
The Streets of Tijuana - Another Police Story

oldhippie - 9-14-2007 at 08:15 AM

There have always been posts about the corrupt police force shaking down Americans, and recently there have been stories about particularly brutal shakedowns. Well, Tijuana's finest nabbed me again yesterday evening about 7 PM. This is the second time I've been pulled over in as many weeks. The first time was a not unpleasant experience and I was let go with a warning by a very polite officer. I was speeding and got caught.

Last night I was driving home after a fun day in an area known variously as la Coahuila, after the name of the main drag, or la Zona Norte. A rough and tumble neighborhood with lots of entertainment for those of us who have y chromosomes. I spent most of the day in deep conversation with a good friend while drinking beer.

I pulled out of the parking lot in the oldhippie hotrod and oops, my rear view mirror is full of flashing lights of different colors, mostly bright red. I stopped and two cops walked up. The one doing the talking spoke English well enough to be understood. I didn't say anything except to politely answer his questions. He asked for my CA license and registration, looked at them and then handed them back. He didn't tell me why he had pulled me over nor did I ask why. He then asked where I had been, where I was going and where I lived, I answered the questions. He said "OK you can go" and away I went.

I told the story to my wife when I got home, she is a TJ native and knew where I was, I had called her just before I left. She said the cops don't hassle me because I'm a resident of the city. They respect residents.

So maybe the lesson is if you get stopped have a plausible story ready that you live in TJ. If it fits the circumstances say you live in "playas", which is the local way of referring to the beach neighborhood.

Also, don't say anything, just answer the questions, and use the word "Sir" whenever possible.

Life is good! :cool:

[Edited on 9-14-2007 by oldhippie]

mikeintj - 9-14-2007 at 09:27 AM

yes, I think that is right. When I've shown my FM-3 they have generally (though not always!) let me go. Look at it from their point of view. They want easy money without any comeback. If you live there you could possibly report them. They usually don't want that risk.

Talking of mordidas, I remember a two week period when I got pulled over twice by the same cop between Tijuana and Rosarito! The second time I got out the car and was walking towards him. Once he saw me he recognised me and just waved me away and drove off!

By the way I lived in Playas and Rosarito for 4 years but never once went to the Zona Norte. It always seemed too dangerous an area. I think you are kind of bringing it on yourself by venturing there.

oldhippie - 9-14-2007 at 10:34 AM

Originally posted by mikeintj
By the way I lived in Playas and Rosarito for 4 years but never once went to the Zona Norte. It always seemed too dangerous an area. I think you are kind of bringing it on yourself by venturing there.

Oh I agree. It's a risk/benefit calculation. Zona Norte is an extremely dangerous place. I like it.

But, as I mentioned, I was there in the day and was leaving at dusk. I don't drive there at night, my wife and I usually take a cab. ;)

Hook - 9-14-2007 at 10:56 AM

Where, exactly, is Zona Norte, hippie? Is it the area immediately off the Playas de Tijuana offramp from the toll road?

oldhippie - 9-14-2007 at 11:21 AM

No, it's not in playas. Playas is safe place.

Go to centro, Revolucion Ave. Park your car in a pay parking lot. Walk north towards the border until you get to the large, but minature "gateway to the west" arch. Take a left (west) and walk one block to Constitucion. Be careful, this is where there are expert thieves that will get you from behind and apply a sleeper choke hold that will render you unconscious in an instant. They'll take everything while you're out. A friend even had his coke bottle bottom eyeglasses taken.

Bystanders will treat it as business as usual. The best way is to walk in the street quickly and check six often. This is the entrance and exit to and from the "zone". It's more dangerous walking out because the bad guys figure you're drunk, often true, but you'll also have MUCH less money in your pocket. There's always a bright side.

Make a right (north again) on Constitucion and walk down the hill one block. This is a safer area, you can breath easy, be glad about making it through the minefield, and there are lots of people on the sidewalks. The next cross street is Calle (Avenida?) Coahuila. You have arrived in the zona de tolerencia. There are lots of cops there just keeping the lid from blowing off.

If you're a newbie from the states, park in the states, walk across, get a cab and just say la Coahuila (ko-wee-la will work) por favor. Much safer.

[Edited on 9-14-2007 by oldhippie]

DENNIS - 9-14-2007 at 01:12 PM

Why don't you put together a guide book of the area? Lots of pictures and profiles of the stars, and interviews. Maybe even a rating system as is done with restaurants. There could even be a consumer advocate section highlighting the good, better and best and of course, the forget-its.
It would have to be a "Best Seller."

oldhippie - 9-14-2007 at 01:16 PM

Oh man that's an old idea.

Warning explicit writing ahead:

Paulina - 9-14-2007 at 01:40 PM

Boy Dennis, ask and you shall receive!

DENNIS - 9-14-2007 at 01:56 PM

Oh yeah.....Oldone had that right on the tip of his fingers. Nothing like a site for cyber-pandering.

sancho - 9-14-2007 at 02:49 PM

One of the more lighthearted TJ cop
story I've heard was a guy getting
followed into a Revoultion parking
by TJ officer, with the usual ran thru
a stop sign accusation, the tourist
refused to pay mordida, at which
time the cop said we'll flip a coin
over it, the Gringo won, the cop
drives away

oldhippie - 9-14-2007 at 03:16 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Oh yeah.....Oldone had that right on the tip of his fingers. Nothing like a site for cyber-pandering.

It's certainly nothing new. Something about the world's oldest profession and such. I used to read that site when I was single and younger. There's a whole history of zona norte websites. Let me know if you want some more links to the older sites.

bancoduo - 9-14-2007 at 04:01 PM

Originally posted by oldhippie
Originally posted by mikeintj
By the way I lived in Playas and Rosarito for 4 years but never once went to the Zona Norte. It always seemed too dangerous an area. I think you are kind of bringing it on yourself by venturing there.

Oh I agree. It's a risk/benefit calculation. Zona Norte is an extremely dangerous place. I like it.

But, as I mentioned, I was there in the day and was leaving at dusk. I don't drive there at night, my wife and I usually take a cab. ;)
Did you meet your wife in Zona Norte?:cool:

fdt - 9-14-2007 at 04:06 PM

Originally posted by oldhippie

Last night I was driving home after a fun day in an area known variously as la Coahuila, after the name of the main drag, or la Zona Norte. A rough and tumble neighborhood with lots of entertainment for those of us who have y chromosomes. I spent most of the day in deep conversation with a good friend while drinking beer.

And I would subscribe to playboy just for the articles :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Originally posted by oldhippie
I pulled out of the parking lot in the oldhippie hotrod and oops, my rear view mirror is full of flashing lights of different colors, mostly bright red. I stopped and two cops walked up. He then asked where I had been, where I was going and where I lived, I answered the questions. He said "OK you can go" and away I went.

You told them you'd been drinking all day at La Coahuila and they let you go because your'e a local? :lol::lol:

Oldhippie = Viejoraboverde :lol::lol::lol:

oldhippie - 9-14-2007 at 04:30 PM

Sí señor, es verdad! Hard to believe I know.

Of course I didn't tell the cop I was drinking all day. Like I said, never question them, never volunteer info.

Where have you been? Hotel Leyva con mi amigo, no amiga, amigo - he laughed.

It's true, my buddy from San Clemente gets dental work done in TJ and spends the night in Zona Norte. It's a rare opportunity to get together. We talked for a few hours, a lot about how to write efficient SQL queries. He deals with millions of records. We did some window shopping tho.

Where are you going? mi casa

Where do you live? Playas

OK, adiós

[Edited on 9-14-2007 by oldhippie]

CaboRon - 9-14-2007 at 04:52 PM

Originally posted by oldhippie
Oh man that's an old idea.

Warning explicit writing ahead:

Thank's for the is now in my favorites :bounce:


jerry - 9-14-2007 at 06:13 PM

perhaps they see a old hippie in tj and automaticly think its gona be tuff squesing and money out of you??:bounce::bounce::bounce:

Osprey - 9-14-2007 at 06:19 PM

I live in Mayberry Mexico and I am shoved over the edge when I hear about the fun, fun, fun up north on the highway with the misguided poleese in between posts of beheadings, hijacks, carjacks, muggings and shootings. Oldhippie you must me one planet over from me cause you talk straight but on things norte you walk crooked. Wassup? You people think all this intercity latino crime tag game stuff is just a whoop and a hooler? I never heard so much pseudo latino macho BS since I was in a bar in Idaho.

oldhippie - 9-14-2007 at 06:26 PM

Great post Osprey! Don't drive anywhere tonight, OK? ;D

oldhippie - 9-14-2007 at 06:29 PM

Originally posted by jerry
perhaps they see a old hippie in tj and automaticly think its gona be tuff squesing and money out of you??:bounce::bounce::bounce:

Whatever they're thinking is OK with me, it causes me no harm.