
look how flat the water is....

Bob and Susan - 9-11-2007 at 06:29 AM

it's a wonder water skiiers never bring their boats...

air 85 degrees
water in the bay 80 degrees
no wind (later it's be here)

too bad we have a project to finish today:no::no:

today.jpg - 36kB

Thanks for the image !

djh - 9-11-2007 at 07:09 AM

Sitting here having my morning coffee in Idaho....

and that photo, as with all your photos and posts ~


I can either go to work today.... like everyone expects.....


Fire up the motorhome, head south, and just see what happens !!

At least I'm booked for Thanksgiving week in Loreto. And another couple of years, I'll be done with conventional "work"...

Thanks for the photo, and for always sharing your adventures, projects, and news.... I always read your posts !

Diver - 9-11-2007 at 07:27 AM

I know the feeling...
Every day is a battle not to head to south...

You are a very lucky man !
Thanks for sharing all your posts and best wishes on your grand opening.


Minnow - 9-11-2007 at 08:17 AM

Originally posted by Diver
I know the feeling...
Every day is a battle not to head to south...

You are a very lucky man !
Thanks for sharing all your posts and best wishes on your grand opening.


I find Bobs posts cruel and insensitive for all us sorry bastards that have to work.:lol:

Cypress - 9-11-2007 at 12:13 PM

Bob and Susan. djh expresses my thoughts also.:D That slick water is mighty pretty.:D

Bob and Susan - 9-11-2007 at 03:58 PM

its 94 degrees
6 mph wind
not too bad for the HOTTEST month of the year!!!!

the bay isn't as smooth as this morning whitecaps

pappy - 9-11-2007 at 09:29 PM

well now, that looks awesome for some skiing...can you imagine all the jet boats and flat bottoms heading down and roaring through the glass?(could be good for business, bad on the ears and fishing.i like to ski, but i'll keep it where it's designated) thanks for the awesome pic...

Bajafun777 - 9-11-2007 at 09:59 PM

I am definatley going to have to check this area out, as I have been all around it just not to it. So many things and places to see but the photos help bring it to the top of the list. Later----- bajafun777

Bob and Susan - 9-12-2007 at 05:03 AM

the bay isn't ALWAYS "picture perfect" ...
but it has it's times...

as for the "jet boats" and the "flat bottom" boats...
they're almost all gone...

no one sell those things anymore:yes:
seadoo's and the "family boat" took their place:yes:

ALOT of skiiers make the HUGE mistake of NEVER wanting to take their boat into the "salt water"

they miss out on the "other half" of the FUN!!!:biggrin::biggrin:
it's a BIG ocean;D

Bob - what is it temp wise

capt. mike - 9-12-2007 at 06:47 AM

Originally posted by Bob and Susan
its 94 degrees
6 mph wind
not too bad for the HOTTEST month of the year!!!!

the bay isn't as smooth as this morning whitecaps

at say 8:00 pm and then at 6:00 am??

i am SOOOO ready for a few weeks in mulege again!

Bob and Susan - 9-12-2007 at 10:30 AM

last night it was 92 degrees at 6PM
it was 85 degrees this morning when i got up at 5AM

right now 11:25 AM it's 90 degrees

this is a VERY cool summer...
much nicer than blistering phoneix AZ

not very many visitors in town right now
Canadians can't take it when it gets over about 80 degrees:lol:
they melt:saint::saint:

Your project

Vince - 9-12-2007 at 01:36 PM

Great Photo- I have a place at Coyote Bay, we pass by your project often, looks interesting. One of these times will stop and check it out. Will be back down late Oct. Vince

docsmom - 9-12-2007 at 01:58 PM


But Bob and Susan, please don't stop! I hate it, but I love it!.....
I hate that I'm not there living my dream, but I love that you let me live vicariously through you.......

Skipjack Joe - 9-12-2007 at 04:07 PM

Great shot. I can't get enough of that sort of thing.

Yes, there's nothing like a baja morning. And that picture brings it all right home. What an image!

You sure know how to push my buttons.