
La Paz Singles

safarigirl - 10-3-2007 at 08:50 AM

We're some single people in our mid-40's - 60's
who decided to be proactive and meet other singles to hike, bike, go to movies, rafting, etc. with, and we've developed a community of us here in Santa Fe, New Mexico (465 of us so far!). About 15 of us (the participants vary) visit Baja a few times a year and would like to get to know other singles there. I'll be in La Paz the first week of November for kayaking and remember how isolated I felt as a single when I lived there 10 years ago. I wonder if there are any singles who might like to get together with us when we return in Feb. to snorkel, fish, maybe go to Mag. Bay to see the whales, socialize.

longlegsinlapaz - 10-3-2007 at 09:04 AM

CaboRon is enroute to La Paz at this very moment....he's going to be soooo disappointed he missed this thread:lol::lol:....unless he checks in via internet cafe during the next few days!

bajajudy - 10-3-2007 at 10:19 AM

I wouldnt limit myself to singles. There are a lot of very nice Nomad couples who live in La Paz and get together every now and then. Their interests are varied. Check out the new book store on Allende!
Buen Viaje

safarigirl - 10-4-2007 at 06:44 AM

Thanks for the suggestion. Sounds good to me, but in my experience it has caused some problems in the past, if you know what I mean.

Fred - 10-4-2007 at 12:27 PM

Why not start a singles forum where singles can post when and where they go to baja and if they want to be contacted?

Hook - 10-4-2007 at 02:59 PM

Originally posted by safarigirl
Thanks for the suggestion. Sounds good to me, but in my experience it has caused some problems in the past, if you know what I mean.

Might I ask what persuasion this group is..............I'm trying to figure out if the husbands or the wives got angry. :lol:

Al G - 10-4-2007 at 04:01 PM

Safarigirl...count me in, as a single, but won't be moved down until Janurary...I am fit...for swiming/diving...lota room for improvement though:lol::lol::lol:
never tried single clubs...not into partying so much now...thought of them as flaky. If we are talking daytime activities and not a lot of bar hopping...may be interested.
Baja may be different...tell us more. What is the plan:?:

Fred - 10-4-2007 at 04:18 PM club. Just thinking about how I travel down alone. It would be nice to meet up with other singles. For, camping, eating, talking and maybe a cold beer. If someone knows the area better than you do, then it can also be a learning experience. For example I know of a few good places to eat, but always looking for more. Also, I love to cook, so that can be a sharing experience. Also camping in numbers is always better. So, not a club, but, singles getting to know Baja better.....thats all.

Hook - 10-4-2007 at 04:21 PM

Fred, I'm not sure about the club reference but I say "go for it"...............companionship is almost always preferable to going solo.

Fred - 10-4-2007 at 04:25 PM

Thanks...........Being a "3rd wheel" sometimes makes me feel funny.........................Just until the 15th beer

Al G - 10-4-2007 at 04:45 PM

Fred...I have made the trip once but I was only alone from TJ to San Quinti'n...met a couple there as well as a lot of singles who lived there and traveled to Mulege' with them. There I met a single lady and visited some time...went on down with the couple and met several others too. Point is even single your are not alone....
I can leave anytime in January if someone wants to travel together...not necessary to be bumper to bumper, but planned meeting places works.

safarigirl - 10-4-2007 at 04:46 PM

Fred and Hook,
I like the idea of posting a forum for when we're coming down, how do you mean though?

We aren't really a "club". Rather, Santa Fe kind of makes me feel like when I lived in La Paz - I didn't meet many people and felt rather isolated. I just knew couples and didn't like to spend a lot of time in bars. I liked to explore remote beaches and mountains but didn't feel comfortable doing some things alone.

11 mos. ago I invited 8 singles to a BBQ at my house in Santa Fe and it has evolved into over 450 single people. I see that a lot of singles feel the way I, and that it seems to be common everywhere. Now I have developed some outstanding friends here and have lots of people to do activities with. So, I thought it might be an idea to connect with other singles when we go to Baja who perhaps felt like I did. It's always fun to meet good people.

Anyway, I'll be visiting first week of Nov. if anyone would like to talk about it send me a U2U message.

Fred - 10-4-2007 at 07:17 PM

Al..............I have been going down to Los Barriles alone for the last 15 years. I have met a lot of great couples and will continue to, but I would also like to meet some singles. After 6 months in Baja (Winter) then I travel on the Pacific Ocean, picking up HWY 1 above SF and head North. Only spend around 1 1/2 weeks at my home in Las Vegas. I guess you could say I am just a "Beach bum". I am not sure when I will leave South as while I was in Punta Banta this summer I blew out my hip and then while rehabbing I had a stroke. No I didn't drink the water. Probably not enough beer and t-kill-ya. But I did have a few rums. So, anyway this is what I am talking like yourself traveling down and letting nomads know when.

bajalera - 10-4-2007 at 07:19 PM

You got any guys who are older than dirt?

longlegsinlapaz - 10-4-2007 at 07:32 PM

Originally posted by bajalera
You got any guys who are older than dirt? know who

(Thank GAWD that B fella has a wife! Be just your luck he'd smoooze up to you!) ;)