
Rosarito Beach " SHARP " Cleanup a small success

QuePasaBaja - 10-8-2007 at 09:46 AM

The Sharp plant here in Rosarito beach held the annual beach cleanup. This usually, and again this year took place at the PeMex Beach in Colonia Reforma.

Last year they had more than 500 people in attendance, but this year, due to chilly weather, they only had about 300. Still a nice size pile of trash and about 12 tires were collected and then put in trucks to be dumped some place else.

After the clean up, from 8am to about 10:30, SHARP brought out food, and offered a nice meal to everyone in attendance.

The CEO of SHARP was on hand to help with the clean up, as well as shake hands and visit with the english speaking visitors.

Next year, if I get the notice soon enough, I will post here, so anyone that lives in the area, that would like to participate, can.

Photos will follow in a day or so.