
Hurricane Roulette…

bajafly - 9-23-2007 at 04:13 AM

Endless Season Update 09/22/2007
REPORT #1081 "Below the Border" Saltwater Fly-Fishing reports since 1996
East Cape

Close in Dorado
You know its September because there was another tropical depression below Baja and threatening to head our way. That must be why all the hotels offer special deals in September to entice folks to play hurricane roulette. For all of you who played this week, you are big winners!

Once again, East Cape’s little secret that some of the best fishing of the season is in September has been exposed. By all accounts this week was one of the best this year!

Dorado and yellowfin were found close to shore along the current break, which was easily found with all the floating debris.

Billfish action, while a click slower, is still good enough that Mark Rayor, owner of Vista Seasports, is headed out this morning to try to get one on the fly.

Our Guide, Lance Peterson, reported good beach activity as well. “Schools of gaff top sail pompano continue to provide some challenging opportunities. I see them feeding actively but have to work to catch them. Sparse fry baitfish, in small sizes, has been effective. As always find the bait and you find the fish. Around the sardina schools I've been catching jacks and roosters (to 5lbs), ladyfish, as well as some pargo.”

Water temperature 78-87
Air temperature 76-96
Humidity 83%
Wind: SE 2 to 3 knots
Conditions: Mostly Cloudy
Visibility 5 miles
Sunrise 7:35 a.m. MDT
Sunset 7:43 p.m. MDT

Magdalena Bay, Baja Mexico

Offshore action for dorado, small yellows and football sized tuna was great throughout the week. TD IVO produced some squirrelly weather late in the week and rain this morning.

Estero action included spotted bay bass, grouper, and on the surface, a few sierra and corvina down at Devil’s Curve.

The Entrada also produced small yellows and bonito under the bird schools as well as some small halibut in the shallows at Belchers.

Water temperature 64 - 76
Air temperature 71 -90
Humidity 82%
Wind: NNW 10 to 13 knots
Conditions: Rain
Visibility 7 miles
Sunrise 7:15 a.m. MDT
Sunset 7:25 p.m. MDT

Zihuatanejo, Mainland Mexico

No report received this week, the following report is from the past week:
Not much is happening this week. There are so few clients fishing, there are not many boats on the water. Those boats which are getting out with a client, are only averaging about one sailfish per day and maybe one or two dorado.

The commercial pangeros are still working the areas out about 30 miles and getting four or five dorado apiece, averaging about 25 pounds.

No action has been reported on the inshore for the roosterfish.

Ed Kunze
Water temperature 80 - 84
Air temperature 76-96
Humidity 83%
Wind: NNW at 3 mph
Conditions: Partly Sunny
Visibility 5 miles
Sunrise 7:35 a.m. CDT
Sunset 7:43 p.m. CDT