

bajadock - 10-8-2007 at 04:21 PM

9/20/07 Moved in to new casa, no hot water, but do have a seat that has running water in it!

10/2 This load crossed border at 4PM....Luz verde

10/7 Final load at border at 10AM. All is sleepy at crossing...luz verde

3 more weeks of construction, but beverages are being served amidst dust!

DENNIS - 10-8-2007 at 05:03 PM

Good for you, Doc. Welcome home.

bienvenido a su casa

sylens - 10-8-2007 at 05:18 PM

hope to check out "the pub" one of these days.:biggrin:

you were lucky indeed with the green light. a couple of weeks ago we went to el otro lado where we bought a giant screen tv at san diego costco. got red light. :mad: bummer.

but the red light must have been stuck on, because there were several others pulled over and so we were waved on. :lol: pretty lucky smugglers we.:bounce:

Sallysouth - 10-8-2007 at 06:31 PM

Wow Doc! What an awesome view you have! I didn'y figure you were so high up on the hill.Now I know and hope to be able to visit your "Pub" someday soon.:bounce:

Lindalou - 10-9-2007 at 03:11 AM

That's beautiful Doc. Look's like a lot of hard work but well worth it.

Bajagypsy - 10-9-2007 at 05:05 AM


bacquito - 10-9-2007 at 06:30 AM

Look forward to a visit-how do you get there? Do you serve red wine?

bajadock - 10-15-2007 at 01:00 PM

1. Red wine and beer are usually available
2. Road to La Bufadora, km 17.5 at top of hill before decent down to La Buf
3. Hang a left at "Puerto Escondido" sign and head uphill on rugged dirt road
4. Whaddyathink of my barstools?

Paulina - 10-15-2007 at 01:07 PM

Originally posted by bajadock
..... Whaddyathink of my barstools?

If the table is too high for the chairs, then I think it is a fine example of 'Mexicaneering'. On the other hand, if you are used to pub guests that get a little tipsy in their bar stools, then weighing down their seats shows that you are an excellent host with their safety first in mind.


Sallysouth - 10-15-2007 at 01:13 PM

Doc, love your bsrstools but how does one "scoot up" to the bar?:spingrin: It appears as tho you may need a dishwasher also! How much do you pay?:tumble:

docsmom - 10-15-2007 at 09:30 PM

Congratulations on the realization of the first part of your dream!

Now, about the barstools and the bricks..... taller friends or taller barstools my friend! The current set-up looks kinda dangerous. I don't know what the liability laws in Baja are but anyone breaking their neck in your party zone will certainly be a buzz kill and you don't need that :) :) :) :)

Enjoy the day and the days to come Bajadock. I look forward to meeting you and enjoying it with you!

[Edited on 10-16-2007 by docsmom]

bajamigo - 10-15-2007 at 10:07 PM

I had the privilege of taking the nickel tour of the Pub, and Doc is too modest to say how magnificent it is. There are many unique and innovative touches, almost as impressive as the bloquestools.

While he remains currently Internet-deprived, he wanted me to pass along an invitation to all Nomads to attend the Premier Pacifico and Pozole Party, which will take place when the walk-in refrigerator is hooked up.

Paulina - 10-15-2007 at 10:24 PM

Walk-in refrigerator? You've got to be kidding, right? My house feels like one in the winter, block walls, tiled floors....


DENNIS - 10-15-2007 at 10:26 PM

Walk-in refer? That sounds like fun. I fell into my refrigerator once. Knocked off two of the shelves and had grocerys rolling all over the floor. Went to bed without fixing anything or closing the door and woke up to water all over the deck and a burned out compressor. I think I'd been to a party, or something.

Paulina - 10-15-2007 at 10:33 PM


I'm going to have to give you a time out from getting next to my fridge, and you'll probably be banned from the walk-in after he reads this.


DENNIS - 10-15-2007 at 10:40 PM

Oh, no......Not another time-out. And, I thought I was behaving myself.

bajarickster - 10-18-2007 at 08:13 AM

Bajadock, looks good, we'll be heading your way mid to late Nov and if offer is still open, we'll bunk a nite with you. I'll need good directions or maybe you can meet us somewhere in town and we can follow you. Will my 92 Cad lowrider make it up your hill? Love the bar stools.

Also do you have regular internet email or just thru Nomad?

Take care Bajarickster

bajamigo - 10-18-2007 at 08:45 AM

Not that I can speak for Doc, but your ride might have a tough time just making it over the speed bumps on the road from Maneadero. I'm pretty sure it would have little chance of negotiating the long dirt road up the hill to his pub.

bajadock - 10-18-2007 at 09:39 AM

Thanks, BA.
Barstool setup is my sense of adventure. The new friend who chose one of the shaky barstools enjoyed being waited on as she insisted she was not moving after the first glass of wine was quaffed.
Road up hill is a bit smoother this week as road has been filled in 80% of length with new dirt. Rickster's caddy will do just fine!
Hope is high, as my internet phone is working again and I also enjoy the wi-fi, coffee and staff at D'Volada on Reforma in Ensenada(thanks BajaGuy!). Should have tv and internet up and running at casa next week....
JUSTINTIME to see Indians(grew up in CLE) and Rockies(spent most of my life in Denver).
ALL NOMADS welcome!!!!!

bajamigo - 10-18-2007 at 12:27 PM

Except that the Rockies will be playing the Red Sox.

DENNIS - 10-18-2007 at 12:47 PM

In your dreams.

bajadock - 10-18-2007 at 01:37 PM

BB05 must love BA's imagination!!!

bajamigo - 10-18-2007 at 07:26 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
In your dreams.

I once dreamed the Sox were down 3-zip to the Yankees, and in an ending right of central casting, they won the next 4! But wait.......

DENNIS - 10-18-2007 at 07:33 PM

One mans dream is another mans nightmare.

Here's the rub:

Dave - 10-19-2007 at 09:43 AM

Sox 7- Wahoos 1

Originally posted by DENNIS
In your dreams.

For in that sleep of death what dreams may come.

bacquito - 10-19-2007 at 10:23 AM

Originally posted by bacquito
Look forward to a visit-how do you get there? Do you serve red wine?

Great-thanks for the directions and I look forward to a visit!