
World class golf course slated for Asuncion coastline

Sharksbaja - 10-11-2007 at 01:21 PM


Would it bother you? Curious if the locals would approve.

Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, or there goes the neighborhood!

[Edited on 10-12-2007 by Sharksbaja]

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DianaT - 10-11-2007 at 02:14 PM

Originally posted by Sharksbaja

Would it bother you? Curious if the locals would approve.

Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, or there goes the neighborhood!


Packing the Round-up for future insurance.


vandenberg - 10-11-2007 at 02:24 PM

Sign for your yard

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DianaT - 10-11-2007 at 02:40 PM

Originally posted by vandenberg
Sign for your yard


My favorite golf course was one they had in Calexico right next to the border fence---not a high fence. They finally had to close it because young boys from Mexicali would jump the fence, grab the golf balls and hop back over the fence. It was lots of fun for the boys. :yes::yes:


Diver - 10-11-2007 at 03:07 PM

So you don't ike the idea of an all-night driving range at your neighbor's ?? :biggrin:

Bajagypsy - 10-11-2007 at 03:10 PM

I'm thinking of not only an all-night driving range, diver, but an all-night disco as well. This is to allow the cruise ship passengers something to do of course!

I think we need to have a little talk

Dave - 10-11-2007 at 03:17 PM

Originally posted by Bajagypsy
but an all-night disco as well.

Diver and Gypsy

DianaT - 10-11-2007 at 03:19 PM

And you two wanted to buy San Roque---cannot even imagine what you would put there----Club Med perhaps?

You both need to be back down there. Obviously being up north is affecting both of you. :spingrin::spingrin::tumble::spingrin:


Iflyfish - 10-11-2007 at 04:43 PM

It would depend on how much up and down there was, my hip is bad.


shari - 10-11-2007 at 07:57 PM

Do golfers buy funky jewellery???? the sand trap would be b-tchin!

BajaWarrior - 10-11-2007 at 08:11 PM

I'd like to "adopt a hole", say, the 9th?

How much would that cost?

[Edited on 10-12-2007 by BajaWarrior]

Diver - 10-11-2007 at 08:45 PM

I am having a 2 for 1 special; holes 9 and 10 for one cheap price !
Mail your check to me at PO Box 420, Bahia Asuncion, BCS. :lol:

Feel free to charge for "gorilla" golf at our place !
Players can loft free "balls" leftover from Trotter's dogs, into the ocean ! :lol:
I am trying to get Pompano to come down as our "pro". :biggrin:

Can we plug the halogen lights in at your place ? :biggrin:


DianaT - 10-11-2007 at 11:03 PM

Sure, plug in those big lights at our place---with the amount of electricity we have, the lights should last about 3 1/2 minutes and the whole town will be dark. :P:P

Fully lighted golf course with jewelry stands and an all night disco, and we were concerned what the International Companies might build? :spingrin:

Diver, golfing with those doggie deposits in the afternoon wind. could be real interesting. :yes:

Baja Warrior, Diver has the address wrong---just send your checks to the Yellow Gringo House, Bahia Asuncion---everyone knows where it is.

[Edited on 10-12-2007 by jdtrotter]

bajadogs - 10-11-2007 at 11:28 PM

I'd rather have a skateboard park than a golf course any day. Period! Exclamation point!

Pescador - 10-12-2007 at 06:26 AM

Shoot, in Baja, you just have to look around a little bit for some great championship golf courses. In the small fishing village of San Bruno (which is just south of Santa Rosalia) we have a 9 hole course that was built in the desert by a couple of golf nuts who live here. For greens, oops, I mean to say, for browns they smoothed out the sand in a sort of circle and put a cup made out of pvc pipe that was ravaged after the hurricane. For flags on each hole, they used the white fiberglass flags that children use on bicycles with the flourescent flag. Each T-box is carefully marked with an arrow shaped 2 x 4 with the approximate yardage to the hole. I have actually seen a good drive hit a rock and bounce back behind the person driving his T shot. The other day, one of the local golfers was playing and he hit a really beautiful T shot and we all saw it land but when we got there we could not find the ball at all. We all looked for at least a half an hour and were about to give up when the golfer in question was swinging his five iron and just happened to clip an old plastic quart oil bottle. Sure enough the ball had broken the bottle which was brittle due to sitting in the sun for a long time and the ball was resting on the inside of the bottle. He asked for special compensation to be awarded a hole in one but the best deal anyone would allow was a bogey.
So without getting politically sensitive here, we are able to play golf to our hearts content, we are not wasting any water, and figure that we have adjusted to our environment quite well.

Diver - 10-12-2007 at 06:58 AM

Originally posted by bajadogs
I'd rather have a skateboard park than a golf course any day. Period! Exclamation point!

No worries BD, my son wouldn't have it any other way !
Maybe an all-night ramp with disco lights and music !! :biggrin:

Miniature golf, skateboarding, disco and Karaoke !! :lol:
Celegrate, celebrate....skate to the music !! lalala..


woody with a view - 10-12-2007 at 07:03 AM

it will be the second skate pool in baja.

the "showbowl", BCN.....:o

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Paladin - 10-12-2007 at 08:55 AM

Asuncion Golf & Country Club

Looks good to me

Like a new Pebble Beach

Special rates for Nomads

We'll start with the BCS Senior Championship

Got to see if my trophy case has room.


DianaT - 10-12-2007 at 09:30 AM

Boy, are you really in trouble now that you added the picture of the proposed golf course----you just gobbled up our place, Gypsy's and Diver's property and Shari's new casita. I think Shari will end up, however, with a home right on the course.

The beach in that area is known as Pig Beach because there used to be a pig farm there----I hear they are coming back to reclaim their land right after the golf course is built. :yes:

Hey Diver, why reinvent the wheel? We already have that newly painted disco and there is vacant land near it---perfect place for the skateboard and family amusement park----all over the hill and on the other end of town. :yes::yes:


Diver - 10-12-2007 at 09:40 AM

Originally posted by jdtrotter
We already have that newly painted disco and there is vacant land near it---perfect place for the skateboard and family amusement park----all over the hill and on the other end of town. :yes::yes:

WOW, I'll have to bring my dancing shoes !
Celebrate, to the music !! :biggrin:
Looks like I might own the "9th Hole" lounge and restuarant !? :lol:


Halboo - 10-12-2007 at 09:54 AM

Years ago, when man cursed and beat the Earth with sticks, it was called witchcraft. Today it's known as golf. (Anon)

Golf is a good walk spoiled (Mark Twain)

Golf is a day spent in a round of strenuous idleness (William Wordsworth)

A golf course outside a big town serves an excellent purpose in that it segregates, as though a concentration camp, all the idle and idiot well-to-do (Osbert Stillwell)

If you want to take long walks, take long walks. If you want to hit things with sticks, hit things with sticks. But there is no excuse for combining the two and putting the results on TV. Golf is not so much a sport as an insult to lawns(National Lampoon)

Give me a man with big hands, big feet and no brains and I'll make a golfer out of him(Walter Hagen)

Golf is a lot of walking, broken up by disappointment and bad arithmetic(Anon)

There is one thing in this world that is dumber than playing golf. That is watching someone else playing golf. What do you actually get to see? Thirty-seven guys in polyester slacks squinting at the sun. Doesn't that set your blood racing?(Peter Andrews)

I fish therefore I do not golf.(Billy Connolly)

Modern Golf courses are a scourge.:fire:

Sharksbaja - 10-12-2007 at 11:29 AM


Hey, I'm just helping promote the place. Just think Diane, you're sitting on the 9th hole. That's gotta be worth something.:lol: Remember also the dogpoop chipping you'll be able to do.

Halboo, I like yer style.:lol:

shari - 10-12-2007 at 01:01 PM

Now skateboard park I LIKE! maybe Diane could get another donation campagne bout a mystery nomad putting up a challenge...say trippple the donations AND we'll keep it a secret to make it even more famous! leak the coordinates to David K and watch the crap fly! Put Asuncion on the extreme sports map.

Fairway lots ?

tortuga - 10-12-2007 at 06:25 PM

Shari ,
Are there fairway lots for sale ! If so how much ! I'll take two !

Bajagypsy - 10-12-2007 at 10:50 PM

Mr. Gypsy has decided instead of a disco, it should be a lady's bar (read rub & tug!!!) :yes::lol::lol::spingrin: