
Red and Yellow on Mexican Storefronts

Gypsy Jan - 9-17-2007 at 07:02 PM

I have long wondered about why so many small Mexican business paint the building canary yellow and print the business information in bright red on the storefront.

Is it practical - is it easier to see and/or are the paint colors are cheaper?

Is it an aesthetic choice?

Is it cultural - the colours have a certain meaning to people?

Wandering Baja minds want to know :wink:

DENNIS - 9-17-2007 at 07:35 PM

Colors of the sun. Mexico loves bright colors.

Bob and Susan - 9-18-2007 at 06:00 AM

i understand that beer companies pay for the paint alot of times...

red for tecate and

blue for corona


DENNIS - 9-18-2007 at 06:24 AM

Maybe not. Seems when a beer company pays to decorate a business, they want an exclusive. Either they sell Corona products or Tecate products. Don't know for sure. We'll all know when your project is dripping with beer signs.

red and yellow

tehag - 9-18-2007 at 04:53 PM

PRD and PT both use red and yellow. Are the shops on the left side of the street?

Sorry, I don't know PRT or PD

Gypsy Jan - 9-18-2007 at 06:03 PM

My experience is limited to the Rosarito Beach area.

The businesses that I am talking about are small, obviously independent operations, like a restaurant, mechanic, or electronics store, etc.

The buildings and signage are obviously done by hand, with no fancy airbrushing or use of stencils to give them that "clean" look, and they are located on both sides of the street wherever with no indication of uniformity.

In regards to giant mult-national corporations' draconian requirements for exclusivity and the Mexican spirit of independence, I have a funny story about Tacos Yaqui in Rosarito, a great taco stand that is a favorite of many Nomads.

Pepsi is the soft drink supplier for the business, but, when my hubby orders a light coke (he doesn't care if it is Pepsi or Coca Cola), he is given a Coca Cola light. If they are out, someone runs across the street to the grocery store that is kitty corner to the stand and brings back a six pack.

I've never asked why.

DENNIS - 9-18-2007 at 06:12 PM

Originally posted by Gypsy Jan
I've never asked why.

Sounds like extrordinarily good service.

PRD and PT are two of Mexico's more liberal political parties. Karl Marx wouldn't qualify for being to conservative.

honda tom - 9-18-2007 at 08:03 PM

red and yellow make you want to "purchase" think burger king.

yellow= mcdonalds

red orange= carls jr