
mulege weather ALOT cooler...

Bob and Susan - 10-8-2007 at 05:49 AM

pam in loreto had it a few days ago...

mulege's weather dropped dramaticly...

high 83 degrees in the daytime
low this morning 71 degrees

susan put a blanket on the bed last night...
we needed it...

almost time to break out the "jackets"...
if i can find them:lol::lol:

capt. mike - 10-8-2007 at 06:04 AM

Bob - get the outdoor fire pit ready, you'll need it!!

see you in a couple of days.

Mulegena - 10-8-2007 at 09:28 AM

Wow! What a dramatic shift in gears. Summer's over, heaven is truly here in Mulege now!

vandenberg - 10-8-2007 at 09:36 AM

Hey guys,
don't count your chickens yet.
Forecast is for much warmer weather later this week :(:(