
Southbound finally

Gadget - 9-25-2007 at 01:24 PM

Well, we are just about out of here. Missed getting out before the Imigration office closed for lunch so we're putsing around for a bit.

GSB is tied to a major anchor for this kind of trip but thats OK, the little mule doesn't mind a little work. The Baja Box, 4 surfboards, 3 fishing rods and reels, Wife, Duke the dog, food, clothes, snorkel gear and I think there might even be one of those birds in a tree deal in there somewhere.

Will make El Rosario for the night and then make for Bahia Asuncion the next day for some surf and fishing. No swell direction this early for the Siete Hermanas so Shari be lookin for us. Hope Juan is open for a trip for some yellows.

Rest of the trip will be to Abreojos for surf, Mulege to say howdy to the Bomberos and check out Bob and Susans place, Todos Santos for surf and hanging out for a while, Lee and Amir would like to look you up, Cabo and the east cape to snorkel at Cabo Pulmo.

Any of the rest of you all we would love to stop if in your area and say hi. Just shoot us an e-mail addy and will let you know our progress.

Will head home the last week of Oct for stateside obligations.

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Hook - 9-25-2007 at 01:45 PM

Looks like a great setup, Gadget. Enjoy and safe travels.

Cypress - 9-25-2007 at 01:57 PM

Gadget.:yes: Thanks for the picture. :) Let us know how things are going.:)

danaeb - 9-25-2007 at 02:12 PM

Your photo is making me CRAZY!!! I've got 23 days till my own blast-off - San Diego-La Paz. This seems to be the time of year for the great nomad southward migration. :yes:

Bajagypsy - 9-25-2007 at 03:27 PM

Have a wonderful trip, and drive safe!

Martyman - 9-25-2007 at 04:01 PM

I just counted. Six weeks before my blast-off

shari - 9-25-2007 at 04:51 PM

Ok we're read for you...latest report is that the Yellowtail have moved in to the san roque area and everyone is catching so Juan will have his motor idling...he's itching to go out for sure... the swell is surfable too!

David K - 9-25-2007 at 07:03 PM


Gadget (Will & Leslie) have a GREAT TIME!!!

jerry - 9-25-2007 at 07:09 PM

good luck and keep it between the lines or ditches in baja:lol::lol:

CaboRon - 9-29-2007 at 08:44 PM

What a beartiful rig... have a wonderful trip.... I am right

behind you.... :bounce:

- CaboRon

Gadget - 10-1-2007 at 01:36 PM

OK guys, thanks for your wishes and comments.

We're in Mulege now and will spend a few days relaxing some more. Surf is not cooperating on the Pacific so we are checking Bob and Susans place and hang for a bit.
Here is trip report so far and no we don't know why this one has been so, let say eventful
Day 1 stuck for almost 2 hours north of colonet for propane tanker rollover on hiway.
Over night in San Quintin
To Viscaino, flat on trailer
To Asuncion, outside cargo box breaks open and dumps all our ropes, stakes, trailer crank. Found some next morning backtracking. No crank. Converted everything to 3/4" hex so have tools to make do opening trailer.
Spent night at Sharri and Juans. Thanks guys that was great!
Next day stuck trailer so bad in dunes to surf break had to disconnect and winch it out. 2 hours to go 1/2 mile to camp spot.
Caught tailend of swell, long fast longboard beach break. Reaf really not working.
Didn't hook up with Juan to fish :no: next time Juan.
Got visit from friends Armando and Felipe from San Hipolito with their whole families in tow. They heard we were out there from Sharri.
Asuncion to Viscaino hit Vulture, broken left corner of winshield. God was watching over us that we didn't take a bird that big square on windshield. We break for vultures now????
Viscaino to San Ignacio, flat trailer tire. Piece of junk Carlisles. Discount will be hearing from me. They overheat, spit the steel belt wires through the treads and deflate. Got Meky used tire, one of my old Generals and a balony skin for a spare now.
Spent the night in the San Ignacio springs Yurts. You all got to check them out. Beautiful place, food, the river, beds, WOW!!
By for now
Will, Les and Duke

Roberto - 10-1-2007 at 02:21 PM

Well, at least you have Duke along to help!

Paulina - 10-1-2007 at 02:54 PM

You are having an ADVENTURE!! It can only get better!!


Skipjack Joe - 10-1-2007 at 03:05 PM

Gee, you're pretty unlucky. I've never hit a vulture in baja ...

even when I tried.

Cypress - 10-1-2007 at 04:16 PM

Gadget Thanks for sharing your adventures. :yes: Buzzards in the windsheild, stuck in the sand, flat tires.:no: Never a dull moment.:tumble: Hope the rest of your journey is trouble-free.:bounce:

Bob and Susan - 10-1-2007 at 04:22 PM

they're here....on the bay

David K - 10-1-2007 at 05:13 PM


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David K - 10-1-2007 at 05:15 PM

and Mrs. Gadget... wanted for buzzard murder!:lol::lol::lol:

Keep your eyes open for these two!:light::rolleyes::biggrin:

Seriously, have a great time you guys!!! You have the makings of a GREAT trip report on Nomad!!

[Edited on 10-2-2007 by David K]

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TMW - 10-1-2007 at 05:40 PM

Remember, when the going gets tough the adventure begins and when it's over the grand old stories from the memories are never ending. Have a good one.

Gadget - 10-6-2007 at 01:26 PM

Thanks all!!!
We are indeed having a great time.
Made it to Mulege from San Ig with no further problems.
Looked up Bob and Susan and had wonderful couple of visits with them.
Stayed south of them at Playas Los Naranjos for 2.5 days. Too short and just beautiful!!!
Made an attempt to fish with friend Carlos in Mulege in his brand new Panga, but no bite on yet there. Had great visit with him though and learned lots of good info on real estate. He is an agent that got wiped out by the flood. Lost everything, kind of in limbo now, office was under the bridge.
There to Todos Santos. Southern Baja is soooo green now with the recent rains.
Been here for 2 days.
Looked up old friend who has been in BCS for 3 decades. Was in Los Cabos now here in El Pescador. Owns ranch and small B&B. Will post more details when we get home. His place is gorgeous. He is in his early 50s, looks just like Charlton Heston at that age, and is single and still looking ladies ,:yes:
Moving our camp from little park at El Pescador to the RV park at La Pastora. Fransisco agreed to open a little early in the season for us. Surf was small yesterday.
Unbelievable how the river has taken back El Pedrito. It is the bush again and we have heard the wave has suffered from all the sand dumped on the reef.
OK, anyone here in TS who we can stop by and say howdy, just U2U us.
Hey Amir, we could both use an adjustment. Where you at???
G and L out for now.

Gadget - 10-8-2007 at 02:04 PM

Loving new camp site north of town at Campo Batequitos. Beautiful ocean breezes through the Coconut palm grove. Quiet and peaceful with the distant wave sounds, song birds, quail, and wind rustleing the palm fronds.

Met with recommended friends of Bills today for Title, FM3 and Real Estate info. Great morning of info gathering. Meeting on wed to look at some properties.

Surf head high, water 75+. Swell supposed to be building but maybe bad wind also.

Thats it.

shari - 10-8-2007 at 05:55 PM

Hope you guys get some decent waves soon...Felipe's wife stopped me in town today and asked if you were coming back through here, seems you have some unfinished business or pleasure with her.....she really wants to see you.

Gadget - 10-15-2007 at 03:56 PM

Originally posted by shari
Hope you guys get some decent waves soon...Felipe's wife stopped me in town today and asked if you were coming back through here, seems you have some unfinished business or pleasure with her.....she really wants to see you.

I think she wants a ride in the GSB Bronco.

Gadget - 10-15-2007 at 04:07 PM

10/15 update
Still in Todos Santos
Surf has been very fun at Cerritos
Weather has been beautiful
Staying with Bill at El Pozo Hondo for last few days.
Looked like we had a major drivetrain issue on the Bronco but has seemed to fix itself????
Still wandering around looking at property and probably wont find anything with just a few days left here.
Looked up Amir and Roxanne and got a great adjustment. He has a nice little office just before you leave town to the south. The hands of a healing man.
Duke is having the time of his life and can hardly wait to get home and set his paws to the keyboard to tell all the Nomad poochies about his trip. He is such a poser and has lots of great photos to share.
That`s all for now from southern Baja.

David K - 10-15-2007 at 07:19 PM

Great to hear from you Gadget!

Gnome-ad - 10-16-2007 at 01:39 PM

Will and Leslie ~
A pleasure to meet you and be part of your Baja adventure this time around. Our first face to face Nomads!! And really nice ones with a great story of your trip so far. Hope you avoid buzzards on the way back.

Look forward to your future updates and report on your return north.

Gadget - 10-21-2007 at 03:22 PM

Hi everyone!!!!
So sad to report that we are now heading home. Stayed a night in one of Bills cabinas at El Pozo Hondo and then bolted for Cabo Pulmo just as the surf came back up at Cerritos. Cabo Pulmo was fantastic!!! Camped right on the beach at Coral Los Frailes, snorkeled until we almost drowned coming back in, bought yellowfin right off the pango for sashimi and dinner and made it all the way to Mulege the next morning in time for the pig roast at the Hotel Serinidad. Les and duke are both sick today :no: Les with stomach issues and Duke with an ear infection. No reflextion on Serenidad cause I would be sick before Les. Only traveled to San Ignacio springs for tonight and another leg tomorrow. Bad wind today and a driving challenge. Glad for an easy and short trip. Next update will be from state side.

Gadget - 10-23-2007 at 05:54 PM

We're home safe. Fantastic trip all told.
Very difficult drive home. Worst Peninsula wide wind anyone can ever remember. Made it from San Ignacio to El Rosario by 3PM and quit. Did not want to wrestle the Bronco and trailer any further. Brown outs on the hiway and just too dangerous. Stayed at Bajas best B&B for a very pleasant dinner, nights sleep and breakfast. Ed totaled his truck near San Vincente in same conditions. He and other driver both OK. Side swiped each other trying to stay on road through brown out. Lucky not head on.

Damage report after nearly a month of touring around Baja.
Windshield broken
* Front differential blown
* Transfer case blown
* most likely do to previous abuse
1 front shock reservoir blown
Trailer frame broken. Too hot into too many darn topes.
3 flat trailer tires
Misc items lost do to stupidity

And reason for list is to impress that none of this even remotely compares to just one friend, family or Nomad having lost their home in the fires. Our hearts go out to any that have.

Final trip report and photos to follow at more appropriate time.
Will and Les

TMW - 10-24-2007 at 06:52 AM

Glad your home safe. With all the damage it must have been a great Baja trip.

Gadget - 11-2-2007 at 06:58 PM

Some favorite shots

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Gadget - 11-2-2007 at 07:06 PM


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Gadget - 11-2-2007 at 07:07 PM


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Gadget - 11-2-2007 at 07:08 PM


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Gadget - 11-2-2007 at 07:10 PM


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Gadget - 11-2-2007 at 07:11 PM


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Gadget - 11-2-2007 at 07:14 PM


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David K - 11-3-2007 at 08:08 AM

WOW!!! :o:D:light:

Thanks Gadget!!!

amir - 11-3-2007 at 09:46 AM
