

Baja Bernie - 10-2-2007 at 06:09 PM

Was looking for something else and stumbled onto this

Note the dates...............was someone guiding my hands?

Paulina - 10-2-2007 at 06:46 PM

Very amazing. Will you set it up again this year Bernie? I picture it with a photo or drawing of his dog Minnie, "Journey of the Flame" a book he told me was one of his favorites, and a light blue jumpsuit hanging over the back of a chair.

Too bad the photos are not still with that thread. I would have loved to see him and Betty together. I know she is very proud of his "tattoo" on her neck!


jerry - 10-2-2007 at 08:48 PM

I too have lost too many good friends way too soon and their memorys still raise to the surfice I still wish to hear their words of wisdon there laugh, their comments
but it has given me solice. reasons to examine my own life
some i will out live but will not out live their memorys others, i hope to be worthy of their memorys
still i meet people every day trying to impress me with their foolishness of their self importance of the moment
proping them selves up the shoulders of the downtrodden waving their flags
little do they know that great monuments to people are not built by the condesendid but by the inspired
you Bernie inspire . thank you: jerry

jerry - 10-2-2007 at 09:55 PM

just bumping the past to the preasent


Baja Bernie - 10-3-2007 at 06:28 AM

Most of all I miss their thoughts as they strode through this life with a smile in their eyes. Just thinking on them brings a smile to my face and a lump to my throat.

Eli - 10-3-2007 at 07:41 PM

What is so amazing about Don Jimmy popping up, I don't know. sure seems normal to me.

[Edited on 10-4-2007 by Eli]