
Loreto Streets

rentalsloreto - 10-2-2007 at 12:57 PM

I heard a rumour this morning that the Governor is going to be in Loreto Friday to officially open Calle Hidalgo... anyone else hear this, or can someone confirm it?

backninedan - 10-2-2007 at 01:04 PM

I haven't heard that rumor, but if it's true he will be opening less than half a street. It still has quite a way to go.

Petunia - 10-2-2007 at 01:16 PM

Could be, but I doubt it! The Governor has withdraw all of the funds, after the promise of helping the Municipality of Loreto with the repair of the water & sewer lines and new pavement. Loreto Municipality is stuck with the bill, and that is why 200 city employees were let go last week. The turist season is starting in a month and we are still walking and driving on muddy, lumpy street. The reason why Loreto is not getting the support promised: this is an election year, Loreto is PAM, the Gov is PRD, and unless we dinero!

Hook - 10-2-2007 at 01:43 PM

Originally posted by Petunia
Could be, but I doubt it! The Governor has withdraw all of the funds, after the promise of helping the Municipality of Loreto with the repair of the water & sewer lines and new pavement. Loreto Municipality is stuck with the bill, and that is why 200 city employees were let go last week. The turist season is starting in a month and we are still walking and driving on muddy, lumpy street. The reason why Loreto is not getting the support promised: this is an election year, Loreto is PAM, the Gov is PRD, and unless we dinero!

WOW........someone must have read a Richard J. Daley biography down there!!

flyfishinPam - 10-3-2007 at 07:26 AM

Loreto is PAN and I am PAM :lol:

I know it was a typo. :spingrin:

Take notice that the streetlights are painted BLUE which means PAN and the lights on Juarezīs finished section that was inagurated are YELLOW which means PRD.

Personally I don't give a crap what colour the damned lamps are as those blue ones on Hidalgo were hardly ever turned on anyway. And at least they are doing the elctrrical work now that the street is still torn up and not afterwards. Petunia is right about this being an election year. The PRD has a great chance of winning as long as they keep their consittuents hands occupied with chelas. The PRD candidate fed beer to the soccer teams on sunday they even had a choice of tecate or modelo and Iīve always said the candidate that can do that will definately win. :light: