
Ensenada surf fishing spots?

beachbum1A - 9-10-2007 at 08:33 AM

Having moved to Ensenada five months ago and being an avid salt water fisherman, I'm trying to find some local "spots" where I can fish from shore AND have a decent opportunity to stretch my line. Been to Boogies tackle store a few times and spoke with Alfredo but he wasn't able to offer any help. (though he did offer to set me up with a charter or a day trip on a party boat)
Any ideas?

bajaguy - 9-10-2007 at 08:51 AM

How about somewhere that you can park your truck and keep an eye on it!!!!!!!....sorry, Bruce, I couldn't resist!!!!!

beachbum1A - 9-10-2007 at 12:42 PM

That's a fact. Vehicle security is definately on my mind now a days. Almost equal in importance though, would be a good taco stand, close by, say within walking distance. Chased down with a ice cold Pacifico, uuuuummmmmmmm good!

I do realize that no one is really willing to divulge their secret spot(s), but please, just put me in the general area and I'll be a happy camper.

Sallysouth - 9-10-2007 at 01:24 PM

Try El Faro Beach.Park and walk down the beach a bit towards the channel that flows out of Estero.We fished there a few weeks back and there were all kinds of fish being caught,Corvina, Croaker, Halibut, sharks, rays and white sea bass.We fished with ghost shrimp but clams were working well also. There are fish taco stands right up on the road also.

DENNIS - 9-10-2007 at 03:46 PM

Hey Sally.....

Is that caged lion still at El Faro? If it is, BB1A should be warned not to get too close to the cage. That cat has a well practiced nasty habit. It can pee in a straight line for thirty feet.........and will when given a moving target.

beachbum1A - 9-10-2007 at 05:42 PM

Thanks Sallysouth, that's the kind of info I was hoping for. Appreciated for sure!

Sallysouth - 9-10-2007 at 07:19 PM

You are welcome beachbum1A. I have to tell you tho, we stayed at Estero and launched there, went way up into the channel by El Faro, and drifted with the current back down into the bay of Estero.There were many fisherpeople on the beach right there at the mouth catching LOTS of fish, off the beach.Try to get it on the ebb tide or just as the tide starts to change.Good idea to get a tide chart from the local charter place maybe.As far as El Faro goes, I thought that it may be cheaper than paying to park at Estero Beach, and an easy walk down the beach.We did not visit there (El Faro) this last trip and I have NO idea if Leo is still there or not.(DENNIS)The fish would not bite on on any lures or squigglies, but loved the clams and ghostshrimp. Good luck and give us a report please! (another thought) If you want, you can pay to park at Estero for the day, make a whole day of it, catch some fish right off the wall in front of the Restaurant or the point, and sit on the veranda of the bar, overlooking the bay after fishing(or during and after) and have some good Margies or cold cervesas!The food was awesome when we were there also. :bounce:

[Edited on 9-11-2007 by Sallysouth]

beachbum1A - 9-11-2007 at 08:33 AM

Sounds good Sallysouth! This week is tied up with the PBYC Fishing Derby on Thursday and the fish fry on Saturday but this will be on my adjenda first chance and will post a report for you. I have not yet been to either Estero or El Faro beaches so looking forward to another "first".
Thank you. :bounce:

Minnow - 9-11-2007 at 08:43 AM

Pabloff prints up tide charts every year and gives them out at the office of La Joya Beach Camp. Like Sally says lots of fish at the boca de estero. You can also fish the entire sand spit at sunset for a variety of species. If you pay the twenty pesos to go out to the end of punta banda that is where the best fishing from shore is to be had. Ever catch a big bonita from shore?

bajabound2005 - 9-11-2007 at 09:22 AM

Yes, the lion is still there and that cage stinks to high heaven!

vacaenbaja - 9-11-2007 at 09:40 AM

I forget what at what kilometer , but before you enter
Ensenada from the north there used to be/ still is? a fishing tackle store on your right had side. The store was faily well stocked. next door was an empty lot and then a rather large
house of recent construcion. The beach area between
the two structures is just a short walk down a small incline.
I have caught many good sized calico bass using cut bait and artifical lures. Does any one remember the name of that
tackle shop and if it is still in business. there used to be pangas and i think maybe a whalebone or two on the dirt
parking lot next to them. It was a light yellow cinderblock

Sallysouth - 9-11-2007 at 10:06 PM

Hey Minnow, where would one go to the end of PB and catch a fish from shore? Last I looked, it is all rocks, and large, not easy to get to on foot. Also, to get to the "sand spit", you need a boat!No mido, it is all in the same location and the fish are definatley there! I have never caught a Bonita from shore, but did a YT at Juncalito many years ago.What a thrill of a lifetime! Wait, I just re-read your post. You said 20 pesos to hire a panga to go to the end of PB and fish from shore.Now I am confused.Splain por favor! How does that work?????:?:

Minnow - 9-12-2007 at 08:38 AM

There is a road out to the tip of punta banda. They charge 20 pesos to go out there. It is located just at the top of the grade out to la bufadora. This is the favorite spost of the locals, and the fishing is very good. On weekends there is probably 20 people out there.

They will let you through the gate out to the sand spit. Park at the boat ramp and walk over to the beach.

beachbum1A - 9-12-2007 at 09:35 AM

Boy, a lot to look at!
Vacaenbaja; do not think that tackle store is still in business but might be able to place the location from your description, Thanks.
Minnow certainly doesn't live in LV fulltime cause you have far too much local information! haha And I will go out there during a weekday and check it out.
"You can also fish the entire sand spit at sunset for a variety of species." Do you have to pass through the security gate (s) to get out there? Is that a problem?

fandango - 9-12-2007 at 10:30 AM

beachbum: when you go to the spit, tell the guard that you are going to the beach, no problem. instead of going to the boat ramp on the right, drive past the hotel and you will find a parking area on the right. cross the dunes to the beach.
minnow: how is the road to the point? if nobody is at the house to pay do you continue on? after the right turn, the road curves down and out of view, i haven't made it past that point. is it steep?

Minnow - 9-12-2007 at 12:44 PM

If you have not been out to the tip of Punta Banda lately you need to. They are building Multi Million dollar houses out there complete with their own launch ramp. You have to see it to believe it. The road has been newly graded also. If you want to take a boat ride out there I have a friend who is always looking for fishing partners. His name is Steve Meling. Sound familiar. He is a great guy. To find him just stop by his ferreteria in Chapultepec. It is on the way to Estero Beach hotel. It is called El Vado. When you come to the Vado it is on the left. Not the one on the corner. Tell him Tom sent you. Also, if you get in trouble with the "law" in that area he is the one to talk to. He is best friends with the chief of police.:lol:

DENNIS - 9-12-2007 at 01:01 PM

Fandango / Minnow.............

You guys are talking about different places, the point and the spit.

Sallysouth - 9-12-2007 at 09:47 PM

Oh DENNIS, ya just need to pay attention!!!!Where did the "Fandango" come into this???? Yes they are two totally different places but in the same area. beachbum1A was looking for some good beach fishing,and I think he has waaay tooo much info now!!:biggrin: Minnow has some good info and from his last post, really good contacts too!!! Like I said.....:tumble:oh, just scrolled up to read a post by "Fandango", gotcha DENNIS!

[Edited on 9-13-2007 by Sallysouth]

fandango - 9-13-2007 at 10:10 PM

a photo of the point FROM the spit


[Edited on 9-14-2007 by fandango]

fandango - 9-13-2007 at 10:39 PM

a photo of the point from the spit,
minnow: how is the road condition from the pavement to the newest part of the road along the side of the point?

[Edited on 9-14-2007 by fandango]

(congratulations fandango on your first photo!!)

[Edited on 9-14-2007 by fandango]

puntabanda.jpg - 33kB

fandango - 9-13-2007 at 10:50 PM

Originally posted by Sallysouth
Oh DENNIS, ya just need to pay attention!!!!Where did the "Fandango" come into this????................................... Like I said.....:tumble:oh, just scrolled up to read a post by "Fandango", gotcha DENNIS!

[Edited on 9-13-2007 by Sallysouth]

i'm not new anymore!!! 70 posts sallysouth,

Paulina - 9-14-2007 at 09:15 AM

Originally posted by Minnow
.... complete with their own launch ramp. You have to see it to believe it.


That launch ramp looks more like the drop on the Matterhorn at Disneyland. It's amazing, and I don't think I would ever trust it to launch anything unless my truck was amphibious, able to operate on both land and water, as the latter is where it would most likely end up.


[Edited on 14-9-2007 by Paulina]

Minnow - 9-14-2007 at 09:24 AM

Paulina, I said," you have to see it to believe it". You ruined the suprise.:lol: I have to think they have some sort of winch system. I have a picture if I can only find it.

Paulina - 9-14-2007 at 09:27 AM

:tumble:I'm sorry, now go find that photo!:P


Minnow - 9-14-2007 at 10:27 PM

[Edited on 15-9-2007 by Minnow]

phpf3YN3WAM.jpg - 49kB

DENNIS - 9-15-2007 at 06:17 AM


Sorry. Paintings will not be accepted as evidence.

Minnow - 9-15-2007 at 04:03 PM

I had to repost it. How many degrees is the angle on that thing?

DENNIS - 9-15-2007 at 06:42 PM

It looks really steep. How's that going to work?

Sallysouth - 9-15-2007 at 08:30 PM

I think Paulina has the answer to that! I remember seeing that ramp some years ago.It was a dirt ramp to begin with, and then a broken bunch of peices of a concrete ramp, very steep, at the end.I think, again, Paulina gets the prize for this question!!!(winch):yes: And to Minnow,When we went out of the channel of Estero to head for Todos to fish I always wondered how those people got WAY out there on that point!AH, now I know!(panga);)

[Edited on 9-16-2007 by Sallysouth]

Paulina - 9-15-2007 at 08:51 PM

Dern and I are arguing as I type. He says it's between a 20 to 30 degree angle. I'm saying more like a 45. How are we going to solve this question?

Dennis, it's up to you pal. You're closer to it than any of us at the moment.

It's hard to judge how steep it is when you're cruising by on a boat, rolling with the swells. Regardless, it's pretty damn steep!

Sallysouth, I'll have to pass the prize on to Minnow, he was the one to say winch. My answer was to use an amphibious launching vehicle. Are you sure that this is the ramp you remember? There is also the ramp that used to be next to Fred's house on Arnez (sp?)property. We used to use that one years ago. Too bad it fell to ruins.


bajadock - 9-15-2007 at 09:09 PM

Likely, I am newest boat owner on Punta Banda. Sorted through launching v. slip rental v. location v. size.... Predicament includes all of this water and not much ez access to it.

Decided to give up golf in favor of enjoying my new back yard....PACIFIC OCEAN. 5 of us are partners and renting slip. We'll see if we're still talking in 90 days.;)

DENNIS - 9-16-2007 at 08:36 AM

Originally posted by Paulina

Dennis, it's up to you pal. You're closer to it than any of us at the moment.

I used to walk around the point, long before current development. 6 or 8 mile trek, can't remember. It was a tough trail. If it's accesable now, it has to be from the west side.
Tom...How did you get the shot from the air?
I was guessing 30 degrees when I first figured out the foto but, the angle may be decieving.

Minnow - 9-16-2007 at 09:31 AM

The road in is from the East. I took the picture from a boat. What exactly do you think they are going to use that ramp for>? Hmmmm. Someone paid big bucks for a non usable ramp. Hmmmm.

DENNIS - 9-16-2007 at 01:16 PM

Originally posted by Minnow
The road in is from the East. I took the picture from a boat. What exactly do you think they are going to use that ramp for>? Hmmmm. Someone paid big bucks for a non usable ramp. Hmmmm.

I think it was just built wrong. With their [?] money, it can be fixed.
Tom.....Who's behind this project? The streets are devoid of rumor other than it's a man named Peņa, pariente to Miguel who owns Puerto Escondido.

Oh, you took that shot from a boat? It looks like an air shot. The angle is probably steeper than my original guess of thirty degrees.

Sallysouth - 9-16-2007 at 09:30 PM

Paulina, I think you are correct,as that can't possibly be the ramp I remember!Now that I think about was what we used to call "Three Sisters" Not sure why but I bet that was the ramp I remebered.Dirt road winding down and then a cement ramp...long time ago.We launched there a coupla times before we decided it was easier to go out of the channel at Estero, depending on the size of the surf, of course.:o

Paulina - 9-16-2007 at 09:36 PM

That would be the ramp below Fred's house. It was a windey dirt road that hugged the side of a dirt embankment with houses above on your left hand side. That was a good ramp back in the day. There was even room to park there to the right after off loading your boat.

Sallysouth - 9-16-2007 at 10:16 PM

Yup Paulina! That would be the ramp I remember! Do you know why we knew it as The Three sisters? I sure don't! It was a short hop and skip for us from Estero (70's-80's) when the surf was too big to get out of the channel and the YT's were biting! Thanks...Sal:yes:

[Edited on 9-17-2007 by Sallysouth]

Paulina - 9-16-2007 at 10:26 PM

I believe it's called "Tres Hermanas" because of the rock formations in the water just off of the bluffs of Punta Banda, which would be just to the south of that launch ramp.

If I'm wrong, maybe Tom or P.B. lurkers can correct me.


DENNIS - 9-17-2007 at 07:10 AM

Campo Arnaiz, Freds place, is a mile or two closer to La Jolla than Tres Hermanas. No ramps at Tres Hermanas.