
From the San Carlos Board

AcuDoc - 9-13-2007 at 09:24 PM

After years on the baja baoards even back to the amigos days I still watch teh board even though I am located in San Carlos now. here is a post of interest to all my baja amigos

No Sniveling

Joined: Wed Oct 26th, 2005
Location: Rio Rico, Arizona USA
Posts: 651
Status: Offline
Posted: Wed Sep 12th, 2007 11:13 pm

Many of you received my email two weeks ago about a request to Gene Kira, (Western Outdoor News,, co-author of "The Baja Catch") to stop posting pictures of dead billfish hanging from hotel signs. His honest and realistic response was that he has a journalistic duty to post fishing news, good, bad, or otherwise. The photo posted on ( August 27th showing a 62 pound Blue Marlin, killed and hanging from the sign at Hotel Oasis, Loreto, bothered me so much I felt I had to write to him. Gene agreed to post my concerns over the killing of billfish at the Baja resorts and did so in the Sept. 3rd edition of (
Hotel Oasis makes the news again this week with another blue marlin hanging at their "gallows": (

Please, do what you can to let them know that they will KILL THEIR ONLY LIVELIHOOD if they do not stop killing marlin for a photo shoot. Write to them, and anyone you know that will write to them, and let them know how true big game enthusiasts feel about protecting the resource.

STOP THE KILLING - Take LIVE video - Join the 21st Century! WISE UP!