
Baja Wussies stay home!

Sharksbaja - 10-9-2007 at 11:27 AM

Has Baja become:

Scary, frightening, dangerous? :yes:
Friendly, welcoming, relaxing? :no:

It's a struggle, listen to your inner-self. Don't take our word for it! Last thang we need is a bunch of scared old ladies running around Baja. Gives us all a bad rep.:rolleyes:

Remember " Baja lesson #1" and have a good one.

Osprey - 10-9-2007 at 11:29 AM

Right on Sharks! As we used to say in the olden days "Better to have flunked your Wasserman than never to have loved at all."

Mango - 10-9-2007 at 11:33 AM

Life is the leading cause of death. That being said, it does taste better with lime. Enjoy what you got when you got it, don't let it sit around and get flat, there might not be another one in the cooler.

Phil S - 10-9-2007 at 11:39 AM

The world is not full of woosies. There are those who choose to NOT surf. Kayak, fish, Scuba, snorkel, drive narrow gravel streambeds & arroyos. Trample through trails lined with rattlesnakes. Maybe they prefer a camera in their hands. Perhaps just swimming along the coastline. Or even just sunbathing. Or perhaps they enjoy the friendship of their fellow campers. The world is not full of over overzelous adventurers, who "look forward" to every adventure around 'every corner'. Those that 'proceed with caution' in their trips to Baja I can't blame for their being concerned with what seems to be more criminal activities these days in Baja. IF it is too much for them, they should have the right to make their decision without criticism.
Different strokes for different folks. If they choose not to come down anymore, there still is Grand Canyon. Teton. Yellowstone, Yosemite, etc.
Never a dull time for even those that are just laid back, and don't want the risk.
Viva la "long life" without termoil!!!!!!

edinnopolo - 10-9-2007 at 11:41 AM

are these from the Wasserman test era :?::?:

Laurel&Hardy3224.gif - 34kB

Sharksbaja - 10-9-2007 at 11:48 AM

Ed, your avatar says it all!
Phil, it's clear you know the difference.:spingrin:
Some of those "woosies" would be just as happy at a Day's Inn in Anahiem tho it could be mo dangerous!;D

Al G - 10-9-2007 at 12:04 PM who your calling a woossie...I can get lost with the best...:biggrin:

Sharksbaja - 10-9-2007 at 12:12 PM


Yep, it's a big town!!! I just thought all the lost folks in Mulege ended up at the Jungla.


Nicole - 10-9-2007 at 12:30 PM

I always find it amusing to read posts like this...

I live in an EXTREMELY safe corner of the world and am very happy to do so except for the five months of winter when it is dark and dreary... not to mention down right cold!!!

I must say that Baja is an amazing place - full of wonder and delightfully friendly people, both from there and away. Whenever I hear of "danger" in Baja it mostly makes me sad because I think that the majority of people there and the majority of destinations are peaceful and welcoming. However, I think it is important to be aware of current danger "hotspots" and the best method I have found is for fellow Nomads to share their personal experiences.

I would hope that in doing so it would be received with thanks and used to limit exposure to potential harm. I am sure that everyone will agree that it is just plain foolish to run towards danger on purpose. Strategy is important. I will not avoid driving down with my 2-year-old daughter but always welcome advice on which is the safest and most pleasant route. Fear is a limiting thing, I would agree, but so is recklessness. Let's try striking a happy medium where possible. :tumble:

tripledigitken - 10-9-2007 at 12:50 PM

Well said Nicole.

It's all about "strateedrgery"!:biggrin:


What should be believed?

Sharksbaja - 10-9-2007 at 01:06 PM

Canadians I worry about. Maybe because it's really hard for some to understand(me too) all the violence down south and I don't just mean Baja. They aren't suppose to have guns down there. That's part of the problem. Not a whole lot of deterrent at street level, unless of course you break the law and own a gun. I think gun reform could be the answer.

There IS valuable news and experience here. I hesitate to believe all of it though. After all, sensationalists exist in many public forums. They get off on scaring, intimidating or otherwise frightening people. This is a good avenue for them. Many times these reports are unsubstantiated but a reader may find it easy to accept and believe. Once you plant a seed it's hard to erase in yer brain. True?

I'd just like people to understand that according to the "ComptonNomad";D forum this land to the south is relatively safe.

My point was obvious to some, save a few. Don't believe everything you hear or see. Just like the first two lines in this thread. That was the point. Thanks Nicole for taking the time to think.:light:
Yep, common sense might just save yer butt sometime.

[Edited on 10-9-2007 by Sharksbaja]

Frank - 10-9-2007 at 04:41 PM

The seed has been planted concerning the very northern end of Baja. I've been having a hard time justifing a few quick weekend getaways lately.

We would get a few days off and pop across the border for a quick overnight stay, just to relax. Now it seems the BS of extra security for the gringo truck {all I own, sorry} and everything else makes it not worth the hassle. I wish they would get there act together in Baja Norte, so I could spend some tourist dollars.

RonnieRockCod - 10-9-2007 at 06:34 PM

Osprey, I'm not sure there are many Nomads who are old enough, or lived enough, to know the meaning of a Wasserman Test. RRC.

[Edited on 10-10-2007 by RonnieRockCod]

Bob and Susan - 10-10-2007 at 05:27 AM

August von Wasserman, a German bacteriologist, developed a test to diagnose syphilis.

WassermanTest.jpg - 4kB

Eli - 10-10-2007 at 08:35 AM

Sharkes, I got to admit to having had a totally different take on what your bi line read, Baja woosies stay home. I thought, yeah, I am a woosie and it is really time for me to go home to Baja.

It is going North of the boarder that gives me the real woosies, it is really scary up there ya know.

Ah well, oh silly me!

Minnow - 10-10-2007 at 09:02 AM

Originally posted by Eli
Sharkes, I got to admit to having had a totally different take on what your bi line read, Baja woosies stay home. I thought, yeah, I am a woosie and it is really time for me to go home to Baja.

It is going North of the boarder that gives me the real woosies, it is really scary up there ya know.

Ah well, oh silly me!

Sara, nice to read a different perspective.:lol::lol: You are so right. The US is a downright scary place.

Eli - 10-10-2007 at 09:37 AM

Yeah, Minnow, I don't get it. I guess it is all where one is coming from, I am always amazed to read someone from a large U.S. city worrying about carjacking or any violence anywhere in Baja.

In all my years of traveling South of the boarder, the only time I ever got ripped off in a scary sort of way, as in someone entered into my room at a Travel Lodge in San Isidro Ca. and taking all my luggage while I was sleeping right next to it, yikes! It was in 1988, and I remember deciding to pay the extra bucks to sleep on the North side of the boarder because it would be safer. Oh well, silly me, when I told that story to my dad, he just chuckled and shook his head, he had done the same thing, been ripped off having had his car broken into at the same Motel many years before.

I donno, I am sure there are many, many people comfortable as all gidout with the helicopters flying over their head in Echo Park L.A. for example. Which by the way, I think if I were to try to live in L.A., that is most likly the niegborhood I would pick, it is real pretty, totally urban and reminds me of Mexico City, which I do like in small doses, but I really don't wanna go North anyway, home is Baja.

Just give me an isolated Baja beach with the full moon hitting the water at midnight and I am happy camper.

BajaDave - 10-10-2007 at 09:11 PM

Originally posted by Eli
Just give me an isolated Baja beach with the full moon hitting the water at midnight and I am happy camper.

That's what I'm talking about! Here's how that looks from my place, which I hope to get back to soon.

[Edited on 10-11-2007 by BajaDave]

[Edited on 10-11-2007 by BajaDave]

Moon on Water.jpg - 46kB

Sallysouth - 10-10-2007 at 09:26 PM

Hey Sara, That is kinda funny that you interprted the word "woosies" the way you did.Shows how much of a "Mexican" you really are! I am pretty sure the word was originally meant to be pronounced "wussies".Now I could be wrong but i sure don't think so!And you know that "wussies are supposed to be a kind of fraidy -cat, not able to handle tough situations,etc.( I did not look that up).That ,for sure ,my friend, does NOT include you!!!!:biggrin: I will be coming your way soon and will give you a call. No Wussies here!!!!:smug:(original post was spelled 'woosies')

[Edited on 10-11-2007 by Sallysouth]

Sharksbaja - 10-10-2007 at 11:49 PM

Can girls be wussies?:D I sure hope so!:spingrin:

They know who they are.;D;D;D;D;D

Sallysouth - 10-11-2007 at 09:55 AM

Sharks, Sure they can but you won't find any around me!! I don't "do" foo-foo chicks or wimmen.We are a tough lot(my daughters and I!)!

Eli - 10-11-2007 at 10:32 AM

Nice vision Dave, soon too, I will be sharing that view of the moon with you and all of Los Barriles. In many ways this has been a good trip, never miss summers heat at home, and there is much I love about Oaxaca, but alas it is time to come home where I belong.

Sally, hope to see you at the gallery, when are you coming down. Meanwhile, I expect there is always something to bring out the wussies in any of us, I can name many things that do it for me. I expect going Al otro lado or seeing a doctor are a couple at the top of the list for me.

Sharkes, is there a connotation to your defintion of wussie that I am not privy too??????

comitan - 10-11-2007 at 11:03 AM

Your Query of 'wussies' Resulted in 1 Matches
From The AND Dictionary
Displaying Items 1 through 1

(N Amer)
wusses, wussies
1. slang
A weakling; a feeble person.

Derivative: wussy

Gnome-ad - 10-11-2007 at 11:51 AM

Wussies can fly into SJD, have someone pick them up and take them to one of those fancy places that advertises with such slogans as "For those who never learned to share and don't intend to," or some such BS. Those wussies don't have a clue about Baja, but want to convert more of it to Cabo. Those wussies can stay home - wherever that is ...

Though I have my feeble moments, don't qualify as a wussie, yet.

Sharksbaja - 10-11-2007 at 01:16 PM

Originally posted by Eli

Sharkes, is there a connotation to your defintion of wussie that I am not privy too??????

No Sara. You got it. Wussies are wimps.......of either sex!

You may find them paying $15 for a marguerita in Cabo but you'll never find them eating at a taco stand.:rolleyes:

Sallysouth - 10-11-2007 at 08:02 PM

Heh heh, Goodone Sharks! I have to admit I have done the first once or twice but they were HUGE, and done the second, many, many times! Sara, I am hoping to get down there for Mi Ninietas 4th B-day the mid to end of November or longer. Don't know yet but will surely give you a shout one way or the other.Saludos all....Sally;)

BornFisher - 10-11-2007 at 08:27 PM

Right On!!! And I say all us tough guys should just cruise that north border road at 3AM, and take on those imaginary gang bangers!! Imagine thinking their guns could actually make us give up a wallet! I mean let`s just put our wives and children in the path of most resistance!! We`ll show them!!!
Or we can just sit somewhere, way down Baja way and b-tch and snivel!!

Bob H - 10-11-2007 at 08:37 PM

Originally posted by Eli
Just give me an isolated Baja beach with the full moon hitting the water at midnight and I am happy camper.

And another way to look at it.... we were in Bahia Concepcion, in Playa Coyote the last two nights.... no moon! The stars and the milky way were unreal.... we were just loving it.
Bob and Audrey H

Eli - 10-11-2007 at 11:28 PM

Sharks, glad to know that "I get it", sometimes I really do wonder ya know.

Sally, is that sweet baby already going to be 4? My. my, my, well, hopefully I'll see you soon, I hope, I hope.

Bob & Audry H. , Yes that perspective works also; I remember a few new moons at Coyote Bay, very nice, very, very nice indeed, we sure have been lucky to have experinsed them haven't we? I look forward to seeing big skies over the Sea of Cortez again real soon. Meanwhile, I will close my eyes now and see them in my minds eye, they are after all just wink and twinkle away when I look in there.

Buenas Noches, Sara

Sharksbaja - 10-11-2007 at 11:52 PM


remember a few new moons at Coyote Bay, very nice, very, very nice indeed, we sure have been lucky to have experinsed them haven't we?

This is what I'm talkin' about! You go girl! So many forget or fail to realize our fortunate place on this earth and our luck to be part of Baja. Those special moments along the bay gives a one that permanent "soul fix".