

BCSSurfer - 10-2-2007 at 12:30 PM

If you're getting pulled over anywhere north of Ensenada just don't pull over. If those of us traveling into baja from the north all pull together and change our behavior we can prevent this stuff from happening.

don't travel in the wee hours
don't go alone
don't pull over for anything other than a marked Federale
don't pull over in dark unlit areas of TJ and Rosarito

i will use the bumper of my 1 ton if i have too. the bad guys need to know there will be consequences to pulling gringos over. they are gonna end up unside down off the side of the road if the mess with this gringo. we should not let the tweaked out chucky ***** win this battle.

[Edited on 10-2-2007 by Hose A]

Minnow - 10-2-2007 at 12:36 PM

I believe a caravan forum was created a while back. Maybe it would be a good idea to bring up the idea again. However, one of the common threads in all the recent attacks have been the time of night. I honestly believe, the authorities will get it figured out. Baja is the new wild west, that is part of the attraction for many of us. Rest assured though "Jesse Wailes" will be caught.

Bajaboy - 10-2-2007 at 01:14 PM

Let's pitch our money together and buy our own motorcade....

tripledigitken - 10-2-2007 at 01:19 PM


Who is "Flower", a Nomad? I missed any information given on her/his passing.


Sharksbaja - 10-2-2007 at 01:22 PM


DanO - 10-2-2007 at 01:23 PM

Originally posted by Minnow
Rest assured though "Jesse Wailes" will be caught.

"Jesse Wailes." Good one. I love that movie, but it's Wales.

Sharksbaja - 10-2-2007 at 01:25 PM

I agree with the "don't mess with me in my truck" idea. These big tires are unforgiving.:lol:

losfrailes - 10-2-2007 at 01:27 PM

Big Tires are not as big as a 9mm if the crooks are carrying. Stay away from traveling the wee hours.

Hook - 10-2-2007 at 01:41 PM

Originally posted by DanO
Originally posted by Minnow
Rest assured though "Jesse Wailes" will be caught.

"Jesse Wailes." Good one. I love that movie, but it's Wales.

Yeah, but shouldnt it be Outlaw Jose Wales, in this case?

Flower............was that your pet name for Newt, Tom? Maybe 2012?

DanO - 10-2-2007 at 03:06 PM

Sorry to take this even more off topic, but I wanted to name my first kid The Outlaw Josie Wales (yes, all four words). Fortunately for him, my wife declined.

Back to your regularly scheduled programming.

Cypress - 10-2-2007 at 03:15 PM

"Josie Wales"!:bounce: One of my favorite westerns. :bounce: Wish they'd make more of those cowboy movies.:spingrin: The insurance, PETA etc. must cost 'em too much.:no:

Ken Cooke - 10-2-2007 at 09:45 PM

If anyone has to travel alone, but would like the company of 15 Jeeps, our caravan will leave El Rosario on November 24th at 9 a.m. We will drive straight to El Palomar in Santo Tomas that morning for brunch, and then to Ensenada and then toTecate to cross the border early that afternoon.

You don't have to travel alone that day up Hwy 1 if you travel with us.


longlegsinlapaz - 10-2-2007 at 09:52 PM

Dang Ken!! Maybe I should plan a trip up just for the escort!! Uhhhhhhhhh...but then who would escort me HOME to La Paz???:lol:

Nice gesture, Ken!!:yes:

Ken Cooke - 10-2-2007 at 09:55 PM

Originally posted by longlegsinlapaz

Nice gesture, Ken!!:yes:

No problem - just trying to help those who have helped me in the past. Us Nomads have to stick together. I'd hate to hear of someone getting messed with on November 24th with our big group traveling up Hwy 1 just chatting away on our CB radios with little or no excitement. If someone wanted to travel with our group, that would add a little something that we could talk about on our way home...

Fausto - 10-2-2007 at 10:45 PM

If an early start is what you want and the "dangerous" hours are somewere between midnight and 5am, how about crosing the TJ border at 9pm or so the night before and take a nap in ensenada;just got to find a spot were your stuff will not be messed with while you nap.:O
personally, I would rather have the option of a 12 gauge.
In Mexico we have a saying "El valiente vive hasta que el cobarde quiere"


[Edited on 10-3-2007 by Fausto]