

Roberto - 9-10-2007 at 07:56 PM

Originally posted by lencho
Thanks for the suggestion. I already had done that, and had checked recent digital 1:50,000 INEGI topos which should have all those details, before I asked others about it.

Recent INEGI topos? Is there such a thing? And, if so, where are they available?

longlegsinlapaz - 9-11-2007 at 06:30 AM

There was a least one other Nomad helping out yesterday...well, that I could identify through under all the mud!!:lol: Comitan was there doing heavy work & I can attest to the fact that he was one mud-speckled POOPED puppy by the time he left...his mud-covered shoes had to weigh an extra 5 lbs EACH!!

[Edited on 9-11-2007 by longlegsinlapaz]

oldlady - 9-11-2007 at 07:03 AM

You, Comitan and so many deserve so much gratitude from all of us whom you have helped. We were able to get our friends' trailer out and over to our place yesterday where we can begin flushing it out and see if anything can be saved. Seems like all we've done is move mud around. There are a lot of very tired people now and we keep reminding ourselves that this is small potatoes compared to what the people in Mulege suffered a year ago. So we keep shoveling and try to keep it in perspective.
Again, Muchisimas Gracia!

Pescador - 9-11-2007 at 07:13 AM

Originally posted by Paladin
I'm curious why all the discussion about this flood and the dam contributing to it and no dicussion I remember about the dam breaking last year in Mulege.

Did I ask another bad question????

It is not a bad question, but there was no dam to burst in the Mulege river drainage. The storm just centered in the mounains for a long time and caused the river drainage to flood.

longlegsinlapaz - 9-11-2007 at 07:49 AM

Originally posted by Paladin
I'm curious why all the discussion about this flood and the dam contributing to it and no discussion I remember about the dam breaking last year in Mulege.

Did I ask another bad question????

Not just haven't found the right threads yet!;);) No dam in the Mulege disaster...but a bazillion posts & concern & pleas for help & offers of help on a Hurricane John thread...don't recall the exact thread name, but no time to search for it now...heading back to the La Paz Mini Storage Mud Baths!

oldlady & others who have U2U'd, I'll get back to you individually later, but I'm just doing what I'd hope others would do if positions were reversed. m/m oldlady were helped & are helping others in the midst of their own tragedy!!

Alan - 9-11-2007 at 08:22 AM

I just can't thank all of you enough! You are very special people. After 30 years in the fire service it feels very strange to be on the receiving end. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

longlegsinlapaz - 9-11-2007 at 03:26 PM

PS....Jim has hired an armed security guard to patrol the premises at night! I KNEW I'd forgotten SOMETHING!

Alan...da nada, da nada, da nada!:bounce:

tripledigitken - 9-11-2007 at 03:33 PM


You are a class act!:saint::saint::saint:


CaboRon - 9-11-2007 at 06:21 PM


Keep up the great work !

- CaboRon

Roberto - 9-11-2007 at 08:27 PM

Originally posted by lencho
Mid to late 90's, some even more recent. Not surprisingly, they sell them at... INEGI. :yes:


Those are the ones I have. When you said recent, you got my hopes up.

Of course, those maps are based (mostly) on very old surveys, so the publication date doesn't mean too much. I was hoping that there had been a new survey(s).

bajajudy - 9-12-2007 at 07:10 AM

They also have the maps on cd. Not cheap but great to use in a laptop on or off the road.

longlegsinlapaz - 9-12-2007 at 08:44 PM

Originally posted by tripledigitken

You are a class act!:saint::saint::saint:


Thank you Ken....sincerely appreciated!

todostim - 9-13-2007 at 04:31 PM

We just got our call from Jim & Gloria! How tragic. We've been keeping our cars there for over 12 yrs.
Unfortunately our Suzuki Sidekick has been sitting there now for over a week. Jim & Olga have some guys who will clean the car up, drain and replace the fluids, and get it running (hopefully) for $450. Has anyone done this.? Were you happy with the results? We have Mexican Insurance thru Lewis & Lewis (I forget the Mex Ins. Co. name.) but all the papers are/were in the glove box. We would love to hear what others are experiencing.

comitan - 9-13-2007 at 04:58 PM

I personally know 2 of the mechanics working on the vehicles and I can assure you that they will do a good job. As an update Jim & Glorias house is emptied and cleaned ready for new paneling and everything that was ruined, they started cleaning up the yard today.

longlegsinlapaz - 9-13-2007 at 08:06 PM

A LOT of the vehicles there have had this done....some owners were local or happened to be here, many aren't local, but by contacting their insurance companies, the agents have authorized towing to mechanics to have the work done. Now they're trying to get the work done there in the yard when it's feasible. The cost has ranged in the neighborhood of $500 (equiv USD)....but will differ depending on the condition of each individual vehicle....obviously a car that had water over the seats inside will take more time & labor to clean the mud off the floorboards AND the seats than one which got less water/mud inside. Same on the what the mechanics find from vehicle to vehicle under the hood & in the gas tank.

My personal side note....Call me Pollyanna:lol:....but I was truly amazed to discover how many of the vehicles stored do NOT have insurance!!:(:( I guess people who can afford 5th wheels, large trailers or bus-sized motor homes can easily afford to replace them:?::?: There is a reason for insurance & this past week, unfortunately, I believe that reason hit quite close to home for many many people!

Long legs you are FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Keri - 9-13-2007 at 08:43 PM

You deserve a million gold stars. Thanks so much for all your help. You are an angel,k:saint::saint::saint::saint::saint:

longlegsinlapaz - 9-13-2007 at 09:39 PM

Steve: check your U2U

Above and beyond

capitolkat - 9-14-2007 at 05:12 AM

Long Legs-- Kudos to you for your selfless devotion to others. As a lifelong Rotarian I know the motto " Service above Self" is admirable in the people we know. I'm glad you're in La Paz- where we'll be retiring in about 15+ months.

Thanks for this labor of love-- Norm

flood at La Paz mine storage I have a Suburban and 22t. trailer that I need some inside pictures. They have the keys at the office. Also may need some clean up work done. I am in Idaho and not going to be there for 2 more months.

ionaroad - 9-17-2007 at 11:51 AM

Originally posted by longlegsinlapaz
Norm, what kind of help are you asking for here?? Physical labor to help get things cleaned up?? Emotional support?? I heard that the place is a real mess & know several people who had all their possessions stored there & most if not all is destroyed...including large travel trailers & vehicles. +4' of mud inside the units!! I sincerely doubt that all who have/had things in storage there know yet of their losses. I have heard that Jim carried insurance, but am not clear if that insurance was just on his property, or on the possessions of his customers. And I did hear that Jim sustained a multiple break in an arm in his attempts to minimize the property losses that were incurred due to the dam being opened. Evidently the powers that be don't understand the wisdom of a slow/gradual release!!!!:mad::mad:

Since you seem to have more information than I do, it might be wise to say specifically what kind of help is needed. I tired to get out there yesterday & couldn't get into the storage lot, and I know others who have 4-WD did get down there, but the major devastation overwhelmed them & they left.

There was a posting on the Henriette thread that mentioned the arroyo in Fidipaz was running wide & deep & that it was an intentional release of the water in the dam, not a break!! Evivdently the State Police were notified & closed the hwy at that point prior to the release. That arroyo & the area where the storage unit is near the airport is quite a distance apart...I'd say 3-4 miles...but all downhill from the mountains, so I guess it is conceivable! I'm amazed that both these areas were effected so badly by the release of the dam.

This is kinda disjointed, but if you could give some feedback on specifics of what would be helpful to Jim & Gloria & the rest of the people who had things stored there, it might be easier to organize efforts, rather than just having people show up there blind.

[Edited on 9-17-2007 by ionaroad]


longlegsinlapaz - 9-17-2007 at 07:36 PM

Two ships passing in the night:lol:....Check your e-mail for pics of your Suburban....NOW. You'll have to wait until Tuesday afternoon/evening before you can get a status & interior pics on your trailer...since you just confirmed the pics I sent are your trailer.

bajadock - 9-18-2007 at 07:34 AM

LLILP(as well as others)
Nice service you are providing for your fellow nomads. I's why so many of us depend on baja nomad for solid news. Good Job!

longlegsinlapaz - 9-18-2007 at 03:50 PM

The e-mail for the storage units is:
and the phone is 52(612) 124-6504. They are still accepting new business. I'm finally posting for the world to see rather than continue to to U2U the information....with Jim's knowledge & approval.

bajajazz - 9-19-2007 at 09:32 AM

Is there or is there not a dam somewhere around San Pedro that drains into the arroyos near the La Paz airport?

In view of the fact that another storm is on the way it would be helpful to have an accurate reading of this situation.:?:

oldlady - 9-19-2007 at 10:44 AM

Since the wall collapsed and, having dug out what we and some others had stored there, IMHO any significant precip is likely to flood the low lying storage area again, dam or no dam.

longlegsinlapaz - 9-19-2007 at 01:04 PM

I think that predominant general local consensus is that it was simply an abundance of water that built up in the low ditches between the highway & along the back wall facing the airport; with little or no outlet....the irresistible force meets the unmovable object theory! Neither the airport, nor the areas farthest from the highway sustained the kind of devastation that the storage yard did. I personally now believe it was merely "the luck of the draw" in low land.:( A lot of people have searched GoogleEarth & other online maps searching for a dam near San vain!

PS...In other words....I totally agree with oldlady (who I wish would change her on-line name!):lol::lol:

[Edited on 9-19-2007 by longlegsinlapaz]

FLOOD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Norm - 9-23-2007 at 08:46 AM


We can not thank you for all your help !!!!!!!
You help all of us that have thinks at the storage + our house..
Can you tell us if the new wall is started yet ????
Just hope Jim will build a very good wall this time !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you see ogla , ask here to email us here in auburn, we will be on our way by the 20 of oct !!!!! If she or Gloria needs anything that they lost , we can bring the thinkings with us .... Take care & will sea you after the tunajackpot !!!!!
Norm & Sue

longlegsinlapaz - 9-23-2007 at 01:13 PM wall started yet & there won't be until the insurance company reimburses them! Still a LOT of clean-up to do in the yard getting rid of debris.

Norm, you can contact Jim or Olga direct at the yards e-mail address of: I have passed your messages on to them & they've said they appreciate your offers, but they're still sorting through things to see what's lost & what can be salvaged.

oldlady - 9-23-2007 at 04:43 PM

Originally posted by longlegsinlapaz
PS...In other words....I totally agree with oldlady (who I wish would change her on-line name!):lol::lol:

[Edited on 9-19-2007 by longlegsinlapaz]

Say What??????Not to hijack here...but why change my moniker....I have worked hard for it, hair is getting whiter by the moment, and no younglady, YOU can't have it.
p.s. Fridge works, AC works, I work, soon as CCC restocks Squirt I'll lay in a supply for you...gotta roof yet?:P

todostim - 9-28-2007 at 11:01 AM

Does anyone know the mechanic "Manuel" who is working on cars with water damage. Is he a good mechanic? and how to get a hold of him (telephone #). I just found out from Janet in the office, Jim has gone to Oregon, and Olga is out. I'm trying to get to the bottom of how bad my car is and can it be fixed. Thanks for any info.

longlegsinlapaz - 9-28-2007 at 03:27 PM

Originally posted by todostim
Does anyone know the mechanic "Manuel" who is working on cars with water damage. Is he a good mechanic? and how to get a hold of him (telephone #). I just found out from Janet in the office, Jim has gone to Oregon, and Olga is out. I'm trying to get to the bottom of how bad my car is and can it be fixed. Thanks for any info.

IMHO.....he's not a good mechanic, he's a damn good mechanic & he's been performing miracles with the cars, trucks, & motor homes he's worked on!! He's extremely conscientious! His name is Manuel Ojeda & I do have his phone number, but he'd have to have your name & vehicle & find it in the storage yard & he's up to his eyeballs in he doesn't speak English. U2U me your name; or the name the storage is contracted under; the make, model, color & license plate number or at minimum, the state licensed in, and I'll see if I know of it (somehow I've developed an almost personal relationship with a lot of cars & rigs over the past 3 weeks!):lol: or I'll find it & take pics of the vehicle & e-mail them to you, along with a verbal description of where it was parked in the lot, if it's accessible to tow out to be worked on, levels of water & mud inside, etc. also include your e-mail address in the U2U.

Alan - 9-28-2007 at 06:25 PM

I'm flying in on Oct 20 to pay up on all of those Margaritas I owe you and BajaBruno!! You were both lifesavers and I'll be forever grateful.

Flooded car fixed?

twogringos - 10-23-2007 at 12:02 PM

Does anyone know of a flood damaged car that has been returned in good condition?

longlegsinlapaz - 10-26-2007 at 07:05 PM

Yes....I'm currently driving one on a temporary basis. Why do you ask? Did you have a vehicle there which received....Uhhhhhhhhh....less than satisfactory work? Or are you of the belief that flood damaged vehicles can't be salvaged successfully? Actually, I've been working with the mechanic who has been working temporarily there in the yard for the past 7 weeks. I've worked with them for interior & exterior cleaning, engine, gas tanks, brakes & wheel bearing work on 7 trucks or SUV's, a large motor home & 4 trailers. Work is completed on all but 2 of the vehicles I've been overseeing. We're waiting on an on-board computer for a Canadian manufactured vehicle & one transmission which had to be pulled & cleaned of mud, which should be back together Monday-Tuesday.

Different vehicles in different parts of the yard had varying degrees of damage, most of the smaller vehicles had mud & water over the seats & part way up the seat backs & to varying levels in the engine compartment. One vehicle I'm overseeing repairs on for the owner literally had water to the top inside the engine's running now.

The only thing sadder than having to tell someone their trailer is a total loss is how many owners couldn't be contacted or who were contacted & chose to wait & deal with the situation when they come down in Nov-Dec; by which time many of those rigs will be a a total loss due to waiting so long to make any attempt to try to salvage them.

I'm curious as to what prompted your question.:?:

twogringos - 10-27-2007 at 06:47 AM

We have friends who had a car flooded there and are handling things for them. We called Olga last Monday to see if the car had been returned yet and she replied that the cars were taken to several different places and that none had been returned. Her (good) advice was to contact the insurance company. Thank you for reporting that some progress is being made.

longlegsinlapaz - 10-27-2007 at 09:18 AM

In the first few days after the flood, there were some cars taken into town to be worked on, then a mechanic & cleaning crew came to the yard & has been working there 7-days a week ever since. I'd be concerned over the fact that Olga said "none have been returned yet"!!!! WHO is overseeing the repairs? WHO is keeping the mechanic it was taken to honest? WHERE was it taken? On WHOSE authorization? Did the owner authorize it to be removed from the storage yard? Did the insurance company? If the owner didn't wire any $$ down to take care of the repairs, then I can guarantee you that no work has been started on it, regardless of where it is!

Where are you? If you're here in La Paz, I'd recommend trying to get answers to those questions & physically finding the car to see what the present situation is. I've got more than enough on my plate right now between the time I've donated to owners of vehicles at the storage yard & simultaneously overseeing my new casa construction....BUT....if you aren't here or near, U2U me with the owner's name, make of the car & where it's licensed & I'll see what I can find out the first of the week.

What scares me is that I'll bet nobody has a clue as to WHERE the car was taken. It could have been "parted out" long ago!!:no::no::no: Or if the owner didn't make any specific arrangements, it could very well still be sitting there in the yard untouched!:no::no::no:

edit: Even IF the vehicle was insured, the $500 (standard for Qualitas Ins.) deductible has to be taken care of by the owner before the insurance company will make a claim determination. And of all the owners I've been working with, NONE have heard final claim status, in fact, few have been able to get Qualitas to return other than the initial phone call or e-mail!:no:

[Edited on 10-27-2007 by longlegsinlapaz]

twogringos - 11-1-2007 at 01:06 PM

The insurance company said the car was at "Taller Azteca", no address. Have any of you in La Paz seen this repair shop?

Hook - 11-1-2007 at 02:26 PM

Originally posted by longlegsinlapaz
And of all the owners I've been working with, NONE have heard final claim status, in fact, few have been able to get Qualitas to return other than the initial phone call or e-mail!:no:
[Edited on 10-27-2007 by longlegsinlapaz]

WOW, that is significant news, given how long its been.

So, what brokers are issuing Qualitas Insurance at this time, Nomads?

longlegsinlapaz - 11-3-2007 at 07:43 AM

Originally posted by twogringos
The insurance company said the car was at "Taller Azteca", no address. Have any of you in La Paz seen this repair shop?

I haven't a clue WHY, but that name sounds familiar! I'll ask the mechanic working at the yard on Monday if he knows who/where it is. Since it sounds like the insurance company was who authorized the vehicle to be removed from the storage yard, personally, I'd hold their feet to the fire to backtrack & FIND the vehicle! At minimum, the insurance company should have the phone number they called to have the vehicle towed or a work order for the repairs!!

I know of one other instance where an insurance company (not Qualitas in this instance) had a vehicle towed into town, without the owner's approval or knowledge. They only had them submit a repair estimate....did NOT authorize any work to be done & had the vehicle returned to the yard. The estimate included applying new undercoating on the vehicle & came in over $1,500!!! There was also an exclusion for doing any electrical work whatsoever! Along with a $60 tow charge....each way! I arranged for the mechanic in the yard to clean the interior/exterior, change all the fluids, filters, belts, pull the wheels, clean the brakes & wheel bearings & grease the bearings....for $500!

If the insurance company still can't find the vehicle, I'd suggest that the owner ask them to change the claim to a stolen vehicle & see if that gets them off their burros!:lol:

longlegsinlapaz - 11-3-2007 at 07:54 AM

WOW, that is significant news, given how long its been.

So, what brokers are issuing Qualitas Insurance at this time, Nomads?

I know that Lewis & Lewis writes a lot of Qualitas policies & would suspect most brokers do.

One of the guys I oversaw repairs for finally got a payoff amount for his totaled trailer....yesterday....but Qualitas won't proceed with processing the claim until they get his claim form...which they promised to e-mail to him over a month ago & have failed to do so, despite numerous phone calls & e-mails requesting that they honor their commitment to e-mail him one!!! I gave him the URL for their on-line claim form....which the Qualitas adjuster had also failed to share with him! :(:(

Qualitas, Lewis and Lewis

roamingthroughbaja - 12-3-2007 at 07:28 AM

Well, we finally got our payoff from Qualitas, 2 1/2 months after the flood. It was very difficult dealing with this company. After the initial contact to make the claim, they never once met a deadline, returned a phone call, or did what they said they would do. Calls to the main office in Mexico City provoked action, but only for a day or two. Emails to Lewis and Lewis for help, (and many phone calls too) were simply forwarded to Qualitas along with a request to help us. Like we weren't already emailing them ourselves every day?
We were in the situation that our trailer was damaged beyond the amount it was insured for. It is our only home, and so we needed the $ to buy another one before our summer housesitting gig was over. That didn't make any difference to Qualitas, they did,'t believe that we didn't have a house somewhere to go live in. When we finally settled on an amount, another story altogether, it took another three weeks to get the cheque. If anyone out there could recommend another insurer that behaves more professionally, we would love to hear about it. Bottom line is, qualitas may be OK for car accidents, etc., (- have no experience with that) but they don't have it together to fix or assess the value of trailers.

For us personally, everything has worked out for the best. Thanks so much to all our friends who helped us cope, invited us for dinners, provided accommodation, moved boxes, cleaned endless amounts of gooey mud off our stuff....we can't say enough to express our gratitude for your support. (You know who you are...).

Hook - 12-3-2007 at 02:15 PM

Roamin', that you for your story about Qualitas and trailers.