
Double digits at last!

Oso - 9-17-2007 at 05:55 PM

How's the weather down the peninsula?

After what seems an eternity of triple digit temps here in "The Shire of the Burning Sands" as the local SCA people call it, it never got past 94 today, lower than the predicted high of "only" 99. With 5% humidity, it was "nice". Hope it lasts.

baitcast - 9-17-2007 at 06:08 PM

We hear that,86 in Kingman finally,a regular cold wave,no monsoons,no water :no: O,well,they got more water down south from Henriette than we got all year I think.

Bob and Susan - 9-18-2007 at 05:09 AM

here in mulege on the bay is runnning about 92 degrees during the day...

you SWEAT in the sun but not too bad in the shade with a breeze :P

at night its been running about 85 degrees...humid

this morning its a cool 82 degrees here in the garage...nice:tumble:

Russ - 9-18-2007 at 06:11 AM

It's a 77º in Chivato at 7am

BajaWarrior - 9-18-2007 at 06:47 AM

We're south of San Felipe, just got back last night. It was a steady 90 degrees in the house day and night, with humidity early at 40 to 60 percent by noon.

Fortunately we had a steady breeze to trick you into thinking it was a little cooler when standing in the shade.

Should be cooling off soon...

vandenberg - 9-18-2007 at 06:49 AM

To me this has seemed a unusual cool summer. Here in Nopolo, a 100 yards of the beach, the temperature has seldom reached 90 and never made it to triple digits. Mostly in the high 80's. Not much cooler at night though, but nothing like the high 80's we had most years. Humidity is high though, but with new A/C's taking the "wet" out of the air, the place ,while still the same temp as outside,seems 10 degrees cooler all day with the air off. Amazing.

meme - 9-18-2007 at 07:43 AM

North of San Felipe about 10 miles====79 degrees at 6:30 A.M. Presently 7:35 a.m.== 80 degrees.
We are about 2 1/2 miles from the sea so probably cooler down there.

bajadock - 9-18-2007 at 07:52 AM

nomad weather channel
As cruise ship enters Ensenada harbor @ 7:45, 64F, 71% hum, 2mph wind, partly cloud.
Looking forward to first snow report soon from my former home in Denver.

rhintransit - 9-18-2007 at 08:41 AM

hey, double digits in Phoenix finally too! I come back here to escape the heat in Loreto (go figure!)...most years it works but this one was definitely unusual. Phoenix set a record for number of days above 110 and Loreto was more temperate than usual. being off the grid down in El Juncalito, ac isn't an option and the humidity drives me out. did a Loreot/town housesit for July and August with lovely minisplits in all rooms and outside temps were bearable. maybe next year...ALL YEAR!

Mango - 9-18-2007 at 10:08 AM

Yep, cooling down here in Mexicali too. It's in the upper 70's now(morning)... but with a high of 97 for today. Fridays high is supposed to be 84 with possible thundershowers. I might have to dig out a sweater.


Hook - 9-18-2007 at 10:10 AM

Rain predicted in SoCal by the end of the week..............and it's not monsoonal flow. Decent chance; 50-60%.

A Pacific front in September???? Now that's rare.

Roberto - 9-18-2007 at 10:19 AM

Originally posted by Hook
Rain predicted in SoCal by the end of the week..............and it's not monsoonal flow. Decent chance; 50-60%.

A Pacific front in September???? Now that's rare.

That indicates a change in the weather pattern and it's often a marker of humidity dropping on the Cortez side. We'll see.

bahiamia - 9-18-2007 at 10:29 AM

The humidity dropped here in Bahia over the past couple of days. In fact, we had a little West Wind condition. Much more comfortable than the brutal humidity and high temps we've had. Mo' Bettah.

Hook - 9-18-2007 at 05:01 PM

Here is how the NWS describes the uniqueness of this approaching front......

A strong storm for September may move through Southern California
late Thursday through early Saturday. This storm has the potential
to produce weather very rarely seen in Southern California in
September. This could be the strongest mid latitude September storm
for Southern California in around 20 years. September storms with
some similarity to this storm occurred in 1986 and in 1963.

This storm is currently developing over southwestern British
Columbia and will move quickly southward along the West Coast to
near the Bay area by Wednesday evening... then will move more slowly
southward along the central California coast to near Point
Conception by early Thursday evening. Movement then will be slowly
eastward across Southern California Thursday night through early
Saturday. There are still some differences in the track forecast and
timing for Thursday through Saturday and especially for the
potential impacts to Southern California.

Strong winds will develop in advance of this storm in the mountains
and deserts for Wednesday night and Thursday. This storm should
bring much cooler temperatures for Thursday and Friday with coolest
temperatures Friday. Depending upon the eventual track and timing of
this storm... there is the potential for locally heavy precipitation
at times from late Thursday through late Friday. This storm will be
quite cold for September with the possibility of thunderstorms and
even for snowfall in the mountains above 6000 feet. There is also
the possibility of waterspouts over the coastal waters and tornadoes
over adjacent land areas.

Baja Northwest

Gypsy Jan - 9-18-2007 at 06:50 PM

I agree with the other poster that it seems to have been an unusually cool summer from the perspective here on the Northwest (Noroeste?, practicing my Spanish) coast of Baja.

No rain, but no major fires in the area that I am aware of, and we haven't had the usual mosquito/flea/fly hatch plagues that are usual in the hot months.

On another note, usually we see very large groups of migrating birds at this time of year and this year, not so much.

Almost no dolphin sightings, either, so I guess that the fish schools are elsewhere.

Oh, in addition

Gypsy Jan - 9-18-2007 at 06:52 PM

We saw no butterflies at all this spring during the time they usually are heading north.

bacquito - 9-18-2007 at 07:18 PM

Originally posted by Oso
How's the weather down the peninsula?

After what seems an eternity of triple digit temps here in "The Shire of the Burning Sands" as the local SCA people call it, it never got past 94 today, lower than the predicted high of "only" 99. With 5% humidity, it was "nice". Hope it lasts.

I too hope it last, I will be returning to Yuma in the next few days and will perhaps work part time for the County. I also hope to do some hiking and kayaking.
Today was nice in Ensenada (75-80).

Bruce R Leech - 9-18-2007 at 08:27 PM

get ready for the cold and rain Fri. and sat. I guess we will see if our roof leaks.

Hook - 9-19-2007 at 10:45 AM

Weather Channel talking about 1/2-3/4 inch of rain for the Southland.

Roberto - 9-19-2007 at 11:59 AM

You know, if you haven't lived in SoCal all your life (I'm a recent immigrant), it's hard to reconcile "strongest storm in 20 years" with "1/2 to 3/4 inches of rain".

SDRonni - 9-19-2007 at 12:01 PM

I'll be doing a rain dance. We need it desperately!

Hook - 9-19-2007 at 01:15 PM

Originally posted by Roberto
You know, if you haven't lived in SoCal all your life (I'm a recent immigrant), it's hard to reconcile "strongest storm in 20 years" with "1/2 to 3/4 inches of rain".

The key is "....This could be the strongest mid latitude September storm for Southern California in around 20 years."

Monsoonal flow from the south is not unheard of and those can sometimes dump a couple inches in localized areas.

But a pacific front in September is unusual. The high pressure over the southwest in the summer usually prevents this.

[Edited on 9-19-2007 by Hook]

Roberto - 9-19-2007 at 01:51 PM

Yes, I understand. I like to poke fun at the locals who go into a panic as soon as more than two drops of rain fall. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

You gotta admit, if you've lived in places where it actually does rain it's pretty funny.

Mango - 9-19-2007 at 02:29 PM

Originally posted by Roberto
Yes, I understand. I like to poke fun at the locals who go into a panic as soon as more than two drops of rain fall. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

You gotta admit, if you've lived in places where it actually does rain it's pretty funny.

Yeah, weather can be pretty subjective. I had two good friends when I lived in Oregon years ago. One was from Yuma and the other was from Alaska. It could be mid summer and my friend from Yuma would have a sweater and snow hat on; yet, my friend from Alaska would be wearing shorts and a tank-top in the middle of winter. They were good friends and roommates; but, one was always feeling hot and the other was always feeling cold. It was funny to watch them fight over the thermostat.

Hook - 9-19-2007 at 02:35 PM

I was talking to my wife about this scenario and how unusual it is for a pacific front, as ppposed to monsoonal flow.

She asked, "What's the difference where the storm comes from?"

And my reply was "......about 10 or 15 degrees in temp"

Wingnut - 9-19-2007 at 02:55 PM

Storm? Rain? Dampness? What's that stuff? Here in Phoenix we set the record for most days over 110 degrees (31) and our so called Monsoon season was a major fizzle. It was the 8th driest summer on record in Arizona. Even the last hurricane to hit Baja went eastward and dumped rain in New Mexico, nothing down here in the Central Deserts of AZ. Thank goodness we finally got a break and started cooling off. Can't wait for my annual trip to Cabo over Xmas.....

1630 Hrs, 9/20/07 on the border

Oso - 9-20-2007 at 04:49 PM

San Luis, AZ. Sweet. Gotta go shake the mothballs outta my sweater.

100_0401 (Small).JPG - 37kB

bajalou - 9-20-2007 at 05:00 PM

Originally posted by Oso
San Luis, AZ. Sweet. Gotta go shake the mothballs outta my sweater.

Boy you need it. Few years ago, my wife and I walked out in the yard in San Felipe just after sundown - felt a little cool and she asked if I thought we needed jackets. I went back for the jackets and checked the thermometer - 85 deg. F. All about what you're used to.

Cypress - 9-20-2007 at 05:01 PM

Had a fire in the heater today, there was a film of ice on the bird bath, gonna be heading south soon.:)

Mango - 9-21-2007 at 02:51 PM

We got some much needed rain here in Mexicali today. It has been overcast for the last two days.

It rained some overnight and pretty hard for about 1/2 hour around 7am. It has been sprinkling off and on ever since. There is a "beer fest" in town tonight.. and I don't care one bit that it is raining.. bring it on! I can drink beer in the rain.

When I lived in Oregon we called rain "liquid sunshine" :D

Cypress - 9-21-2007 at 03:10 PM

Mango I'll drink a toast to the beer and the rain.:D Liquid Sunshine !!:biggrin:

Wingnut - 9-21-2007 at 03:23 PM

You ducks from Oregon love that wet stuff. Us Coyotes from Arizona tend to stay on the dry side, but bring on the beer, that I can handle.....Did you know that beer makes a great shampoo? My hair always feels better after it's loaded.....

Wingnut - 9-21-2007 at 03:25 PM

Hey, how do you guys get those little smilies to post on your replies?

Cypress - 9-21-2007 at 03:35 PM

Wingnut:spingrin::spingrin: You just have to have the right attitude.;) That box of 'lil faces on the left side of the reply box are at your service. :spingrin:

Wingnut - 9-21-2007 at 04:12 PM

So you just click on them?:o:o

Wingnut - 9-21-2007 at 04:13 PM

What dya know it works. Thanks Cypress:yes::yes:

docsmom - 9-21-2007 at 08:41 PM

Las Vegas. Friday night 8:30 pm. 68 degrees and thunderstorms. We actually had a tornado warning this evening, for So. Nev, Inyo County, CA and parts of San Bernardino County, CA! I've been in this area for 50 years, never ever heard a tornado warning!
Tomorrow is forcast for 75 degrees and rain. For us desert rats that's full on winter! I'll have a pot of soup going tomorrow for sure. And time to pull the old sweatshirts out of the closet!

baitcast - 9-22-2007 at 07:05 AM

68 degrees in Kingman,wind,rain and getting a little wild out there,so what do I see but two golf carts past by:rolleyes: headed for the course,those guys never cease to amaze me,real head cases:lol:

Oso - 9-22-2007 at 08:01 AM

Rain last night on the border. 62 this morning.:tumble::tumble: